TC 10-20-92CABLE TELEVISION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Special Meeting -- Public Input for Cable-related Issues October 20, 1992, 6:00 p.m. De Anza College Television Center, Studio B 21250 Stevens Creek Boulevard MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by chahulan Mike Wincn at 6:07 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: City Staff Present: Channel 30 Staff: Guest: Winch, Jane Chiavacci, Carol Marble Laird Huntsman No one Ron Fish Len Batchelor PUBLIC INPUT FOR CABLE-RELATED ISSUES The originally scheduled program of public input through use of the "One-Touch" system was cancelled due to a nnalfunction of the host computer and an inability to obtain functional hardware and software in sufBcient time to allow setup and test prior to a 7:30 p.m. cablecast. Members of the public who were expecting to participate in the evening program and who did not receive notice of cancellation were advised of the situation as they arrived. Chairman Wincn opened the meeting to discussion of One-Touch and public input. Ron Fish stated that the problem with the One-Touch system was not known. One-Touch systems are believed to be in use in Hewlett-Packard, Tandem Computers, and EDS as well as De Anza College. Wincn suggested that it would be best to cablecast a slide on Channel 30 advising viewers of the public hearing in November in order to stimulate public participation, and suggested that the committee re-schedule a cable program in December. Jane Chiavacci suggested that January would be a better choice because nearness of Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays may interfere with participation. Chiavacci stated that Councilman Dean would like to address the committee. Len Batchelor stated that January 25~" is the end of the 90-day public hearing period stipulated in the 1984 Cable Act. Wincn suggested that the committee could call special meeting sometime before January 25t~ to receive public input. Carol Marble agreed to check on best dates and times for participants from public school administration and suggested contacting the Rotary Club. Batchelor suggested contacting the Chamber of Commerce;'knd said that he would review old Heritage information for their re- franchise. Batchelor suggested that Ron Fish contact Elliot MargolleS of Palo Alto Access to discuss which representatives of community organizations may have participated in a Heritage Cablevision re-franchise several years ago. Chiavacci suggested that the committee should write a letter to both De Anza College and to One- Touch Systems expressing the committee's disappointment over the failure of the system to perform as expected. Wincn agreed to work on a draft prior to the November 4m meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m. Cable Television Advisory Committee - Special Meeting Public Input for Cable-Related Issues - October 20, 1992 ATTEST C~t~ Clerk APPROVED: