FSP 03-18-2014 City of Cupertino Fiscal Strategic Plan Committee Minutes March 18, 2014 .1. CALL TO ORDER At 3:00 p.m. Kristina Alfaro called the meeting to order at Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A, Cupertino, CA. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Carol Atwood, Marls Santoro, Gilbert Wong, Timm Borden, David Brandt, Kristina Alfaro and Aarti Shrivastava Absent: Guests: 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -May 6, 2013 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -None. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS-None. 6. OLD BUSINESS -None 7. NEW BUSINESS A.FY2014-15 Fee Schedule Committee recommended bringing option C (Schedule A based on CPI and Schedules B-D based on Labor Costs and Schedule E based on market study)to Council. In addition the committee recommended bringing to Council a request for.an additional $200,000 to be included as part of the FY 2014-15 budget for a comprehensive fee study that is reoccurring every 7 years. B.FY2014-15 Revenue expenditure recommendations San Tose Water lease appraisal-RECOMMENDATION TO REMOVE/DO NO PURSUE Dog/cat licensing-amnesty program in conjunction with the dog park opening ACTION ITEM: CAROL ATWOOD TO PROVIDE MORE INFORMATION REGARDING WHAT IS AMNESTY? Disaster Preparedness Coordinator for all 5 west side cities and Regional EOC ACTION ITEM: REMOVE BOTH ITEMS FROM LIST, THESE WILL BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE DISASTER COUNCIL WITH A RECOMMENDATION OF GENERAL DISSATISFACTION WITH THE DISASTER PROGRAM AND TO NOT SIGN THE DRAFT MOU FOR DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AS PROPOSED. City Vehicles-lease or bU -ACTION ITEM: CONTINUE TO PURSUE, KRISTINA ALFARO TO WORK WITH PUBLIC WORKS AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS STAFF TO ANALYZE THE MOST COST EFFECTIVE METHOD OF PROCURING VEHICLES. Policy to drop fiber whenever our streets are cut This item has been removed from discussion by Public Works. Policyon city-wide fee increases,including transaction fees to pay for new software ACTION ITEM: PURSUE FURTHER WILL BE INCLUDED AS PART OF THE SCOPE OF A NEW COMPREHENSIVE FEE STUDY IN FY 2014-15 IF APPROVED AS PART OF THE FY14- .15 PROPOSED BUDGET Investigate LAFCO idea of taking over the Rancho Rinconada Recreation Center in exchange for a 99 year lease of the Lawrence/Mitjy linear park. ACTION ITEM: REMOVE ITEM Pursue partnerships with CUSD, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources, FUHSD and others ACTION ITEM:REMOVE ITEM Do we need hard lines anymore? ACTION ITEM: DEFER TO CITY MANAGER Re-open the library lease in conjunction with analysis of an expanded facility. ACTION ITEM: PURSUE FURTHER, CAROL ATWOOD TO PROVIDE DATA ON HOW THE CITY'S CONTRACT DIFFERS FROM CONTRACTS THE COUNTY HAS WITH OTHER CITIES Storm Drain fee increase ACTION ITEM: CONTINUE TO PURSUE ADD TO GODBE SURVEY 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. KF 4 ; kristina Alfaro, Inter m Administrative Services Director