TC 03-02-93~.EXqSZON
Regular Meeting
March 3, 1993
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by cha/rman M/ke W'mcn.
Present: W'mcn, Len Batchelor, lane Chiavacci, La/rd Huntsman (arrived 7:16 p.m.) and
Carol Marble.
Staff: Donna Krey
De Anza College: David Barney and Ron Fish
Guests: Linda C-rodt and Donna Yeager
Chiavacci made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Marble seconded and the
motion passed unanimously.
COMMUNICATIONS Oral: There were none.
Written: Wincn distributed copies of last month's mayors luncheon report; Krey
distributed copies of letters from residents complaining about TCI's new basic entry level service.
The committee asked Krey and Batchelor to dral~ a letter to TCI and the FCC asking that current
basic subscribers be grandfathered into the new plan, which should apply only to new basic
Status of Refranchising Effort: WinCh went over technical recommendations and Barney
delivered input on public access. The committee decided to conduct a special adjourned meeting
March 24 at 4:30 p.m. at City I-Tall to discuss only the recommendation package. Members will
have any other suggested recommendations to Krey'by March 19. Krey will put together
customer service recommendations based on other city franchises.
The committee also discussed length of franchise and decided that should be determined
by what TCI can offer the city in the technical area. Members agreed the franchise should include
review opportunities every three years for the subjects of technology, customer service,
perfo,,itance standards. Huntsman was asked to summarize elements in the current franchise that
would be desirable to retain. Barney was asked to provide a model of what a good access facility
needs to operate.
The need for publicity was brought up and Krey suggested the committee consider a
subcommittee for access publicity and promotion. The idea will be agendized for the regular April
Negotiating Team: Chiavacci made a motion to appoint V~mcn as thc aJtcrnatc CTVAC
representative for refranchise negotiations; Marble seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Review of' Timetable: Committee members agreed to try and have recommendations
ready for the city council by the April meeting, which is consistent with the proposed timeline.
Consideration of reimbursement for Hometown Video entries: Fish explained that the
cost of entering I0 programs in the contest was $290. Marble made a motion to reimburse the
college for the 10 entry fees; Batchelor seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Considerations of subscriptions to cable publications: K~ey presented a copy of
Multichannel News, which is received each week by the city for $58 a year. Huntsman said
recently published examples of other cable newsletters offering a more legal point of view were
coming in the mail and suggested the committee walt to review those before deciding on whether
or not to subscribe to any other publications. Consideration of this matter will be agendized in
Request from Martin Bishop for addendum: Huntsman made a motion to support
Bishop's request; Marble seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The request is that the
committee state it is not opposed to TCI offering a higher discount rate than 15 percent for low
income disabled and elderly.
Discussion of Kathleen SchuleFs services: Chiavacci said Schuler was not able to attend
the CTVAC meeting, but she would call and invite the consultant to the March 24 meeting, I£
Schuler cannot attend, committee members agreed to forward recommendations to her for her
Report from City of Cupertino: Krey reported the new grant forms are complete and
there are copies in her office and at the TV Center. She said departments were working on
budgets and asked committee members for input on items they wished to see included. Chiavacci
indicated a need for conference money so that the committee could have a representative at the
annual NFLCP meeting. Krey also spoke about the League of California Cities' unified response
to the FCC on rate regulations and offered a copy of the complete comments forwarded to the
Report from De Anza College: Fish reported on new equipment purchases at the college
and said the goal now is to phase in High 8 systems. The committee agreed that $600 of the nex~
quarterly payment to De Anza be used to reimburse the college for two new camera cases.
Report on 1-NET: Marble said the I-NET demonstration will take place at Cupertino
High School and educators were very positive about the idea. They are working on a date for the
event. The elementary school district has requested the I-NET be connected at the district office,
rather than at Portal School. Marble said TCI is looking into the feasibility.
Report from TCI: Krey passed out a written report from Henderson, who was attending
another meeting.
Marble made a motion at 9:10 p.m. to adjourn the meeting to March 24, 4:30 p.m. at City
Hall; Huntsman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
c'fty Clerk