TICC 04-02-2015TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Regular Meeting April 1, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Conference Room A, City Hall MINUTES CALL MEETING TO ORDER Vice Chair Wallace Iimura called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Rod Livingood, Shishir Chavan, Wallace Iimura, Keita Broadwater, Vaishali Deshpande Commissioners absent: None Staff Present: Mariyah Serratos, Teri Gerhart Mike Jerbic Guests: COMMISSION REORGANIZATION 1. Commission Iimura moved to nominate Commissioner Livingood for TICC Chair. Commissioner Chavan seconded. Motion carried with Commissioner Livingood abstaining. 2. Commissioner Livingood moved to nominate ~ommissioner Iimura as TICC Vice Chair. Commissioner Chavan seconded. -/')I,., t.f;-" ch yir/ ... / '-/ -() ._,!fl., J , l"Yr· ,,,.. A 46.,t J,., ~ APPROVAL OF MINUTES . 3. Commissioner Livingood made a motion to approve the February 4th minutes. Commissioner Chavan seconded the motion. Vote 5-0 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 4. This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes a person. In most cases, state law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. TICC asked if the Public Safety Commission would collaborate with the TICC for cybersecurity. The Public Safety Commission supports the idea, but is looking for TICC to lead the project and propose the concepts and ideas. Mike Jerbic, Public Safety Commissioner, introduces his relationship to the new commissioner's and defines their mutual interests. He also stated that he will be the contact from the Public Safety Commission for support tasks. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 02/12/15 U-Verse Programming Changes 02/20/15 U-Verse Programming Changes Notice of extension of AT&T' s Contract CALNET 2 o Mariyah Serratos, IT Manager, proposed having a written discussion prepared for the next meeting regarding this contract. Mrs. Serratos confirmed that there is a CALNET3 contract. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 5. Mariyah Serratos, IT Manager, discussed the IT Strategy Plan and that the consultant that they hired was successful in obtaining the thoughts and opinions of the TICC. They discovered comparable city benchmarks for budget and staffing. She also discussed tax, population, public presence, and smart cities in the regard of the IT Strategy Plan. She also discussed the different areas for pool investments. Mrs. Serratos will send out Strategy Plan details before June. The purpose of this is to have better discussion topics in June. OLD BUSINESS: 6. The TICC discussed the updates that were provided regarding AT&T fiber. They discussed the press release for Gigapower and utility poles above ground. The TICC would like to see AT&T come back to address the issue around payment for non-tracking at a future meeting. NEW BUSINESS: 7. Teri Gerhardt, Geographic Information Systems Technician, provided background on GIS and how the city utilizes it. She discussed Voting District Maps. TICC was interested in if the county has access to them. Mrs. Gerhardt also discussed upcoming projects which include development and road closure maps, which will include pavement, special events, fog seal program and an online open data portal. Commissioner Livingood suggested to look at benchmark cities including San Diego for "things happening" in the city via GIS maps and applications showcasing city events and where to go. Mrs. Gerhardt also discussed the fact that they are trying to gain support for a full time position. REPORTS: 8. None MISCELLANEOUS 9. Reviewed Activities Calendar -to be discussed at May meeting 10. Reviewed Action Items list-to be reviewed at next meeting. 11. Review the Brown Act at the May meeting. 12. Review history of the TICC at the May meeting. ADJOURNMENT 13. Commissioner Iimura moved for adjournment. Commissioner Broadwater seconded the motion. Vote 5-0 Meeting adjourned at 8:56pm SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Colleen Lettire, Recording Secretary