DRC 11-19-03Design Review Committee November 19, 2003 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3308 APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMi'I"I'EE HELD ON NOVEMBER 19, 2003 ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Committee Members absent: Staff present: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 5, 2003 Taghi Saadati, Chairperson Gilbert Wong, Commissioner None Colin Jung, Senior Planner Minutes of the November 5, 2003 Design Review Committee were approved as amended. Page 3, Paragraph 3, insert be, "he will be willing..., Page 3, Motion, delete the word install. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: POSTPONEMENTS/REMOVAL FROM CALENDAR: 2. ASA-2003-06; Ron DuHamel/Shell Oil Station, 20999 Stevens Creek Boulevard Request postponement to the next meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATION: None CONSENT CALENDAR: None OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None PUBLIC HEARING: 2 Design Review Committee November 19, 2003 Application: Applicant: Location: U-2003-09 Ken Chin 10196 Empire Avenue Use Permit to enlarge an existing residence by approximately 600 square feet, including a second story addition. Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed Postponed from November 5, 2003 Staff Presentation: Colin Jung, Senior Planner, briefly described the project. The project met all of the R1 development standards and staff recommended approval. Chairperson Saadati and Commissioner Wong asked in regards to privacy protection if the neighbors were notified. Mr. Jung answered yes. Setbacks were discussed briefly. MOTION: SECOND: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: VOTE: Commissioner Wong moved to approve U-2003-09. Chairperson Saadati. None None 2-0 Application: Applicant: Location: ASA-2003-06 Ron DuHamel/Shell Oil Station 20999 Stevens Creek Boulevard Architectural and Site Approval for exterior changes and signage at an existing service station. Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed Request postponement to the next meeting. MOTION: SECOND: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: VOTE: Commissioner Wong moved to postpone ASA-2003-06 to the next meeting. Chairperson Saadati. None None 2-0 3 Design Review Committee November 19, 2003 Respectfully submitted: Kiersa Witt Administrative Clerk g:plannin g/D R C Committee/Minu tes111903