TC 01-04-95 Cable Television Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting
January 4, 1995
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by chairperson Laird Huntsman.
Present: Laird Huntsman, Carol Marble, Donna Poggi, $.M. Winch
Absent: Jane Chiavacci
Staff: Donna Krey, Laura Newman
TCI Staff: Kathi Noe
De Anza College: Ron Fish
Guests: Linda Grodt, Sam MacNeal, Len Batchelor, Daniel Wade
Donna Poggi made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Mike Wincn seconded and the'
motion passed unanimously.
Oral: None.
Written: None.
Report on insurance for access producers/equipment: This item was continued to next
month's meeting.
TCI: Kathi Noe distributed copies of TCI's monthly status report. The update on letters of
complaint from TCI subscribers was continued to next month's meeting.
De Anza College: Ron Fish informed the committee that he is temporarily the operations
manager as well as public access director for the TV Center. Dave Barney has been re-assigned as the
Media/Technology contact for the college.
Fish distributed copies of his access director's report and pointed out that there will be a live
Bingo game January 30 at 8 p.m. on Channel 16. He also reported there will be 12 shows entered for
the upcoming BACE Awards. Several live shows have been added to the access channel's lineup.
Krey requested Fish send her a copy of De Anza's budget.
City of Cupertino: Krey reported a high level of frustration among the various cities regarding
the FCC regulations. New forms and notices of rate increases are delivered just about every other
week. The FCC is changing things all the time which causes the cities difficulty in regulating TCI.
She said there is still some minor infotxl~ation needed in order to finish reviewing the Form 1200s,
which establish the basic service rate for cable. Once that information is received, the city is prepared
to sign off on the 1200s. The next step will be to look at a proposed increase to the basic rate for the
second and third quarters, as submitted by TCI and authorized by the FCC. The FCC has several
applications from cities requesting that they be de-certified. There is a lot of paperwork involved in the
process. She said once competition begins, the city will no longer be authorized to regulate rates.
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Krey announced the annual commissioners dinner will be hcld February 3 and distributed
invitations to each of the commissioners. She also said there are seven applicants who will be
interviewed on January 10 for the three openings on this committee.
I-NET/Educational: Marble said she talked to Adrienne Mocker of TCI about the marketing
campaign that was held last October and November which involved TCI donating up to $5 for each
installation of cable and $2 for hooking up again. TCI raised $13,738 during this campaign and with
these funds, they contacted school districts in San Mateo County and Santa Clara County and urged
them to apply for a grant to attend the J.C. Sparkman Center for Educational Technology. This center
is one of the leading educational facilities in the U.S. There will be six teachers selected from
approximately 18 applicants, one from Fremont Union High School District and one from Cupertino
Union School District. The cost to send a teacher to the center is $2,000, and with the money that is
lef~ over, TCI will donate TVs and VCRs to the other schools who applied but were not selected.
Krey reported that she had a meeting with representatives from De Anza College, Fremont
Union High School District, and the Cupertino Union School District regarding the second educational
channel. They were in agreement that a second educational channel is needed. Daryl Henderson was
going to provide some available chaunels for placement of the second educational channel. Another
meeting with the same representatives is scheduled for later this month.
The committee thanked Carol Marble for her three years of service to the committee. Marble
said she really enjoyed her time on the committee and her work with the educators.
Marble made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m.; Poggi seconded and the motion
passed unanimously. The next meeting will be held on February 1, 1995.