TC 03-01-95 Cable Television Advisory Committee
Regnlar Meedng
March 1, 1995
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by chairperson Mike Wincn.
Present: Donna Poggi, J.M. Winch, Paul Rodwick, Ernest Tsui
Absent: Laird Huntsman
Staff: Donna Krey, Laura Newman
De Anza College: Ron Fish
Guests: Linda Grodt
Donna Poggi made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Paul Rodwick seconded
and the motion passed unanimously.
Presentation from Sam MacNeal: Sam MacNeal was absent from this meeting. Donna
Krey will contact him and ask him if he wants to appear before the committee at its next meeting
or if be wants to submit a written report.
Report on insurance for access producers/equipment: This item was continued to
next month's meeting due to the absence of Laird Huntsman.
Report from grants subcommittee: Poggi reported that she and Rodwick had reviewed
the current grants guidelines and procedures. They determined that some changes would be
necessary. One possibility was to have one annual grant campaign. They also wanted to include
the priorities for grant approval in the guidelines. Poggi said an explanation of the accounting
requirements would be included in the guidelines. Rodwick and Poggi both agreed that a pro-
active approach should be used to encourage applicants, including attending a public access
producers meeting. Winch asked Grodt to provide a list of expenses for an average show which
could assist the cowmi~tee in determining what kinds of things the grants could be used for.
Also, the subcommittee will contact former CATVC member Len Batchelor for historical
background. A draft of the revised guidelines and procedures will be available for review by the
committee at its next meeting.
Fees for Alternative Cable Programmers (Mayor Dean's reques0: Krey pointed out
the two documents which she had included in the committee's agenda packet as samples of what
Mayor Dean was requesting from the CATVC. Both documents addressed how to maintain the
.... equivalem of the franchise fees currently received from TCI as new cable providers enter the
market. She distributed an updated version of the Joint Telecommunications Group position
paper. Ernest Tsui and Winch will put together a draf~ recommendation to present to the
committee at its next meeting.
City of Cupertino: Krey info~med the committee that she is currently working on the
1995-96 budget figures. She reminded the committee that its funding is based on a percentage of
the ~anchise fees received from TCI, and because there are two different systems in the city,
there are two different franchise fees. The franchise fee is divided up four different ways: 35
percent to De Ao?a College for its public access operation; 17.5 percent to the CATVC; 17.5 to
the government access channel; the rest is placed in a reserve fund. Some oftbe reserve fund has
been made up from money that the committee has not spent during each fiscal year. Last year
the city council passed a resolution that provides for distribution of funds from the reserve fund if
it has reached a certain amount. Krey said most oftbe reserve fund has been used for attorney's
fees during franchise negotiations, as well as for recent FCC rate regulation work and
telecommunication talks.
She explained that the budget for De Anza College is distributed among the fixed assets,
professional services and information services line items, approximately $40,000.
The materials and supplies, postage, printing, conferences, memberships and grants line
items are the committee's only discretionary items. For example, if the committee requested that
the grants line item be increased from $2,000 to $5,000, the money would have to come from one
of the other line items.
~ Krey said she presented a report to the city council last month about the Form 1200s from
TCI (the basic rate justification forms), which the council approved and signed. She said she
polled some of the surrounding cities and found that Cupertino has one of the lower basic cable
rates. She also gave an update to the council on franchise negotiations. A counter proposal for
TCI's franchise agreement has been prepared and will be sent off to TCI in the next few days.
Negotiations are expected to resume following TCI's perusal of the counter proposal.
April 1 is the deadline for the review of TCI's proposal for second and third quarter rate
increases. Also, another FCC form from TCI was received today which is the annual iustallation
and equipment adjustment. After a quick review of this form, it appears TCI has been
overcharging for equipment and installation. She will present this information to the council at
its March 20 meeting and ask council to agree with the findings that rates have to be reduced on
installation and equipment charges.
Winch presented an idea which he thought could assist TCI's distribution of bills. This
would involve using bar codes on each envelope for a quicker, more efficient way of processing
mail. Krey will forward a copy of the memo to Kathi Noe for her information.
Winch gave a quick summary of the recent mayor's breakfast meeting with commission
chairpersons. He asked the members if they each wanted to take turns attending these meetings
and the consensus was that they would attend. The next person from this committee to attend
will be Donna Poggi.
De Anza College: Fish distributed copies of his director's report. He told the committee
that he had enlisted the city attorney's assistance with HT Electronics, the company who sold a
.~-- piece of equipment that never worked properly (an editor). He will provide a copy of the letter
written by the city attorney at the next meeting.
.~--. Krey told Fish to provide her with a list of equipment which he wants to purchase during
the next fiscal year. This will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.
TCI: Krey distributed copies of TCI's report which she received via fax earlier in the
day. Kathi Noe was unable to attend the meeting. Winch said he would ask Noe to provide the
numbers for December and February at the next meeting.
Rodwick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 p.m.; Tsui seconded and the
motion passed unanimously. The next meeting will be held April 5, 1995 at 7 p.m.