TC 09-07-94Cable Television Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting
September 7, 1994
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by chairman Laird Huntsman.
Present: Huntsman, Carol Marble, Donna Poggi
Absent: Jane Chiavacci, J. M. Wincn
Staff: Donna Krey, Laura Newman
TCI Staff.' Daryl Henderson, Kathi Noe
Guests: Len Batchelor, Linda Grodt, Sam MacNeal
Donna Poggi made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Carol Marble seconded
and the motion passed unanimously.
Oral: Daryl Henderson introduced Kathi Noe, TCI's Governmental Affairs Manager for
the San Jose area. Ms. Noe said for the last eight years she had been working for TCI in Dallas,
Texas at their area office which encompassed 31 franchises. The committee welcomed her to the
Written: Donna Krey distributed publications from the Alliance for Community Media
(formerly NFLCP) and the Coastal Access newsletter. Krey directed the committee members'
attention to a flier in their agenda packet on the Alliance for Community Media Far West
Regional Conference to be held in Palo Alto. The committee asked for this item to be included
on the agenda at its October meeting in order to discuss who will attend from the committee.
Krey also pointed out the copy of the letter she had been requested to write to TCI
following last month's meeting as well as Daryl Henderson's response. This response addresses
the billing problem as well as the representation of a TCI person at each CTVAC meeting.
Huntsman requested that the committee discuss TCI's late charge policy for the next
Discussion regarding grants policy: This item was continued to the next month's
Update on rate regulation: Krey reported that the city received TCI's Form 1200 on the
date they were due, which was August 14. She then notified TCI that the City would be using
the 90-day extension it is entitled to. The City's deadline for making a finding is December 14.
She said a consultant may be hired to assist with the deciphering of the Form 1200. The previous
forms were very confusing to decipher and a consultant's assistance seems a necessity. Noe
offered to join TCI's rate specialists in explaining the figures prior to the cornmittee deciding
whether or not to hire a consultant. Krey thanked Noe for the offer and said she would pass it on
to the other sub-committee member for consideration.
Report on Alliance for Community Media Conference: Krey distributed information
from Chiavacci regarding the Alliance for Community Media Conference. She also read a note
from Chiavacci. "The conference in Honolulu for the Alliance for Community Media was a
grand success with good attendance and good weather. As always, it is inspiring to see the
amazingly professional work being done for cities in the public welfare area. The winning video
at the opening luncheon was a news program very similar to the one that Ron has worked on.
Unfortunately, the program from Cupertino was never entered. A great deal of conference time
was devoted to strategy concerning refranchising and methods of negotiation in the current sea of
regulations. Following are some notes and handouts from the seminars. Although I can't be at
tonight's meeting, I would be happy to talk with any of you who have questions or ideas about
the materials. See you next month."
Huntsman asked that this item be placed on the agenda for next month to allow Chiavacci
to discuss the conference in further detail.
Report on insurance for access producers/equipment: Ron Fish gave Huntsman the
information he received from the Arts & Entertainment Insurance Company for review. This
item will be agendized for next month's meeting.
Status of re-franchising effort: Krey reported that there had not been a meeting with
TCI for a couple of months, and TCI was in the process of putting together a draft re-franchise
agreement for use when the talks begin again. Henderson is compiling a document containing
everything that has been agreed upon up to this point. No meeting has been scheduled until the
draft documents are ready for discussion.
Discussion of second educational channel for De Anza College: TCI has agreed to add
another educational channel, to be used only by the 7,000 subscribers to TCI-Cupertino. The
committee's assistance would be needed in deleting a current channel. Committee members
believed the second channel could benefit the elementary and high school districts but any
additional De Anza channel must operate the same as the first educational channel.
Krey will draft a letter to the school districts asking if there is any interest in utilizing an
educational channel. Henderson emphasized the reach of the channel and the expenses
associated with it. Once the interest level is determined, then discussion of deleting a channel
could be brought back to the committee.
City of Cupertino: Krey informed the committee members of the upcoming public
hearings on the Diocese property, which will begin with the Planning Commission on September
22. There will also be a public heating on October 11 about the "Heart of the City." She also
encouraged everyone to attend the grand opening of Highway 85 on October 15.
De Anza College: Fish said he is looking for volunteers to help register attendees, work
in an information booth and assist with transportation needs at the upcoming Far West
Conference in Palo Alto. He described a demonstration of a new piece of equipment which he
and Chiavacci viewed while they were at the recent Media Alliance Conference. This new piece
of equipment, an on-line editor, is called the "Flyer" and would be compatible with the video
toaster which they already have. He is planning to attend a "hands-on" demonstration next week
and will provide further information at the next meeting. He has taken on the task of checking
the equipment inventory at the TV Center. One of the producers will produce a live, interactive
bingo show, using a 50s theme, and prizes will be given to the winner from the gifts donated for
the infomercial project.
TCI: Henderson distributed copies of his report and reported that Cupertino is now at
6,954 subscribers. He pointed out the inclusion of the San Jose portion of subscribers and pay-
per-view numbers as had been requested. He confirmed that TCI notifies the City by letter of
any changes. Each member was asked what was the biggest problem of TCI. Responses ranged
from picture quality, customer service, accurate bills, etc.
Krey asked Henderson for a list of people to contact when there are technical problems on
The City Channel. He said he would provide her with phone numbers of the 24-hour customer
I-NET/Educational: Marble reported that Karen Bumett of the Fremont Union High
School District has taken another position with Solano County as Administrative Librarian. Joe
Hamilton will be the contact person until a replacement is hired. Harvey Barnett of the
Cupertino Union School District left a message to encourage moving ahead with getting all of
the schools wired for cable.
Marble made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m.; Poggi seconded and the
motion passed unanimously.
City Clerk