CC Exhibit 08-18-15 Item #19 VTA Plan 2040 projectsc � �Ir�lrs �-iy Caltrain Capacity Expansion —Santa Clara County Portion Includes: Additional electric cars to fully convert diesel fleet and expand • • car trains. System upgrades to support higher frequencies Station improvements for longer platforms, level boarding and access upgrades. Price: $500 Million (pending confirmation/update from CalTrain) ft 12 - C, f ; * Ck!_r.m oln h JrU, "%Nod A Ai A Rod Diridon: The. county's troll+ Santa Clara County's tight rail sys- tem OffiCiaay opened FriAay. What fot- laws is an edited transcript of a con- verz;atifm uith Santa Clara County Su- pervisor Rod Diridor, a lead;TLg advocaw of mam transit. Q- 17be north portion of the Guadalupe C Light Rail System opened Fri- or,- ollll(� day, with even Its advocates expecting f ,, 'T - little ridership for more than three years until the south portion opens. Oszensibly, . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1 • the reason for opening now was to save money on a leasing arrangement to pay for the ears. In fact, when you subtract the -expense of opening early from the savings, which were greatly reduced by the failure of the car supplier to deliver .some ears, will them be any savings? Dirldon: The projection is that there will continue to be savings. And there is more than money at Issue hers . he n!5i z WO line Probably Wff ifdflft - J, ut it will give an opportunity for the Y /,agency to operate the systern, maintaining ,J scheduled service and with crowds. See- ond, it's only going to be about SIX months Pefore the d� tw�n Ta portion goes Into operation;-and at that point we will - begin to carry a substantial load, es Unlat- ed between 5,000 and 0,000 per day. N It also gained us between $150,000 and county would have bought into 110t raft if, :an underpass on Fint Street at 1 $175,000 per car [under the lease arrange- people had understood that the Lost would Southern pacific: fxacks, and a few oil ment] on the 30 plus cars that we wilt be higher And the ridership lower than the "things. That cost 330 million- About : have in service before the end of the year. public was originally told? million Is for more mlimgerlaent expew Qv Wouldn't you have had a --ongiderable Dlridon: You have to go back and core Unalati4dpated delays, especially the pi savings just by not running trolleys until Your fluestiOn We Presented InfOrma- burst Neighborhood suit and the ashes you could open the transit Mau? �--t tion that W_- m-epared bV techru-c-.1 e--,- -,GntrVv__.. = F-1 , hz 3y a onlifitmicatio Ij Dft4dow. Not according to the tectualep! best Pertsr the technical experts that tW ccost as 130 mil1lion. pcfazple who have been adyish They ( Urban Mass Transit Administration could this Is a to W- of 3120 million rnore. I indicate that here die —re some sizt�stau- ._We_ha(fh0__ -Nd- uon vim" Ws not overruns, tial savings from the 30 can that do go _�he estimates on 1711 pLr_-ost. I don't )WOW Q: Net the Inaceuram estimates into revenue _wxwce. We of course will w e ri ership is going to be, rWerddp and end raise the questiom have a cause of action against the supplier except Lhat 1know -4ventually its going to why the public AbouldF believe elected a on the other cars so we will ultimately be very substantial, as this county moves; gials or U-muit experts oeit time when recoup the equivalent of 50 ears. into the 21st century, try to sell another kind of transit? 1 think it will pay off in a smoother � Uet!s talk aboot the numbem OrIW-- Diridow If there was an intent to transition to the mall! overation when it '-fly You -M dw light rag would have fael,.n that might be the case- but I di (lp,_ in M year and i _0 Lqjtj sooth..Ih, 40,000 riders a day by 19% think the: been arkV Intent to dew-ivt averation when It oDel-_ = 1904 m 91. Uridon: Tie technical � did this project 111ere have been radiate Q; And tbft you And other public oM changing dMuMtars_,%. Wf_.O w." to V Cis" Um tuf it wbW4 Save 4i,00 riders that Measure A was going to be adou (Bevond the -turn oi by 1992- Now _16u* king &_yoa *Ink it will - and an of I sudden we W�Wd have ' 90 s "le before it UA 46,60i rwe"T Dirldow don't relief to o4r serious traffic congest the century. we can't I know bpw to gum !hAL probleMS •,-Wgti a ftiewjay extension I build more filginways The technical experts $d1cated that Once-, the P-J--t pwetr2tad the market,.tbere -U a c-a"nence 1 think the pal rftolgaiwa- that we're trying to face ul because we don't have would be 40,000 riders, Sinft then MOMU-- the fact At we've got a tmuspor-Al A waa, adoptod, way 15 Is 90ft to 90 crisis. W :2 using the best techniques arty more dirt to pave. I Prov1E_ gal after highway 1-m J meal, dare going to go 11L Thu" WM taft IWV! tr -let up to It AM usin. g the I have the load m transportation probably -up to num we Qr- L -4 go back to the latata" in a Q; You're Saying 1990 or '91. We thought, the turn of the century. Beyond the turn of our a -1 reporting $Wf has 19and i The Presently projected Lornpletion date the century we can't build any more high- much •4 the inereaft W.4% due not to 0 !or the "nth line wits now late 1991, ways because we. don't have y mm dirt. tap 4-- Apimeut amt, but- to UAd mat Dh*W(= No. The late 1991 or '93 oomple- to Dave. 75zz - - � A- ;z,_- f 170111d `mUi'gm6 Ja lff= Who generated the 1�; tion date would only occur if we bad to do 1-, 4"Al the variolos trudles, espev some kind of redesign. Wel,.re daujitel- b--& to reach cap eft in the tarry ypor-t-air-Ay f !6e _x2-eItzbe 4. .Row lid tip a shifted all at the construction; we've re- the 2:,st centurj m gw% g fees get M U.- beyond What quft-ed work (in Saturday; we're going to Q: !low Malay idders do Yom p4,Y by orti -ally aafldpated an thi, proj,_r save some time on the asbestos stuffy, 1992. the year tt -w4w rnppooed go have I _-Wow First, I believe that the cons app I arent.y, oeeause we're finding only 10;0011? Ing —,- were aladercalculated In atteu tiny portions of asbestos and we"ll be at)le BL4 = 1 cars awy go with what the tag = allfain the federal assista nce. to truncate, that study earlier than ecppt_ technical people have Indicated. The new exa 4e, we began by asking for a So we have some potential of ac!ftwI1v t8tiffiatiii iFe- that wher ttgoeg into opera- Per, contingen" funcL The federal i -down finishing the project before the end of lion It should be em-ring about 12,000 erffr tai that fin a I pert 1990, That's if everything gcx!s perfectly riders a day. mwzt.. --I fund slid required several, fight. On this project that's been rare, but Q: What aixmt tf r? Grfgh%*Ay, tW er Jos, At flae outset the crg)y ' we have to try. yr w,,()nch1-j lelay is I light---" System rejected to f:t,,r, -Tw %,,-,d bae e-acne', the 11• .n a ck illir, ��us lost, 9M Willitm. �N- PV� Ule r_�,rT"an 'Vi Q, Both the ridership projeco(mm alai! the 1501) atillian, ,rmr. -,-stLinutes that y(m :kad e)th"r offivialm cirl'dw, 'l le -lins. W-W San Jose 1vle-:�n Timm,,!3v'. c�* " are on to k rem vet at the fare box? ridon 1 don't think I've seen any We're not building for chanse-A estir1ales frorn rue Olt �1� - mati�s, — g5 pereent and we ion - the neap term future - that to 75 gereertt.'fat's not di u[rnilar to gal► ;Diego_ San Diega is getting between 7a J R nod - appreciated for the next 1 or-20 years. But r r Yeats from iv " r dy' in t get onto system is :day Vow: tint ,rind VU .mot =t, bra g cost out of the fare isnx_ Do you rely berme That it=s 116&i to ga 75 ant at the lose box befaft the turn of the Mary? Dirldm- i think that it lasa the ewdsy of tiv&maly getting 75 percent of its �,o op ;ating cost o of the tare t , Nhen it pewtra¢� the Market fully and- when We haute it well Litt_ egratet3 into the Other - tr jj s tem that are in ­ ally I g d A thi a- tlf1�I steed . � I n e a point hem � made 30 were not r ornebo . good . a h Yor the heal =tom a W:I serve the Iy`� Ora r&ev ' c €iiaes€uuu ir1 tit rein _ A133 a3F€ But we7 rc -di�y P'i !t hat s � s ah about k 9 rAL- _Yp Za' ieJOAKe 'fit y � f 9�G1 ' asi , Q s little � t7 f Of in 1RA going- tt-) u sna e a . ±o _ who�t yqu would lfjea d h for- ' `2�.7�t �,+�"{� - gained u''lfii E "�"rzi:%�Z`2 3 building ?.. t -'in zniaSRw1n ��1/,J Project wem nn &. more liar -ly, we Sect �� egg i ,u # e 'read'' Morse Problems will. it ths:a we Could 3.- :iri�i €ir 11s�;arxi i€1g �g s.�-au l -ard have an ffie w�� S �t ma rl �i a We Ellen dianged � and hired VRii -il �- a URT SYSM-1, with a $pod a ::. - �tzberg overall �W bw and diattribution systen� #ism . m�sY i m Manage , t 3 dPIPID_ �� m � increased the eonb=t a gerni ser Vi you a SYMM thal Will IM as iii,:S fe like- 3d�,_ I��IV�. =nom, and I Mix* it w a �r an � ,i§ Lot 1ma 3 i+_ fm 31 a tlt3l ha?¢ saved ice' .. s` ',�� more Moray by avoidiOg mne ddazw -d hem was a miii?e about id-lis ay will pi filly provide a L -.dine s y Ore ch theta as a MMMI a Li e sirdl- �ve prolect thmn eoliw have D-- es tbat we Wglit relat�-_ te. wt's a €1ti- . vid using Cn-h --- management. Lill cornnnawty that hm potential for in 1965, % au inter0ew WM gr -ftth- it has a i:ing rerny zed It in ran �d e ;.tile 4. 1dd to sew � H � $ =fir dq, -'M_* S� 70* A 'ii tfiis°`51: ctw?' a ' ua"aceza# ``; its prMbed for ll &V : the we ougm to. f uld emote & ide He ra i rut's g iisg w be for the next 10 407eam Midi. y back in '65, � were go iu Lhe Ooaa w' - _- they=ve alwxys bem Tei?s that Were 12 ft Ped¢ and i`i's going to be rsiLl ,d I ; t*w pd ar h1ti��ld{ing a� ti".;inaw,,g�rt¢at od,n� �� l ikaw�14,,g ex A_9 ,� Ulf symera, g�t t -St e-li rnent thak ft duadalape Corridor ? mjec , 010 stud rpp-om u Jam; ' i5-gi l� t�R ply system y� 'Vow, a yG d Sumeb dy was a g a )!_i:. a'lg and n $ ridership ' £Rt 'Sd rsi'tt+Ft spteam g� �-'ry �y�„ }3 �,� {,,� p� �f�{,'.�4'}�µ� Sd� reimv�e, the Sd1Ym� to was 40.00J.0, �r 3Yc s .' + „3 A WttE3 �'+�� its ABd #sUi's'-�'�`�1��,i) And „io�idii'� better as PM Of air avemil Mbi i I Can that My Give — s ra we uve to s teen yo-1. i attly ""t of the ftt= 4na ;et We exyeat the Objecteves of om `d of supervism n Curs W he fi tly empty te as declared jr. their Transportation 2040 we M-Re M deep? Why wmw Me d a — mm to bu d mfua31i M't t �k: air RiL$ a€m L.ii:la3aa b Wfl3in% 351 - `', arp- - hieovy rail sgstem, led, by light Rum - .der avmwd ail systems, which could in WM W led by - bus sy t a and with a good pwuwx s im 3 judige a hairy- as -s • . sine network h�ig„hways. _. � r” whfx. a ,j11 1..rg to ex -AWL iof�sy ...v aiddWt It FAG" levi€ Lee 'wMtb f t�.Sg„� + e .� t-jai 3 whtwe we are eight now, e to b, - i vV.aa1 raff Mine Norio fix BA vft " h3ig sage as a tam fim-.R� e'awmWIM before you *14 ? Mm I befleve the pub U1., €r6md of y'=r'g Duridon: What's ideally an irt"ea ii a baby ;.a1:1 mike it. mil look idea, 6e dlzalcUlty is tlirat It Takes 15 Y*� at =find at Otlt habi , 1. Asa- - grown a' to get r.hmigh the -ral study pioo;�L y C baby tmz a great head Aar, u °d _ tr €a, wwo ce y La -1 . . `'sR eiA 3liii Ca r!dm Project WM win �' M - °uTl,�; aS,'i+ L "'star- N ,. a.,• n85 HISTORY Write tot The location of Route 85 was adopted in 1956.7 by the California Highway Com- mission (now called the Transportation Commission). The corridor is eighteen miles long extending from the newly cnm�BEtWnc pleted Route 101 at Tennant RoadNnorth- A"D erly to Stevens Creek Boulevard in Cuper- tino. Right of Way (R/W) acquisition commenced in the 1960's but was halted in 1975 because of funding constraints: Approximately 60% of the needed R/W CALTRANS ROUTE 85 TRANSPORTATION STUDY Sb-lay Manager RON LEMMON, P.O, Box 7310 San Francisco, CA., 94120 fL 85 ROUTE 05 TR ANSPORTATION STUDY DRAFT -ENV[RDNMENTAV .* - 4= ,_C4r�_ IMPACT STATEMENT is owned by Caltrans. 1 490 MEASURE TEN�Hj •1985 ' ®az� = t I I A I I CosT s Y -`' .r...I . LTERNAT! VES T� The Route 85 Corridor has made little $C progress since the 1960's. There were not enough funds to finish R/W acquisi- tion or to proceed to construction. Mean- 70 while the corridor traffic has increased with the resultant congestion on local streets. Recently Measure "A" which is a 300 1/2 cent salex tax increase was passed in Santa Clara County providing funding for 430 highway improvement projects on Routes 101, 237 and 85. Over S1 billion is ex- _,cr:ted to be generated during a ten year period. An authority has been formed in 530 the county to oversee the distribution of funds. Although monies will be made 470 available for highway improvements, it has not been decided what type of im- provement-will occur within the Route 8549C3 corridor. After circulation of a draft EIS _ and completion of the Public Hearing r the WVTC Study, a decision can be iPade -400 A final EIS approved at the local, St 6_ and Federal levels will be required before the selected alternative can be imple- 530 mented. * * OUNTAM fl'! > ^\ X CUPERTINO �� �ti; �CAMP8E11 BS t SARATOG s r+� LOS , �r_eTnc A NPA t No Protect -Alternative ht fp :.. * *Deadline -Dec. *HOV: Hi h occupancy Vehicle for wr? tte- comments; 6, 1985- Cr4 N AT MAP DISPLAYS FROM 2 -10 PM 1 - October 16, 1985 at Branham High School 2 - October 17, 1985 at Campbell Community Ce -ter a 3 - October 18, 1985 at West Valley College PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 - October 23, 1985, 7:30 PM at Branham High Scnool 2- October 24, 1985, 8:00 PM at West Valley Cc ege LOCATIONS OBranham High School Branham Lane and Meridian Avenue in San Jcse OCampbell Community Center j ✓ Wincnesta• Blvd, and Campbell Avenue in Car--ooe!i West Valley College V Fruitvaie Avenue anc Allendale Avenue in Sa - =toga 10.3 t'Cu ✓ v 7.8�. 2TI17 i�vl /y 7 0 7.6P P4 Al Extra 3 a Sari Jose MSKLur News Wednesda ltiiareh 27, 1 85 y , ��rss�ra��fJ t�1 # N" v No city it . Santa County a took ! a Wei, ve p for �'. a Juts b strongly voting for Men- should selfishly perpetuate taarss- poz tation problems by not cont ib- aim to their golutiaaa. �� - - A passage. voted for a -half percent sales tax . ident Charles Farley said to 5U1_ _ 8 5) . cally to build and improve sways. Most. of new sales me other Saratoga residents a y ago, `You drive through everybody else's back yard , . „ a money is earmarked fear # . - - Ifighway 85 freeway. ale idents of all cities contribiju lae y question question was, , you tr e. fic congestion and tra.aasper- ant the freeways to be built tation problems. No city should pu was # & in 1956 #tw And unproved so much that you itself above helping to relieve the F6 the future Highway 85. t �_ � to Yourself to J � problem by trying "'® �1 block � 1l�dd . tithe, Santa Clara County W +t � ." �. - ;� ik7 y at 300,000 residents; JoM at 150,0 Campbell, ' v for a f ay y , Lei'a start to bald a full 'gym Ds and Saratoga abut 10,0 =: • t. t would eve t �c L y 85 freeway in 1985 h a Cupertino, y a l = .. Anything len than a fuU frveeeeway motley that Santa Clara County 0 or so. would be a bmch of faith with the ---i start #o �# in 1985, u 14, the county has ad -� veli?ne, Highway 101 will be w-ideried to at a n Ilion residents San Jose it half a mullion, and the other <" ti �_ eight Lam. With federal inter to rev is vice president for irtarspemation for the !s abut 20,000 each. Mum of . v funds, Interstate 280 will be wad- ened to eight lam. Both highway Almaden Vai�y Hameovmm' u pease s in Sr 101 and interstate 280 suffer from Ass .atitm. He often travels Joy and the less Mall cite ' a-ect of Highway having fewer than eight lanes now. from his Almaden Va�l� hm-rr4t.e h C°a elf office asp ntl oi7sfd 6dL bSfll6 to Serve 6#Se 3�3^ t long corridor.{ l� - he past es of d- buses. �( utomob ile travel act a€a for 0 ing Highway 101 a Inter- it 97 percent of daily trips JL state 280 with too few lam should be °the &r a, with only about 3 L t riot repeated. u,blic tra portation (moldy Steve Levin vita new Highway 85 freeway should be -ran ortation 2000 studies built with a minimum of eight _ — - -- - abut 250,1100 households ®B lash Dow: Transpo�?tion 2 im De over 140,000 people who g the West Valley corridor a � studies over 35,000 how rTvs large travel would cause a new Highway n ly holds more in the West "Valley Cor- and. 85 freewa would not ust y _ ridor than in the hiierstate -280 E late 1082, the California suddenly appear and start driving corridor and only abut 15,000 artment of Transportation mouse a new freeway is the households less than in the High - trans}, the Federal - 6y are already clogging traffic on existing toads, such as Blossom way 1-01 corridor in the county. coy ridors sere a similar - t of Transportation, �l ; _� _ I ill tad, Camden Avenue, i- acts; an' agencies population, they should I way 9, Lawrence Expressway, San u7 corrdscting a stilly of i Tomas Expressway and Sunny- ' ha-ee a similarly size freeway to rve t population. ation p s for the —: ;_ ey corridor. T°, e study cover { va_le-Saratoga Road (al aiia_ j. �` passage of s A has .8 -mile corridor between Mme- Sara Jose Councilwoman Lai e� that funds to a full Highway/Highway 101 in Ryden said a year ago, "The ! � � y wbiill7.lbe va �33y�h��y #3 �3 fr'�%'��y 093A3 B� ��,'e .. h San Jose and the e3dsfing kxeeLs that we have now are r i- able- Cbstructionasts who right sway 85's southern end at Ste- ential streets that were never d to delay construction, light a free-'� Creek Boulevard in Cuper- intended to carry the traffic that is way, or fight a full freeway do not Prebrindna°y study resWts w on those streets." have the best interests of Santa last year show the ,huge A Transportation 2000 study Clara County residents at he -art. Lntage of a freeway in this cor- completed this year shows the twit- Any unnecessary delay, fights, or versus lc-.-,,used al Pficial effects of completing the (�}}freeway - _down?- scaling will only highway 85 freeway. Without P � t oainty r ident.8 snore -oraeV��, the northwestern end of the �mpleting it, the above - after- in lie- fuRi e. gone 7 L ail '$' . alt corridor in Cupertino, just i lioned roads will be in a forced- able sung this year and should ^, of the end of the existing i new sit =uaLion with januried v.,dl t-' wg,,d us �. oo as bible to build {way 85 freeway, a new free- lions, backups, restricted vehicle a full freeway. would serve a 24_-haa °(0. I _ Movement, stop - and -go traffic and per 190,000 people. By con- Xndlock. With a completed f' highway 85 with a minimum of a light fail transit system way. these roads will be in a good eight lanes does not preclude rn Id only serve a 24 -hour vol a traffic operation situation with i5.0{lA tivarh only occasional nos 3 gaits, backups or transit options. An e(ffid t /,transit bras systezaa�*-. izi® tliotiic � 10 1 pout maple. f .est'W� West Valley cord- ; a tncted movement. , �s of Commuters daily eciaile� � � a light rail sysirrri would do wv the freeway. Highway 85 with a minimum if eight lanes could ilt.4 or 9 p_—c%-_,t W the 24 --h6ur ! LIll include a 46-foot wide r .i n- _,ri anti €?r tit a r Sib a median comId sincornmo- Ja -n r tie d bkz/ e w p 1 : c x