TC 03-24-93CABLE TELEVISION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Adjourned Meeting March 24, 1993 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:37 p.m. by chaMmm Mike Wincn. ROLL CALL Present: Wincn, Len Batchelor, Jane Chiavacci, Laird Huntsman (arrived 4:42 p.m.) and Carol Marble. Staff: Donna Krey De Anza College: Ron Fish APPROVAL OF MARCH 3, 1993 MINUTES Batchelor made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Marble seconded and the motion passed unanimously. COMMUNICA~ONS· Oral: There were none. Written: Krey distributed reminders to committee members who have not yet filed FPpc · forms. Winch passed out a summary of a terms andagreemant document provided by Kathleen Schuler for the city of Honolulu. OLD BUSINESS Recommendations for Refranchising: Huntsman stated that recommendations should ' not be considered before an overall plan for renegotiations has been developed. He' submitted, a 35-page proposal from the legal firm of Miller & Holbrooke in Washington D.C. which he had requested. Committee members said there was a plan in place; Humsman said it needed to address a full scope. Wincn suggested the meeting proceed as planned, with committee members... discussing the draft reeommendati6ns dOCUment and beforethe'~'~ '~next:~' ~'~"'"~meet~ng' ~'~"Hunt§man'" '~ ' -' k'O~ld: -' ... develop a short statement or list of objectives for the'¢cJrnmitfee{ Huntsman agreed to have this by the April meeting. The committee made the following changes to the draft recommendations document': Length of Franchise--added nine years, not to exceed 15 years, and included performance evaluations along with review and possible revisions occurring every three years. Customer Service--on the late fee policy, changed "a longer period of: time" to say .;!a~ least 31 days." On planned ..interruptions, added the example .of notification .on ~h'e cable company s characte generator Added another bullet for installation requirements. .. Technical Standards--Added technical standards must exceed FCC minimum levels on second bullet under this category. Deleted last line of fourth' bullet. Agreed to add three of the: ;~'Schuleg document recommendations concerning a development fund, cable operator upgrades and ~.' emergency override. I-NET--Added "Within the first year of the contract" to the beginning of the list of recommendations. Moved sixth bullet to follow third bullet. On fiRh bullet, deleted the words "parent company" and changed "other TCI-owned" to the word "neighbodng." Deleted De Anza College in seventh bullet and added 12th grade. In last bullet, deleted city of Cupertino reference. Public Access--Deleted first two bullets. Added bullet for "Full funding of government channel." Added second bullet for the idea of having "10 percent of available channels as PEG channels, with the city deciding their use, which could include authorizing the cable company to use the channels until PEG was ready to claim them." Also on public access, moved informational video recommendation to customer service section. Reworded bullet on public relations program to read "TCI will provide funding for..." Deleted bullet about annual grant for social problem. Added "the access operation" to following bullet. Deleted bullet about regionalization. Added $140,000 annual amount to last bullet regarding access director salary. Throughout discussion of written recommendations, the committee agreed that a section on Performance Standards was needed and decided to discuss that category at the April meeting. Krey will make changes to the draft document for the April meeting. ADJOURNMENT Chiavacci made a motion at 7:20 p.m. to adjourn the meeting; Wincn seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The next meeting will be April 7 at 7 p.m. in City Hall, conference room A. ATTEST: APPROVED: