Regular Meeting
Dec. 1, 1993
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by chairman Mike Wincn.
Present: Wincn, Len Batchelor (arrived 7:11 p.m.), Laird Huntsman, Carol Marble
Absent: Jane Chiavacci
Staff: Donna Krey, Laura Newman
De Anza College: Dave Barney, Ron Fish
Guests: Linda Grodt; Mason Miller
Laird Huntsman made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Marble seconded and
the motion passed unanimously.
Oral: Mason Miller, a student at West Valley College, introduced himself to the
committee members. He said he was attending the meeting as part of a class assignment. Linda
Grodt showed the committee the article and photo from the Cupertino Courier about her show
"Silicon Kids."
Written: Wincn submitted a letter to the committee in response to Sam MacNeal's letter
dated November 6, 1993. He asked that his letter be made a part of the public record. The
committee concurred.
Status of re-franchising effort: Krey reported that the next re-franchising meeting was
scheduled for December 9. The education meeting had been held last month and it was expected
that some of the topics that came out of that meeting would be discussed at the meeting. Bill
Levan will submit a report from the technical subcommittee which will also be discussed at the
next negotiating meeting. Huntsman said Levan and Dave Carlson, of TCI, are looking at the
detail measurements--signal quality measurements--that should be made at various points.
Carlson and Huntsman are looking into the possibility of placing a monitor on the system which
would interpret the signal quality at all times. Carlson will submit a report prior to the next
negotiation meeting regarding the signal quality equipment.
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Discussion of access tape policy: Ron Fish told thc committee that the college and the
producers have an agreement that the college will lend brand new tapes to new producers who
are supposed to use the tapes and then return them to the access department so that it can be
recycled for someone else's use. This policy is not working out since the producers are not
returning the tapes as agreed. Because the producers are not returning tapes, in essence the
college is giving free tapes to producers without being reimbursed. He said he would like to stop
stocking tapes for all producers, just enough for new producers. The producers could buy their
own tapes. He has talked to the college bookstore manager and he is willing to stock broadcast
tapes at the bookstore. After some discussion, the committee asked Fish to provide a copy of the
current policy as well as a proposed amendment to the policy at its next meeting.
Review of TCI policy for hooking up multi-family dwellings: This item was
continued to the January meeting due to the absence of Daryl Henderson.
De Anza College: Dave Barney reported that the education channel at the college was
down for a 24-hour period during the last week of classes. TCI was not being cooperative in its
efforts to fix the problem. The City was requested to give any assistance it could in getting TCI
to fix the problem. He wanted to go on record that this was unacceptable. The quality of the
picture has been poor for some time. This is also unacceptable. He will write a letter to TCI
complaining about the downtime and signal quality and submit a copy to the committee at the
next meeting. Krey said the committee should also send a letter to TCI. Winch said he would
put together the letter and send it to the committee members for their input. A copy would also
be sent to Dave Carlson, TCI's engineer.
Fish distributed copies of his access director's report. He informed the committee that
beginning December 5 there will be a banner across Stevens Creek Boulevard promoting the
access channel. Business cards with the new access logo have been ordered for the producer
groups. The Cupertino News Show completed its fourth show which included a piece on Martha
Kanter, President of De Anza College.
TCI: There was no report due to the absence of Henderson.
I-NET/Educational effort: Marble said she talked to Daryl Henderson earlier in the
week to check on the progress of the hook-up of I-NET to Portal School as well as the drops
hooked up for the high schools. He told her that the work had been done at Portal and the only
thing that needs to be done for completion is the splicing and inspection of the cable. The hook-
ups to the high schools are not complete. The contractors were waiting for a certain type of
equipment and once it was received they would be able to finish the job.
Barney told the members that INET is used between Foothill and De Anza colleges and
has been plagued with problems from the beginning. TCI has not been able to resolve them. The
college may have to change over to dedicated phone lines due to the incapacity of TCI having a
reliable signal. He will include a reference to INET in his letter to TCI.
Marble said the meeting of November 22 included representatives from TCI, Don Brown,
City Manager, Cheryl Kershner, Deputy City Attorney, Len Batchelor, Marble, and all of the
school representatives. Each school district presented a plan and specific examples to TCI. As a
result of the meeting, it was suggested that the three school districts meet and talk about
equipment and personnel requests. This information will be given to the negotiating team for
discussion at a future meeting with TCI.
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City of Cupertino: Krey announced that Barb Koppel is the new Mayor and she will
continue to have the Mayor's lunch with commissioners beginning in January. Krey reminded
the members that the Commissioners' Dinner will be held February 24.
Krey told the committee members about PacBell's proposed plans for moving into the
cable industry. Network construction will begin the second quarter of 1994. The plan is to first
hook up the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles County, Orange County and San Diego. The
estimates for adding customers have been 15,000 per week. PacBell has already petitioned to
carry the cable programming which is in the courts right now. Nobody thinks there will be a
problem except for the phone company's not wanting to pay any franchise fees. This is
something cities will be following very carefully because the cable companies have said that if
the telephone companies are exempt from franchise fees then they are going to make sure they
can get that same exemption. Krey went on to state that PacBell will hook up 1.5 million homes
by the end of 1996 and more than 5 million by the end of the decade.
PacBell is making overtures to the city to find out how they can work together and what
they need to do. She said Don Brown will be meeting with representatives of the telephone
company in the near future.
Marble made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 p.m.; Huntsman seconded and the
motion passed unanimously. The committee will meet next on January 5, 1994.
City Clerk