TICC 09-02-2015TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Regular Meeting September 2, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Conference Room A, City Hall MINUTES CALL MEETING TO ORDER Commissioner Livingood called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Rod Livingood, Wallace Iimura, Keita Broadwater, Vaishali Deshpande, Shishir Chavan Commissioners absent: None Staff Present: Mariyah Serratos Guests: Mike Jerbic APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Commissioner Iimura made a motion to approve the August 5th minutes. Commissioner Chavan seconded the motion. Vote 5-0 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 2. This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes a person. In most cases, state law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. Brief discussion around City Council's decision to not build a new city hall. TICC does not agree with decision. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 3. Regarding the Cellular Citywide Coverage Project Update, IT Manager Mariyah Serratos provided the TICC with a presentation that she and Commissioner Broadwater had been working on. This included their project plan, timeline, and logistics. They will be working with opensignal.com, which is a company that maps out cellular coverage areas, including the stronger and weaker areas. Public Affairs Director, Rick Kitson, has reached out to Open Signal regarding acquiring their API, so that they can start using their data. The TICC raised a concern regarding whether the carriers would have an issue with what they intended to do with the data. The TICC will send their concerns to Mr. Kitson so that he can discuss with the City Attorney and City Manager to get their input. 4. Regarding the TICC and Public Safety Commission joint public meeting on technology security update, Commissioner Deshpande provided a report on the dates they have scheduled for the event. The first date will be held for Senior Citizens on October 13th. The second date will be targeting teenagers and that event will be held October 27th. Commissioner Deshpande will draft an agenda and send to the TICC. The event will be put through the media outlets, which include the Cupertino Scene, website, Social Media, and through printed flyers. Commissioner Deshpande will also get in touch with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission. 5. Commissioner's Iimura, Chavan, and Broadwater all attended the Planning Commission meeting where the Civic Center Cell Tower Proposal was being discussed. The commissioners reported that there were several public comments regarding radiation, height, size, and style of the cell tower. Since the cell tower is on City property, it has to go to the City Council for approval. OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: 15. Commissioner Broadwater requested that the topic of a "Hackathon" be placed on next month's agenda. Commissioner Livingood also would like SMART Cities placed on the agenda for next month, based on an article that Commissioner Livingood had sent to the TICC. REPORTS: 7. Commissioner Broadwater reported on the Mayor's meeting held just prior to the TICC meeting. MISCELLANEOUS 8. Reviewed Activities Calendar, no current updates. 9. Reviewed Action Items list and the updated the list eliminating completed items and adding a new item to send Fiber to home project reports to Mr. Kitson. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Broadwater moved for adjournment. Commissioner Deshpande seconded the motion. Vote 5-0 Meeting adjourned at 8:43 pm. SUBMITTED BY: Col een Letti ecording Secretary APPROVED BY: o Livi od, hair