FAC 11-25-03 OF CUPi:I TINO DRAFT MINUTES FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting November 25, 2003 CALL TO ORDER At 7:32 p.m. Chairperson Shirley Lin-Kinoshita called the meeting to order in Conference A of City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Shirley Lin-Kinoshita, and Commissioners Nancy Canter, David Kim, Hema Kundargi (5:38 p.m.), Janet Mohr, and Carl Orr. Commissioners absent: None. Two seats vacancy. Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Minutes of the regular meetings of September 23 and October 28, 2003 Carl Orr/Nancy Canter moved and seconded to approve the minutes as presented, and the motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATIONS - None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Shirley Lin-Kinoshita discussed a CD titled "40 Years of Cupertino" produced by the Fine Arts League of Cupertino and said it was a review of the city's history as seen through the eyes of the League artists. She presented a copy of the CD to the city. Shirley Lin-Kinoshita noted the thank-you letter received from the Garden Gate School principal for the commission's sponsorship of the Janlyn Dance Company performance. COMMISSIONER AND LIAISON REPORTS Hema Kundargi reported that she had attended a recent Library Commission meeting, and was asked what the Fine Arts Commission had in mind for art in the library. They asked for concrete suggestions regarding funding, where it will be placed, how it will fit in, etc. The commissioners concurred that Kundargi should stay in touch with the Library Commission and explain that no funding was currently available, but that both commissions should remain attentive to art opportunities in the new building, whether it is painting, sculpture, mobiles, light & shadow, sound, etc. Shirley Lin-Kinoshita said the new San Jose Library is a showplace and has art of various media integrated throughout its 9 floors. Nancy Canter said that the DeAnza College learning center also has a number of art pieces that were added later throughout the building. Janet Mohr said she had attended the open studio of Cupertino Distinguished Artist Constance Guidotti. 2. Monthly meeting with Mayor Chang (3rd Tuesday at 5 p.m.) November 25, 2003 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 2 · Janet Mohr reviewed a typed report on the November Mayor's meeting and the activities of the other commissions. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Creation of mural in one or more locations to discourage graffiti · Staff recommends tabling project at this time because of lack of grant funds, etc. The commissioners concurred to table this item, and agreed that should funds become available for a mural it should be placed in a location that is highly visible to the public. NEW BUSINESS Sculpture commissioned by Dick and Carolyn Randall for Cupertino Library/Civic Center Plaza. · Review proposal and make recommendation to City Council. The City Clerk explained that the Randalls had proposed to commission two sculptures from artist Georgia Gerber, to be donated to the City of Cupertino for the Civic Center/Library plaza and/or the interior courtyard of the library. One sculpture is of two children playing or dancing with three animals, and the other is of a child reading with an animal. The statues will be approximately life-size, and made of bronze, and are estimated to cost about $65,000. The Fine Arts Commission unanimously agreed to recommend that the City Council accept this offer. 5. Consider canceling or rescheduling December 23 regular meeting. The commission concurred to cancel the December 23 meeting. The next meeting will take place on January 27, 2004. STAFF REPORTS 7. Committee Roster (information item) NEWS ARTICLES 8. Media coverage ADJOURNMENT At 8:54 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. Kimberly Smith, City Clerk