TC 01-05-94Cable Television Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting
Jan. 5, 1994
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by chairman Mike Wincn.
Present: Wincn, Len Batchelor, Laird Huntsman, Carol Marble, Jane Chiavacci
Staff: Donna Krey, Laura Newman
TCI Staff: Chris Hemandez, Rebecca Haugh,
De Anza College: Ron Fish
Guests: Linda Grodt; Don Yeager, Kimberley Lawrence
Carol Marble made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Laird Huntsman
seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Oral: Jane Chiavacci questioned the role of local television in case of a natural disaster
in Cupertino. She has a neighbor who has expressed concern about what to do and where to get
information during an emergency. Krey informed Chiavacci that the City of Cupertino has an
emergency preparedness plan which is required by the state. Also, there is an emergency
override system which allows the city manager to call a special phone number and override the
entire TCI cable system in order to broadcast any information pertaining to the emergency.
Chiavacci thanked Krey for that infom~ation and said she felt it was necessary for the committee
to discuss the role of local television during an emergency. This will placed on the agenda for
next month.
Written: Wincn distributed a draft copy of a letter to TCI regarding the 24-hour outage
that occurred on the Education Channel at De Anza College and signal drop-out of the
Government Channel and residential service. Chiavacci made a motion to accept the letter with
the corrections suggested by Krey; Marble seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Status of re-franchising effort: Krey reported that the next meeting was scheduled for
the day following the CTVAC meeting. She said progress is being made on the technical side.
Demands have been made to fix the technical problems under the current franchise agreement.
Bill Levan from De Anza College has been conducting a series of tests which show that some of
the channels are not in compliance with FCC minimum standards.
Discussion of access tape policy - Ron Fish distributed copies of his Access Director's
Report which contained a draft paragraph on a new access tape policy which would be an
amendment to the Producer Agreement. Fish reminded the committee that the college bookstore
manager will sell videotapes. He also has compiled a list of dealers from which the producers
can purchase tapes.
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The committee recommended that Fish discuss the proposed policy with the producers at
their next meeting and report the results at the March meeting.
Discussion of topic for grants funding: Wincn reminded the committee that last year's
topic for grants funding was handicapped, disabled and elderly people. He asked for ideas for a
topic for this year. Krey said one topic discussed in the past was how to encourage new
producers. Another was publicity-promoting the station more. Len Batchelor brought up the
idea of environmental and energy savings ideas. He also talked about recycling and composting
issues. The committee requested that Fish ask the producers for some ideas. The grants budget
is $1,700. New grants application forms will be provided. Fish will try to schedule his meeting
with the producers prior to the next committee meeting and provide feedback to the committee at
its February meeting. No action will be taken on this item until the February meeting.
Review of TCI Policy for hooking up multi-family dwellings: Huntsman had
previously asked Daryl Henderson of TCI to inform the committee of what the policy is for
hooking up multi-family dwellings. Chris Hemandez and Rebecca Haugh of TCI explained how
TCI makes a decision on hooking up multi-family dwellings. Hernandez said it is a procedure
rather than a policy. Several interest calls from a complex are required before representatives
from the sales office will respond. A cost analysis is performed in which TCI determines how
long it would take to get back some of the initial cash outlay to install the cable. Sometimes that
cost is share with the owners. Another part of the procedure is whether the complex in question
wants to have a bulk rate, which means everyone in the dwelling gets cable or whether its part of
their rental fee or homeowners fee. A contract between TCI and the owner of the building is
The committee accepted the explanation of TCI's procedure.
TCI: Hemandez distributed the status report from TCI for the month of December 1993.
Maintenance of I-NET has been taken over by the San Jose office. Previously, the Cupertino
office was able to perform maintenance on I-NET, however, over the years the use has increased
and demands for repairs have risen. Monta Vista High School is connected with the exception of
one riser. Portal School is all ready except for getting a small piece of cable crossing the street.
Homestead High School is all in. He is trying to coordinate with the maintenance people from
the school and the contractor to determine the cable location at each site. Cupertino High School
has been wired and is ready to go.
A meeting between Foothill College, De Anza College and TCI has been proposed in
order to discuss the best way to use the I-NET system.
Chiavacci asked Hemandez whether TCI has been getting a lot of complaints about the
remote control. She feels they are old-fashioned. Hernandez informed her that TCI is
continually buying new ones and old ones can be turned in for a new one.
I-NET/Educational effort: Marble reported the schools were in the process of
submitting their equipment and personnel requests for TCI franchise negotiations. She thanked
Hemandez for his efforts in performing the hook-ups at all the schools. She wanted him to be
sure and communicate with Doug Fowler at the Cupertino Union School District and Karen
Burnett at the Fremont Union High School District during the final stages of hook-up of I-NET.
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City of Cupertino: Krey reported that an Educational Task Force has been set up which
consists of representatives from the elementary, high school and De Anza College. They will be
meeting with representatives from Pacific Bell to discuss areas of common interests in the cable
Also, she stated that a united effort among the cities is underway to ensure collection of a
franchise fee or other fee from the telephone companies once they begin offering cable
programming. The phone companies have said they do not want to pay cities franchise fees for
supplying cable programming and this may lead to current cable companies protesting their
payment of franchise fees to cities. Cities are encouraged to write letters to legislators asking for
support in maintaining the current payment of franchise fees.
The City Channel will be off the air for the first week of February due to the addition of a
new switcher which will require re-wiring. Currently, Kellyn Yamada is working with the
Historical Society Museum Director on an oral history of pioneer families in Cupertino.
TCI provided its 393 forms to the city for review. These are FCC forms used by cable
companies to justify the rates being charged for basic cable. One problem which was discovered
during the review of these forms was that TCI had lumped together the cities of San Jose, Los
Altos and Cupertino. The city has requested that Cupertino be separated from the other two
cities and a meeting will probably be set up with TCI for further explanation as to how they
arrived at their current figures. The city will also request a 90-day extension in order to go over
the forms more closely.
She informed the committee that there were three applicants for Len Batchelor's vacant
seat. Len chose not to reapply for his seat but will be available as a resource. The committee
presented him with a card and gift in parting.
De Anza College: Ron Fish informed the committee that there is now a permanent
producer for the access news show. He said this month's news show was going to be entered in
the access category for the upcoming BACE Awards. He is going to encourage all producers to
submit an entry for the BACE Awards. Equipment has been ordered for Edit Suite A and
installation should be completed by the end of the month. Krey asked for an inventory of the
new equipment in order to issue asset tags from the city.
He also told the committee that the access channel is running a new TCI show called
"TCI This Week." The committee requested he provide a copy of the program for them to
review. The general feeling of the committee was that this program could potentially be
promotional for TCI and may not be appropriate on the public access channel.
Election of New Officers: Committee members discussed several options for the roles
of chair and vice chair. Batchelor made a motion to nominate Chiavacci as Chairman. Wincn
seconded. Chiavacci declined the nomination due to a stressful and busy workload. Batchelor
withdrew his nomination. Chiavacci made a motion to nominate Laird Huntsman as chairman;
Marble seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Wincn made a motion to nominate
Marble as vice-chair, Huntsman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Batchelor made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m.; Marble seconded and the
motion passed unanimously. The committee will meet next on February 2.
City Clerk