1985 Application Nos 1985 USE PERrtIT APPT ICATIOrIS 1�-U-85 Small World Schools/Nan Allan Scho�I. (Cunerti.no. Union Sehool. District) - West sici�� oE Portal llvenue rir th� intersection ot Portal Avenue anct Amherst Drive�,� nc�rtherly of an adj3cent to Portal Dark. ] 9-U-E5 :'ome Deliverv Pizza - Lollinaer ?'7 aza - 73�5 "'�'� iol lin�er r.oad 20-U-Q5 Ca*�arRo � Associates, Inc. - South���est corner of. Stevens Creelc F���ulevzrd and nasadena P:venue 21-U-�5 ���ve ?�c�bson (Ravrnond Pooker.) - South Sid� oC Granac,a Avenue ' ar>proximntely 10� ft . west �f ImneriaL Avenue 22-U-�5 i�ei;n anc'. James �'ronerties III - ��'est side of "'orth �Je Anza Roulevard �nproxir�ately 130 ft. north of �'alley Green Prive 23-U-�S llirk �uid Deke Hunter - South�.�est cc�rner of De Anza I3oul.evar.c;. and McClel]_a: 3oad 24-U-PS 3ruce Terry and S�eve 3uxa (nonino's Pizza) - 1.9675 Stevens Creek , Eoulevard (portal plaza Shonning Center) ZS-U-SS H and D Properties - L�'est sid.e of Portal Avenue apnro�:imately 200 ft. north of Stevens C.ee1�: Boulevard 26-U-85 Lawrence Guy - South side of Rodri¢ues Aver_ue aoproximately 45C ft . east of T�rre Avenue 2i-U-85 South Bay C:�inese Cultural Center (Eaton School) - Southeast corner of Suisun Dr.ive ard Farallone Drive ?f?-TJ-�S Manuel Gonzalez - F.ast side of Peninsula Boulnvarc� approximately lOC f� , south of Gra�d Avenue � � �� � � 2�-L'-FS First Baptist Church of_ Cupertino - West side of N:iller Aver.ue approximately 350 ft. north of Atherwood Avenue ' 30-U-85 Marriott Cornoration (Vallco Park, Ltd.) - South oF Stevens Creek Boulevard ar.d East of FincY+. Acenue 31-U-Q5 Edwin J: Myers (Allan �. Byer) - Soat� side of Stever:s �re�?c Boulevard at De Anza Boulevard 32-U-85 �1 Camino Hospital - South sid.e of �?i��h:�?a�� ^F� bep?r.ni�� an�roxi*1ateiy P00 Ft. ��est of ^oothill Boulevard ��-+'� ��.�(.,,-��'� �,%.�Y'y,l��'?� j 1 33-U-�S_ Earl Bu�ler - 1�15n �etz�:�sL��^ Avenue - 34-U-85 Beim and Jat�es °ronerties III (nonv S�ir.� p.estaurai.t; - f'°s: s�ci�: af II�:th De Anza Boui evard aoproxir:ately 130 ft. north oF :'al7 ey Green Dr7.ve 35-U-�5 ''�chzrd S':�:at; - east siZe of Sa�e Court an o�imatel�� 1�0 ft . �>o;�t?- . of ?.�I2c..T,y2�� .._ . ._ .. . 36-U-95 Su-nyv��G� Lut�e��n '�ene - N:ort�eas� corner o_` ?'oo:hil '_ 3�:�levard r,^u C:i�er�ino �.oad 1985 USE P�II'r APP'I�CATIONS 37-U-85 Font,ana's Restaurant (Murray Horton) - South side of Stevens Q�ee.k Bo�levard approximately 200 ft. west of Saich Way 38 U-85 Rabert W. Keil - Sauth side of Peninsular Avenue approximately 60 ft. east of ,_Barranca Drive on the farmer Southern Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way 39 U-85 CogLU� ?�dustries, Inc. (Cupertino Churrh of the NazarP.ne) - Sauth side or McClellan RAad approximately �50 ft, east of Sauth Stell.i.ng Road � 40 U-85 Rafe ar�d Kasem Bamdad - East side of &ilab Road approximately 675 ft. sauth os McClellan Rpad ac�pposite Presidio Drive (form�er 7-11 site) 41-U-85 Good Samaritan M�ethodist Church - Hc�ciestead Road and Linnet Lane 42 U-85 Terry ffic�wn (M. Rees�) - Bryne Court, 275 ft, east of 8ryne Avernie 43 U-85 H�inter Properties - 20533 Blosscan L�ne 44 U-85 Debcor Corporation - West side of Stellirr� RAad, south of McClellan Road 45-U-85 J.C. I�giusa - Northwest oorner of Lr.nnita Avenue and Pasadena Avenue 46 U-85 Jame.s Black,/Devco - 10431 North De Anza 33oulevan� 47 U-85 City Hall - 10300 Torre Avenue 48 U-85 B�ny SwP.n.son Bui.lders - 10601 De Anza Boulevard 49 U-85 Nlonta Vista Inn - 10014 Feninsula Baulev-ird 50 U-85 'r?illiam Izwin - 10247 I�erial Avernze , 1985 US� PERP4IT APPT.ICATIONS �-U-85 �dward Storm (R.on�, Shin�) - �•'est side of De Anza Boulevard a�proximately 130 ft , north of Valley Gi-een Drive. ���- �:(�«f�c-r�c�'�'-') 2-U-SS Christine La Monic� - Northeast corner of DP Anza B�ulevard and Eollin�;er Road. 3-U-85 Pan Cal Investment Comnany (Joe Choi) - Southeast corner �f Price Avenue and Blaney Avenue. 4-U-85 Sneakers of Northern California (V�llco Park, Ltd.) - Northwest �uadrant of Wolfe Road and Homestead Road within the Vallco Village Shoppin� Center. S-U-85 Dr. Kehneth Fran�adakis (De Anza Profe�ssional Center) -� [�1est side of De Anza Boulevard approximately 450 ft. south of McCLellan Road 6-U-85 Gregg Bunker (Photo Drive-Up) - Northwest corner of North De Anza Boulevard and Wildflower [day. 7-U-85 Raymond Rooker (Lonnie FranQadakis) - North side of Pacifica Drive approximately 300 ft. east of De Anza noulevard. 8-U-85 Sysorex International, Inc.�-.p S��outheast corner of Prunerid�e Avenue and Tantau Avenue ��,�,��!c-c���� 9-U-85 I?r. MiJ_ton J. pa�;onis, et a.l - [�lest side of Torre Avenue approximately 225 ft. north of Pacifica Avenue 10-U-�5 ��IDT Development (fortnerly lialler T umber) - '�orthwest corner of Stevens Creek Eoulevard anc� Randy ?ane 11 � Cornoration of. �he '_'residinQ Bishon of the Church of Jesus Christ of ?�atter Day Saints - A Utah Cornoration - 1270 South Stellinry a-ul��-ir�t,✓P.oad (b�.tween Stevens Creek Boulevar.d .and N:cClellan Ro.ad).. . 12-U-85 Maskatiya, Suri and Company, Inc. - Tortheast corn r of P'�cClellan , ?'.oad and South P,e Anza Boulevard ��,v����'"�� 13-U-85 Terry Browin, et al - North��est corner of Paszdena Avenue and - Granada Avenue 14-U-85 Domino's Pizza (Bruce L. Terry) - rTortheast corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Blanev Avenue 15-U-E5 De Anza Properties (Otis Forge) - Northwest Corner of De Anza Boulevard and Route 2F0. - 16-U-85 Roeer Kohler (Robert Ersepke) - East side of Orange Avenue approximately 100 ft. south of Stevens Creek Boulevard in " the Monta Vista Commercial District.... _ 17-U-85 Rayr�ond Rooker - North side of Granada Avenue ].00 ft. �est of j�,, Imnerial Avenue in the Monta V ista Comriercial District . 1985 TEPITATIVE MAP APPLICATIONS 1-TM-85 Dennis Barry - 22605 Ricardo Road 2-TM-85 Rier & Wri�ht Civil Engineers ([•lilliam Barnes & Sons) - Southeast corner of North Foothill Boulevard and Cupertino Road 3-TT?-£5- Jim JoseDh (Interland Corporation - Seven Sn�in�s P�anch) - Painbow/ Stellin�/Prosnect 4-TPt-85 De Anza ProPerties - �ast side of Torre Avenue ap��roximately 250 ft . � South of Stevens Creek Boulevard and North of l:udri�ues Av�enue. ; -<.�'�,�, Y'+, S-TPT-�S Pan Cal Tnvestment Comnany (Joe Chui) - Southeast corner of Price Avenue and B]_aney Avenue h-TM-85 Lawrence C. Mayerle - North side of P1er.cedes Roacl SOO ft . west of Cordova Road and 100 Ct. ��est of the ter�?inus of San Felipe Foad. 7-TM-85 Terry Brown Constr.uction Co. - 11346 South Stellina Road 8-TM-85 Charles T. Masters - Jollyman Lane, East of Stelling Road 9-TM-�S De Anza Properties (Patricia Stears) - �ast side of Ainsworth Drive across [r.um Vista F:noll Boulevard 10-TM-85 Lawrence Guy - South side of Silverado Avenue appro�imately 150 ft. east of De Anza Boulevard 11-TP4-85 James C and Jenay A. Hoffman - Northern terminus of Tula Lane � approximately 100 ft. south of Pepper Tree Lane 12-TM-85 De Anza Properties (Jason Chartier) - East side of Torre Avenue approximately 250 ft. south of Stevens Creek Boulevard and 250 ft. north of RodriQUes Avenue 13-TM-85 Monta Vista Woods (Dou� Healy) - Southeast corner of Granada - Avenue and Pasadena Avenue _ . � 14-TM-$5 John Vidovich (Marshall ?ylok) - 10915 South Stellin�; Road 15-TM-85 The William Day Company - Northwest corner of Bubb Road and Regnart Road. . . ... . . 16-TM-85 Crai� Clark - East side of StellinQ ?2oad (apposite Tilac Way) approximately 500 ft. south af Erin T,Jay 17-Tri-85 Dirk I:. Hunter Properties (Kier & Wri�ht) - Southwest corner of - ' South De Anza Boulevard and McClellan ?'.oad 18-TM-85 Robert W. Keil - South side of Peninsular Avenue approximately 60 ft, east of Barranca Drive on the former SoutY:ern Pacific Railroad riQht of way " 19-TM-85 Charles Masters (P.edeer►er Lutheran Church) - Southeast corner of � Jollyman Lane and Stelling Road o�nosite Huntrid�e Lane 1985 TII�FrATIVE MAP AP'PI�CATIONS 20-�i-85 Whaley and Associates, Inc. (Ianclss of Westerin�.�n) - P;djacent to the Southern Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way on the Sauth side of Rainl�ow Drive approximately 300 ft. west of Stelling RQad 21-�IM-85 Paul Tai - East side of Stellir�g Rpad, sauth of and adjacent to the West Valley Freew-dY (�S�Y 85) Right-of-Way and approximately 175 ft. south of West Hill Lane 22-�IM-85 Iawrence C�zy - Rodrigues Averiue 23JIM-85 Paul Tai - South of Rodrigues Avenue approxiunately 450 ft. east of Torre Avenue 24-'Il�i-85 Whaley and Associates - Sauth side of Rainb�� Drive between Stelling Rr�ad ar�d Sauthern Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way 25JIM-85 Debcor Corporation - West side of Stelling Rr�ad, south of McClellan Rpa,d 26-'Il�l-85 H & D Properties - North Portal Avernie, Office buildings 27�IM-85 G�extino City Cente,r - Stevens Cree,3c Baulev�3,/►Ibrre Avernie 281IM-85 Whaley and Associates, Inc. - East side of Stelli� Road, south of Hlzntridge Lane . __. 2g''IM-85 Ba.rrY S�re.nson Builders (Daryl Fa�ekas) - West side of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rr�ad and north side of Kizwin I�ne 30-'IM-85 Ray Rooker - 21685 Gr'an�ada Avernze �- - 1985 RE7_Oi�'IriG APPLICATIONS ` 1-7_-85 Christine La Monico - Northeast corner of De Anza Boulevard and � Bollin�er Road. ._ - 2-Z-85 Pan Cal Investment Company (Joe Choi) - Southeast corner of Price � - Avenue and Blaney Avenue _ 3 Z L'S Dr. Kenneth Fran�adakis (De Anza Professional Center) West side De Anza 13oulevard apnroximately 450 f.t . south of McClellan Road. 4-Z-PS Sysorex International, Inc. - So�theast corner of Prunerid�e Avenue and Tantau Avenue. ��?,�,'.L ���.�,-a-��''�-� 5-Z-85 Cornoration of the Presidin� Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of T.atter nav Saints - A Utah Cornoration - 1�70 South Stellin� P.oad (�etween Stevens Creek Boulevard and McClellan F.oad) 6-Z-85 Maskatiya, Suri anc'. CoMnany, Inc. - P�Iortheast Corner of :��cClellan Road and :�e Anza Foulevard �J,��,����c���� 7-Z-85 De Anza Properties (Otis For�e) - Northwest corner of De Anza �oulevard and Route 280 8-Z-85 City of CuPertino - Rezonin� all General Comr-►ercial Pronerties to PTarined Developr►ent �- �� � 9-Z-g5 Ya�il Hertzber� - End of 1�'t. Crest Place , V 10-Z-�5 Lawrence C. Mayerle - Plorth side of Mercedes P.oad 500 ft, west of Cordova P.oad and 100 ft. west of the terminus of San Felipe Road V 11-Z-85 Town Center Pronerties Jason Chartier - Eetween A.odi ues Avenue � ) P and Stevens Creek Boulevard east of Torre Avenue " 12-Z-85 Lawrence G - o f uy S uth o Rodrigues Avenue. approximately 450 ft. east of Torre Avenue 13-Z-E5 Manuel Gonzalez - East side of Peninsula Boulevard approximately � 100 ft. south of Grand Avenue . 14-Z-85 � John Vidovich (Marshall Mok) - 10915 SoutYi Stellinn Road V15-Z-85 The William Day Company - Northwest corner of Bubb Road and Regnart Road 16-Z-85 E1 Camino Hospital - South side of Hi�hway 280 be�;innin� approximately 800 ft . west of Foothill Boulevard 17-�-55 Fober.t W. Keil - South side of Peninsular Avenue approximately 60 ft . east of. Barranca Drive on the former Southern Pacific Railroad right of way �.Q--:-R, rogun Industries, Inc. (Cupertino Church of the Nazarene) - South side of McClellan Road approximately 350 ft . east of StellinQ Road 1.9-7_-85 Charles r1asters (Redeemer Lutheran Church) - S�t�theast cnrner of Jollvman Lane and Stellin� Road opposite I?untridQe i.ane 1985 REZOI�TING APFI�CATIONS 20-Z-85 Paul Tai - East of Stelling Road, sauth of and adjacent to the West Valley F'reeway (Highway 85) right-of-way and approximately 175 ft. north of West Hill Lane 21-Z-85 De]x�r Corporation - West side of Stelling Road, South of McClellan Road � 22-Z-85 Inadvert�vely missed 23-Z-85 Hunter Praperties - 20533 Blosscun I�ne 24-Z-85 City Hall - Rodrigues/Torre Avernies 25-Z-85 PG&E Substation 26-Z-85 Southern Pacific Railroad Right-of Way - North of Stevens Creek Bo�levard, west of Foothill 27-Z-85 7-11 site - Bu?ab/MrClellan Roads 28-Z-85 Cupe,rtino Union School District ("Olcler" Schoo� site) - Prezone 1985 �NVIRONMENTAT ASSF.SSMENT APPLICATI(iNS 1-EA-85 Edward Storn (Ronr ShinQ) - West side of. ne Anza Boulevard a���roximaCely 130 Et . north of Vr:�llev Green llrive. 2-EA-85 Christine La Monico - Northeast corner of De rinza Boulevard and , Bo 11 in�er R.oad. 3-EA-85 Pan Cal Investment Company (Joe Choi) - Southeast corner of Price Avenue and Blanev Avenue. 4-�A-85 Dr. lCenneth 1�'ran�adakis (De Anza Prc>fessional Center) - West of De Anza Boulevard, South of McClellan Road. S-EA-85 Greg� Bunker (Photo Drive-Up) - Northwest corner of North De Anza Boulevard and Wildf lo�aer Way 6-EA-85 Raymond Rooker (Lonnie Fran�adakis) - North side of Pacifica Drive approximately 300 ft. east of De Anza Boulevard 7-EA-85 Sysor.ex International, Inc. - Southeast corner. of Prune.ridge Avenue and Tantau Avenue 8-EA-�S nr. Milton J. PaQOnis, et al - i�iest side of_ Tor.re Avenue anProximately 225 ft . north of Pacifica Avenue 9-EA-85 ��'DT Development (formerly Iialler ?�umber) - '�orthwest corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Randy Lane 10-EA-85 Corporation of the Presiding Eishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of I.atter Day Saints - A Utah Corporation - 1270 South Stelling Road (between Stevens Creek Boulevard and McClellan Road) 11-EA-85 P�askatiya, Suri and Comuany, Inc. - Northeast corner of riClellan � F.oad and South De Anza Boulevard 12-EA-85 Terry Bro�,m, et al - Northwest corner of Pasadena Avenue anrl Granada Avenue 13-EA-85 De Anza Pronerties (Otis For�e) - rlorthwest corner of De Anza Boulevard and Route 2�0. 14-EA-85 Ro�er Kohler (Robert Ersepke) - East side of Oran�e Avenue approximately 100 ft, south of Stevens Creek Boulevard in the Nbnta Vista Cor.imercial District. �S-EA-85 City of Cupertino - G?ideninQ of south bound Saratos;a-Sunnyvale Road from Prospect Road to Cleo Avenue. '_G-EA-85 Raymond Rooker - North side of Granada Avenue 100 f_t. ••*PSt of Imperial Avenue in the Monta Vista Commercial District. 17-EA-85 De Anza Properties - East side of Torre �Avenue annroximately 250 ft. south of Stevens Creek Boulevard and north of RodriQues ' Avenue. 18-EA-85 City of Cunertino - Rezoning all nroperties currently zoned � Ceneral Commercial to Planned Deveiopr.tent. - 1985 ASSFSSNIE3�fr APPZI�ATIC)NS - � � 38-EA-85 John Vidwich (��arsY�ll Mok) - 10915 S. Stellir�g Road 39-EA-85 Marriatt C�orporatio� (Valloo Park, Ltd.) - S. of St.�vens Creek &�ulevatd and E. of Finch Ave,nue 40-EA-85 The Willi.am Day �ny - Northwe�t corner .of Bu}ab RQad and Re�'Lard �d 41-EA-85 E1 Camulo Hospital - South side of Hic�ray 280 beginning approximately 800 ft. west of Foothill Boulevard 42-EA-85 Sunnyview I�utheran Hcan�e - Northeast corner of Foothill Bv�levaYtl ar�d Cunertino Road 43-EA-85 Font�na's Restaurant (I�Durray Ho`rtoaz) - South side of Stevens Cree)c Bou.levat�d approximately 200 ft. w�est of Saich Way 44-EA-85 Rrabert W. Keil - Sauth sicle of Peninsula Avernie approximately 60 ft. east....of Barrarica Drive on the formex South�ern Pacific Railro�d ric�t-of�ray 45-FA-85 Cb�t,uz Ir�dustsies, Inc. (C1�pe.rtino Church of the Nazare.ne) - S�uth side of M�oClellan R�d approximately 350 ft. ea.st of Sauth Stelling Road 46-EA-85 Rafi and Kazen Bamc�d - East side of Buhb RAad approximately 675 ft. south of McClellan �d q�poaite Presidio Drive 47-EA-85 C�.rles M�sters (R,edeemez' Luthe.ren Chttrc�h) - So�utheast cornPs of Jollym�n I�ne arid Stellir�g RAa,d apnosite Htmtridge ra„� 48-EA-85 Paul Tai - East side of S. Stelli� Ft�d, south of and adjacent to the West Va11ey FYe�-'waY (Hic�w'dY 85) right-of�way and approximately 175 ft. north of West Hi11 Ian�e � � 49-EA-85 City of Ctizpestino (PG&E Subst.atioaz) ��� 50-EA-85 City of Clipertino (Southern Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way) 51-FA-85 �huxter Praper.ties - 20533 Blosscart I�ne 52-EA-85 Good Sa�aaritan - Sautheast corner of the inte.rsec�tion of Han�estead RQad arxi Linr�et Way 53-EA-85 City Hall (Rezoning) - Torre ar�d R�ocirigues Avernies 54-EA-85 PG&E S�bstation 55-EA-85 Sauthern Pacific Railroad Right-of�Iay - North of Stevens Cree.k Boulevard, west of Foathill Ho�tlev-a�ti 1985 ENVIROr?•1ENTAL ASSESSP�iErTT APPLICATIQr1S 19-EA-85 Michael Weber and Fred riichaud - Southest corner of Miller Avenue and Richuiood Drive. 20-EA-85 Raymond Rooker - North side of Granada Avenue 100 ft . west of Imperial Avenue in t'�e Monta Vista Commercial District. 21-EA-�S Small Gdorld Schools/'�an Al1an School (Cupertino Union School. nistrict) - T��est side of Portal Avenue at the intersection ��f ?ortal Avenue and Amherst i.�rive, n�rtherly of and adiacent to Portal Park. ?�-I::�-t�5 Carl Sti�enson Co. , Inc. (Itsuo lien�:.ka) - 'v!est side c�f �� �rth �e ,'1nzr. �uulevar�i �>»nro>:imaCel�� 200 �r. , south ��P A1ariani Avenue. �3-rn-FS Cart*iara_o & Associates. Inc. - Southwest corner of Stevens . Creek R�ul�vard and pasade.na Averue 2��-i:�.-PS La��renc.e C. ?✓averle - ��orth side of Ttercedes P.��ad 500 ft. west of Corc;ova °oad and 100 ft. west of the terminus of San Felipe F,oad 25-EA-FS Yapil Hertzber� - End of Mt. Crest D�ace 26-EA-�S Terr�• Erow-n Construction Co. - 11346 South Stellir� P.oad 27-F.A-85 Charles 'T'. P�`asters - Jollyr.tan T.ane, East of Stellin� Road 28-EA-FS Dave i-:obson (Ra_ymond Rooker) - South side of (:ranada Aver.ue ���roxi-�,atel.y 100 ft. �rest of Inperial Avenue 29-EA-FS Bein and James Pronerties III - East side of Ainsworth Drive across from ��ista Knoll Bouleva.rd 30-EA-gS To�,�n Center ^ronerties (Jason Chartier_) - Betti�een noCri�ues Avenue � anc� Stevens Creek Roulevard east of '�orre Avenue 31-Fp.--�5 ^u�r�c a�d �e:-e '.aunter - Sot�:west c�rner o` De ?.nza Bo>>le•�ard and and NicC1e11an Road 32-Gt1-85 li aad D Proper[ies - �aest side of Portal Avenue <i��pro:�_ma';elv 200 ft. north of Stevens Creek Boulevard 3�-EA-85 Lawrence Guy - South side of•Rodri�ues Avenue an�roximateiy 450 ft. east of Torre Avenue 34-EA-85 First Baptist Church of Cupertino - i•lest side of Miller Avenue approxir.►ately 350 f t. north of At!:erwood Avenue _ 35-EA-85 Sou�h Bay Chinese Cultural Center (Eaton School) - Soutreast corner of Suisun Drive and Farallone Drive 36-EA-85 Manuel Gonzalez - Cas� side of Peninsula Boulevard annroxi^�ately 100 ft. south of Grand Avenue " �i7-CA-iS James C. and Jenay A. Hoffman - r?orthern terminus o� �=;�la L4:-e s�„rox_Taie�_v 1C0 f t . sr;u�i: o£ rerr_•er '?'ree La�e 1985 IIQVIRfJI�II�ITAL ASSF�SN��'r APPLICATIONS 56-EA-85 7-11 site - Bulab and McClellan Roads 57-EA-85 Good Samaritan - 19624 Hc�nestead Road 58-EA-85 Debcor Corporation - West side of Stelling Raad, south of McClellan RAad 59-EA-85 J.C. Lagiusa - Northwest corner of Irunita and Pa_�adena Avenues 60-EA-85 OG On�in��ce - Citywide � 61-EA-85 Cupertino Uru.on School District - Older School (prezoning) 62-EA-85 City of CZzpertino (Use Permit) - 10300 Torre Avenue 63-EA-85 Trailer Ordinance - Citywide 64-EA-85 Teny B;rown Construction - 10075 Pasadena Avenue 65-EA-85 Barry Swenson Builders - 10601 De Anza Bo�ulevan3 66-EA-85 Monta Vista Inn - 10014 Peninsula Avernie 67-EA-85 William Irwin - 10247 Imperial AVenue , . . . 68-EA-85 1-GPA-85 - City of Cupertino (Citywide) 1985 Development Agreements 1-DA-$5 Cupertino City Center Associates (Pronetheus Development Co.) Southeast corner of_ De Anza Boulevard and Stevens Creek Boulevard 1985 CENERAT, PI,AN AMENDMENT 1-GPA-85 - City of Cupertino 1985 VARIANCE ApP7�CATIpI,iS 1-V-85 Zhcana.s Lesoa�dalc - North side of Stevens Creex Bauleva�i apProocimately 400 ft. east of Janice Avenue (22309 Stevens Creek Boulevard) 2 V-85 R. At�derson - 22216 C�pe,rtino R�d 1985 REZ� REVISIC�TS 25-Z-80 Ji.m Jose�alz - Interlar�d Corporation (Seven Springs Ranch) - Rair�Uow/Stel l i�c!/P�'osPec-'t 10-Z-84 Michael Weber and Fred Michaud - Southwest oorner of Miller Averrue ar�d Rich�,rood Drive 6-Z-69 Skagqs Payless 1985 TENTATIVE MAP REVISIONS 27-TM-�'9 (P.ev. ) - John and Pat 'ricia Seaman - Oakleaf Place � 1985 USE PE1�+�T REVISIONS 9�J-83 Jim Jose�ati (Interland Corporation - Seven Spru�gs ganch) - Rainbow/Stell i�g/Prospec,-t 21�J-84 Micheal Weber an�d F'red Mi,chaud - Southwest corner of Miller Avexlue and Richw�od Drive 4 U-83 Carl S�n�enson (b., Inc. (Itsuo LTenaka) - West dise of North De Anza Boulevard a�roximately 200 ft, sauth of Mariani Averiue 17 U-83 'I'cnnm Center Praperties (Jason C�artier) - Between Rodrigues Avenue and Stevens Creek Boulevan3, east of 'Ibrre Avernze 2 U-67 The Churc.h of Jesus Christ of Iatter Day Saints - 1270 S. (Rev.) Stellirig Road between Stevens Creek Blvd. ar�d McClellan Road 17 U-84 Norman Hulber,q/Kerzneth Gilbeau - Sauthwest corner of Stevens (Rev.) Creek Boulevard an�d Orar�ge Avern�e 13 U-85 Terry 8rown et al - 10075 Pasadena Avernle ��•)