TC 11-04-92CABLE TELEVISION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting Nov. 4, 1992 Council Chambers, City Hall MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by chair-tan Mike W'mcn at 7:07 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Wincn, Len Batchelor, Jane Chiavacd, Carol Marble, Laird Huntsman (entered 7:20) Absent: None Staff present: Donna Krey, Laura Domondon Lee Channel 30 staff: Dave Barney, Ron Fish TCI staff: Daryl Henderson, Chris Hernandez, Wendy Sefton APPROVAL OF OCT. 7, 1992 and ocr. 20, 1992 MINIYrES Chiavacci made a motion to approve minutes from both meetings held in October; Marble seconded and the motion passed unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: There were none. Written: Wincn read a faxed letter from Bruce McK~, which stated McKeeVer's dissatisfaction with East Bay news insertions, rather than South Bay on CNN. NEW BUSINESS Public Hearing to determine commUnity satisfactio~ with TCI: Wincn gave a brief overview of the public hearing format and encouraged residents to discuss their concerns. Erv Conens said he was not happy with a rate increase on his cable bill. He also mentioned that he was concerned about future service and costs. : Isabel Atkinson suggested that the franchise be open to other companies to encourage competition. She also was unhappy about rates increases. Krey told Atkins°n that TCI has a non-exclusive contract and the city would consider other proposals. However, TCI owns most cable companies in the area and it is unlikely another cable company would approach the city because set up costs would be high.. Barry For~:~men-t.~ that he was not,pt-eased with service ~d~si~' qdai~ty. He commented that the equipment must be "agingt' and that his television set hasgone blank, on occasion. Ford requested 24-hour service and maintenance capabilities. . , Winch asked Henderson to respond to the residents' comments. Henderson said TCI tracks outages monthlY: and introduced technical manager Chris Hern~:dez. Hernandez explained the company's maintenance program and tracking efforts for outages; He said some causes of outages were "PG & E-related". Chiavacci suggested publicizing ra~ increases before' bills are sent and Marble inquired about the frequendes of increases. ' Henderson statec~zthat TCI needs to meet certain standard~ and is obligated to': inform the dty 30 days before a rate increase. Annual increases are expected in the future '~.~'~d fibe~ optics arid a Sunnyvale feed will be installed by Jan. 5, 1993. Residents will be informedof channel line,Up - changes that will occur. Hernandez stated advantages of fiber optics: preventir~g piEture fade, increasing picture quality and less maintenance. Barbara Rogers was concerned that programming on "The ~ng Channel" is not listed in the "TV Guide" and that programming on the public access channel is not as good as in the past. She asked that the city maintain a stronger hold on public access and issues, such as. equipment storage and insurance. Krey told Rogers that the committee was aware of problems at the access channel and Dave Barney might be able to answer any specific concerns. Hunter Jackson said he enjoys educational programming on cable and mentioned "Th~ Learning Channel" used to provide schedules to TCI. Jackson also noted that the City Channel produced a basic guide for programming. Krey said the City Channel guide was eliminated because of budget cuts, however, condensed schedules are available. Jackson expressed his concern for the future of programming and requested definitions for: down-time, degraded service, upgrading system plans and outages. Henderson said cable guides were discontinued because of cost and demand factors, however, discounts for "TV Guide" are available to subscribers. Hernandez provided technical definitions for Jackson. Winch asked Henderson for benchmark comparisons to other cities, according to standards followed by TCI. Chiavacci requested that reports reflect the number of times outages occur, instead of the number of service calls. Huntsman asked for clarification of definitions requested by Jackson. Henderson said the amount of time, location and number of subscribers affected by outages are reported monthly and available for review. Barry Ford said TCI should provide pro-active maintenance and suggested that backup systems be in place if power is down. Hernandez stated that standby power is ready and batteries are tested evei3, month. TCI does not perform continuous monitoring. Chiavacci asked Henderson about the flexibility of the on-screen guide and asked if listings could include programming on the access channel. Henderson responded that the Cupertino office can recommend to the Hayward facilitY that on-screen guides be sped up, but local program schedules cannot be fed in. New access director Ron Fish introduced himself and welcomed comments about public access. Jackson asked the committee about local-tracking plans. Huntsman summarized Jackson's request. Wincn told the group that a telephone survey recently was performed and the committee is planning more hearings. With no further comments from the audience, the public hearing was closed. Future dates for public input sessions: Huntsman suggested scheduling time for public hearings during the next few regular meetings. By consensus, committee members agreed that the first 15 minutes of the December and January regular meetings will be set aside for public hearings. Scheduled time will be advertised in the December and January issues of the Cupertino Scene, press releases to local newspapers and the City Channel. Information about the November public hearing was provided in the Scene (October and November issues), the SJ Mercury News, Cupertino Courier and City Channel. Residents who responded to an informal survey in the Scene also were notified. ADIOURNMENT Huntsman motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.; Batchelor seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The next CTVAC meeting will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. in Conference Room A at City Hail. Cable Television Advisory Commit~ee - Special Meeting Public Input for Cable-Rela~ed Issues - October 20, 1992 ATTEST: APPROVED: /8~airperson