TC 09-06-95 Cable Television Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting
September 6, 1995
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by chairperson Mike Wincn.
Present: Donna Poggi, Laird Huntsman, Paul Rodwick (arrived 7:05 p.m.), Ernest Tsui, J.M.
TCI: Kathi Noe, Bruce Dinger
Cmests: Linda G-rodt, Daniel Wade and Leonard Batchelor
Donna Poggi made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Winch seconded and the motion
passed unanimously.
Oral: Linda G-rodt told the committee that her car had been broken into while parked at De
Anza College--the first time in 10 years of parking on the campus.
- Written: Donna Krey told the committee she would leave a copy of "The Journal for the
Alliance of Community Media" (formerly NFLCP) newsletter for anyone interested in looking at it.
A letter was received from The Better Part acknowledging the committee for the recent grant
they received. They are able to provide videotapes to the Library each week for check-out. Krey said
she will include a copy of the letter in the committee's packet next month.
Review of billing procedure for unincorporated areas - Kathi Noe explained that there was
some confusion around TCI's rate increase for unincmporated areas in Santa Clara County. She said
an audit is being performed in order to determine which addresses belong in the city limits or the
county. She said it would take approximately three months to finish the audit, at which time she would
give the committee an update.
Schedule visit to TCI in San Jose - Since three members of the committee had been on a tour
of the TCI facilities, it was decided that the two newest members would make arrangements to visit the
facility at their convenience.
TCI customer service overview: Bruce Dinger introduced himself to the committee as the
customer relations manager for TCI in charge of the South Bay and the Peninsula area. He said his job
includes dealing with complalnts made by customers which aren't addressed in a timely fashion, as
well as any complaints referred by the cities. He also acts as a facilitator between various TCI
departments and customers.
Discussion of cable-related educational issues: Krey reported that she and Ernest Tsni have
been involved in meetings with the school districts regarding the second educational channel, to be
housed at Cupertino High School. Both De AnTs College and The City Channel have generously
~ donated equipment which will be used to get the project going. The committee for the channel
proposed that it be modeled after Sunnyvale's successful educational channel. The Sunnyvale channel
has received a lot of support fi'om the business community, TCI and the school district. The
programming is very good and is available to all the residents in Sunnyvale. The Cupertino channel
would be focused on the elementary and high school districts.
There will be a meeting tomorrow with the educators and TCI to try and finalize the details.
The on-air target date is Nov. 1. The channel will be shared with one of TCI's home shopping
channels. Ron Fish asked who the director of the Cupertino channel will be. Krey said the high school
dislxict has a part-time person who handles the Sunnyvale channel. They can have this position
become full-time and the person will be able to handle both channels. The district is also ready to fund
any equipment that may be needed, as well as staffing. TCI will provide technical assistance. The
channel placement will be 63 with broadcast hours being 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Promotion of grants program: Krey said this item was placed on the agenda because the
deadline for grant applications is Oct. 15 and she thought the subcommittee would like to discuss how
the grants program will be promoted. Poggi said a letter would be mailed to each access producer and
Rodwick will attend the next access producers' meeting, which is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 20.
Rodwick said he will provide information for Fish to put on a slide on the access channel.
Discussion of expanded role of committee: Krey asked the committee members to think
about changing the name of the committee to Telecommunications Commission. She di.~ixibuted
copies of the ordinance establishing the Cable TV Advisory Committee for review and said the
language should be updat~xl to reflect the changes taking place in the telecommunications venue. She
- has talked to the city manager about expanding the role of the committee and he agreed that the first
step toward broadening the scope of the committee was taken when a telecommunications policy was
Rodwick suggested that the new commission could take on the role of an ombudsman, looking
at technology trends or other trends within the indu~ixy so that the commlmity can become educated on
telecommunications issues in advance. Krey agreed with him and said the Cupertino Scene and the
local media could be used to assist with educating the public.
This item will be continued to the next meeting. Committee members were asked to bring back
suggestions and comments at that time.
De Anza College: Fish distributed copies of his access director's report. He said public access
submitted 20 entries in the WAVE awards. This year, for the first time, he offered to pay for two
entries for any producer who was a finalist. In the past, he paid for one entry per producer. He also
said he will be going to Sacramento tomorrow to pick up 1500 recycled tapes. This will be a cost
savings for public access. The remote studio is almost complete. It should be ready for production in
mid-September. He wants to find a community event to try it out on. Krey informed him of the
upcoming 40th birthday party for the city on Oct. 7. A new Chief Engineer has been hired by De
Anza. He will be supporting the TV Center as well as the Advanced Technology Center. Wincn
suggested that he be invited to attend a .future committee meeting. Training classes for new access
producers are held Wednesday nights fxom 6 to 8 and 8 to 10.
Mayor's Breakfast: Wincn distributed copies of his report on the August Mayor's breakfast
meeting with commissioners. Poggi volunteered to attend the September meeting.
-- TCI: Kathi Ncc informed the committee that TCI is bringing in a representative from the
California Cable Television Association to give an overview of the industry and where it's headed on
Sept. 26. This meeting is not related to the franchise renewal. The division vice president will be
involved as well as some other people from the division office. ICrey asked if any member wanted to
-- represent the committee at this meeting on Sept. 26 at 2 p.m. Winch volunteered to be the
representative. He will report back at the next meeting.
Noe distributed copies of TCI's monthly report. She also presented the agreed upon lang-oge
for the design of a new report. The subscriber statistics will continue to be provided, as well as phone
calls, the number received and the percentage answered within 30 seconds, which are in concert with
the FCC and NCTA customer service standards. These standards are reported to the NCTA on a
quorterly basis and Krey will receive a copy of these reports as well. The monthly report will also
include a total number of request for service and installation and the percentage of those requests
completed. Noe also said she will provide a list of the number, dates and times of outages affecting
five or more subscribers, and the time it takes to complete those repairs. Also, the summary of
complaints showing the numbers and types of complaints will be included. Dinger is working on
breaking the types of complaints out into more specific categories, including an attitude and
commitment complaint summary. The detail on city complaints will continue to be provided to Krey.
Noe said she hopes to start the new report next month.
She distributed an announcement from TCI about entering into the telephone business. The
PUC recently passed interim rules that allows that begLnning the first of next year.
City of Cupertino: Krey said the city and TCI are working hard to finalize the franchise
agreement. The deadline is Oct. 14. The hope is that only one more meeting will be necessary in order
to finalize the agreement.
Krey will be attending the NATOA conference in New Mexico at the end of this month. She
will bring back with her information pertinent to the committee.
- The City Channel will be doing election programming this year. This will include two-minute
platform statements on each candidate, as well as "Candidate Q & A," involving two reporters, one
from the San Jose Mercury and the Cupertino Courier, discussing issues with each individual
candidate. The League of Women Voters will sponsor a candidates' forum in conjunction with the
Chamber of Commerce. This is scheduled for Oct. 10 and The City Channel will cover this event as
well Also, election night tabulations will be broadcast.
There will be a 50s-themed party following the community parade on Oct. 7 in celebration of
the incorporation of Cupertino as a city in Oct. 1955. The parade begins at 9 a.m. and finishes at
approximately 10 a.m. The party will take place at the Civic Center Plaza.
Rodwick made a motion to adjourn at 8:30 p.m.; Huntsman seconded and the motion passed
unanimously. The next meeting will be held Oct. 4, 1995, at 7 p.m.
City Clerk (~ C