Regular Meeting
Oct. 6, 1993
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by chairman Mike Wincn.
Present: Wincn, Len Batchelor, Jane Chiavacci, Laird Huntsman and Carol Marble.
Staff: Donna Krey, Laura Newman
De Anza College: Pon Fish, Dave Barney
TCI Staff: Chris Hernandez, Wendy Setton
Guests: Sam MacNeal, Linda Grodt, Don Yeager, Donna Yeager
Chiavacci made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Batchelor seconded and the
motion passed unanimously.
Oral: Introduction of the guests in the audience were made.
Don Yeager informed the committee that he had received a $5,000 grant from Lockheed.
He and Ron Fish had discussed the possibility of purchasing some of De Anza's older equipment
with the money. Fish said he would address this issue under New Business.
Written: Linda Grodt distributed a booklet from Hawaii on their access programs.
Copies of Sam MacNeal's correspondence to Krey and her response to him were distributed to the
committee. MacNeal stated he did not need any further clarification He expressed concerns that
there might be issues that would not be covered during the refranchising negotiations. Krey gave
him a copy of the recommendations adopted by the committee for his information. Wincn stated
MacNeal could address the committee next month when placed on the agenda.
Report from TCI: Taken out of order. Since Daryl Henderson was unable to attend this
meeting, Chris Hernandez and Wendy Sefton filled in for him. Hernandez distributed the TCI
summary for the month of September. Sefion spoke about the number of calls TCI received. The
normal number of calls received tripled during September due to the re-regulation rules.
The cost estimate for moving the access site from De Anza College to Cogswell College
was approximately $16, 330. The committee thanked Hernandez for this information.
Hernandez reported on the visit by State Engineer Mark Harrigan, who made comments
about TCI's good maintenance and the fact that its schedules are up to date.
Hernandez also reported agreement had been reached with KPIX for broadcast on TCI.
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Marble asked Hernandez about the paragraph in the report regarding the purchase order
for the I-Net repair in Cupertino in which it stated that a purchase order was never issued.
Hernandez showed the committee a copy of the purchase order and said work would be started
by the end of the month. I-Net wiring will be installed at Homestead High School, Cupertino
High School, Monta Vista High School and Portal School. It was suggested that Hernandez
contact each of the technical people at the schools prior to installation.
Winch reported he had noticed a difference in the signal quality recently. Hernandez told
him when he experienced dropouts he should immediately call Hernandez who would then be
able to more easily track the cause. Winch said he would bring a log of signal outages.
Discussion of Cogswell College as Access Site: This was discussed under the TCI
Status of Re-Franchising Effort: Krey reported that the third meeting of the negotiating
team had been held and progress was being made. The team is beginning to look at the
educational part of the recommendations. The TCI people wanted to wait to discuss this
following the Oct. 13 meeting where TCI representatives will be getting together with the
educational community to hear what their needs are. They feel this would help them to better
address the recommendations. The next negotiating meeting is scheduled for Oct. 28. There are
still major issues that need to be resolved.
MacNeal expressed concern about whether the community at large knows of the
existence of the committee as the group to contact regarding cable concerns. Krey informed
MacNeal that when she receives calls from the community regarding cable problems, she often
refers the callers to the committee. Batchelor explained that the proper procedure for cable
concerns is to contact Krey.
MacNeal had another concern regarding the late fee charge on TCI's bill. He was assured
by both Krey and Huntsman that this issue was being discussed in the negotiations. Krey
mentioned this was one of the main concerns expressed by TCI customers.
Discussion of Report Required by Council: Wincn stated he had a few word changes
for the report. Batchelor suggested a few corrections as well. After discussion, it was agreed
that a yearly summary report would be provided to the council. The committee thanked Len for
his efforts in putting together the report. Krey will present it to the Council at its Nov. 1
Approval to Sell Outdated, Unused Access Equipment: Ron Fish told the committee
about wanting to sell outdated and unused access equipment to Don Yeager. The equipment
includes two 3/4" tape decks, an audio board, a monitor and some cabling and the edit controller
which would be purchased by Yeager using his grant money from Lockheed. Fish would like to
purchase new equipment with the money he receives from Yeager. Huntsman suggested that
Fish write a list of equipment to be sold and submit it to the committee for its concurrence.
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Huntsman made a motion that the committee allow De Anza College to take the
equipment and sell it at fair market price provided that at the next meeting Fish provides a list of
the equipment to be sold, including the serial numbers, and identify the equipment that will be
purchased. Batchelor seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Chiavacci said she was
concerned about allowing the college to sell equipment that was bought with city funds without
competitive bids. Krey explained the procedure for selling surplus equipment by the city. Barney
said there are similar procedures at the college for selling surplus equipment as well.
Huntsman amended his motion to state that the sale be held in accordance with College
procedures for disposal of used equipment.
The final motion by Huntsman was that the committee concur with De Anza College's
decision to sell certain used equipment at fair market price in accordance with De Anza College's
pertinent regulations, provided that a list of the equipment is made public at the next meeting to
the committee showing the serial numbers of the equipment sold and the identification of the
equipment to be bought with the money. Marble seconded the amended motion. The motion was
passed by a 4 to 1 vote (Chiavacci - no).
De Anza College Report: Fish distributed copies of the Access Director's Report for the
committee's information. Included with the report was a list of the active access producers and
the week's program schedule. The Cupertino Courier featured three articles about public access.
Krey suggested that Fish contact the city commissions about using public access. She will
provide him with the names of the commissioners.
TCI: This report was given earlier.
I-NET/Educational Effort: Marble reported that the meeting of the education people
and TCI was set for October 13 at 1:30 p.m. She attended her first meeting as a member of the
Educational Technology Committee which was held at the Santa Clara County Office of
City of Cupertino: Krey said she had requested quarterly financial reports from De Anza
College in order to maintain an accurate accounting of the funds provided by the City to the
college as part of the tripartite agreement. The City Channel completed a new show, "Meet the
Media," which was in a question and answer format featuring print media journalists. All five
council candidates participated. The show will be aired throughout the month of October. The
City Channel will also be airing the League of Women Voters' candidates forum which will be
held October 12. Election Night returns will be aired until midnight.
Huntsman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m.; Marble seconded and the
motion passed unanimously. The committee will meet next on November 3.
City Clerk