08-130 Toyokawa Sister City Agreement<ji~> m
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2008ff-7J=Jl 1B
The city of Toyokawa, Aichi Prefecture,Japan; and the city of Cupertino, California,
U.S.A. reaffirm their 30-year sister city relationship and their intention to further
strengthen the bonds between them. Friendship and mutual understanding built on
educational, cultural, industrial and economic exchanges can make this possible,
when supported by the mutual desire of our citizens.
It is our firm belief that activities that promote friendly r e lations between the
U.S.A. andjapan will contribute to world peace and be of lasting benefit to the
people of our communities, nations, and planet.
2008July 11
Minoru Yamawaki
Moyo1; City ef Toyokawa
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Dol61 Sandoval
Mqy01; Ci91 ef Cupertino
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