TC 10-07-92CABLE TELEVISION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting Oct. 7, 1992 Conference Room A, City Hall MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by chairman Mike W'mcn at 7:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Wincn, Jane Chiavacci, Laird Huntsman, Carol Marble Absent: None Staff present: Donna Krey, Laura Domondon Lee Channel 30 staff: David Keller TCI staff: Daryl Henderson, Wendy Sefton Guests: Len Batchelor, Linda Grodt, Donna Yeager, Martin Bishop, Ron Fish, Jane Thompson, Ed Moura APPROVAL OF Sept. 2, 1992 MINUTES Chiavacci moved to approve the Sept. minutes; Huntsman seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: Committee members and guests expressed their sorrow on the recent death of former CTVAC member Walt Trefz. Len Batchelor told the committee he is willing to finish Trefz' term on the CTVAC if approved by the council. Martin Bishop discussed five proposals to discount cable rates for the disabled, elderly and low-income residents whose yearly income is $8,000 or less. According to Bishop, approximately 200 residents would be eligible for a discount, and could be identified by Cupertino Community Services. The proposals also were presented to Daryl Henderson. Discounted rates will be included on the December meeting agenda. Ed Moura told the committee about Hybrid Networks' interactive applications and telecommunications abilities. Hybrid is currently working with TCI on a special project. Linda Grodt reported that Silicon Kids is a ritualist in the WAVE awards and that Mike Betz is the temporary editor of the Cupertino Courier. Able Cable was also mentioned as a finalist. Other producers and guests introduced themselves. Written: Lee distributed copies of articles related to the new cable bill. OLD BUSINESS Status of Re-franchising Effort (Activities, Timelines, Plans, Progress): Winch handed out a summary of the telephone survey results. Goals for Granta Program: Members discussed their prior suggestion to use grants funds for different topics every year. Krey will submit a report for the Oct. 19 coundl meeting recommending the committee's proposal. Priority will be given to groups that focus on the Cupertino community. One-touch System - Public Input:. Chiavacci talked about the schedule and ideas for the one-touch session on Oct. 20. She suggested the committee allow time for additional comments _ at a post-show reception. Thompson said 40 keypads will be available at De Anza and a remote ;ite is being considered to accommodate more residents. She suggested using the council chambers as that site. Chiavacci said once the number of participants and keypads are determined, a remote site can be scheduled. Krey said she informed the editor of the Courier ot the one-touch session. Infomercials on Channel 30: Krey said the first check for an infomercial was received from Buster's Grill & Bar at Vallco Mall. She told committee members that infomercials will be aired only during locally produced programming. She asked Keller to check with Dave Barney if De Anza's attorneys are willing to show infomercials on Ch. 30. Keller suggested that infomerdak run approximately 60-seconds. He also said the City of Mt. View approved the infomercial concept, but none have been produced to date. Keller will provide the committee with a copy of Mt. View's infomercial guidelines. NEW BUSINESS Report from I-Net/Educational effort: Marble invited educators from Fremont Union High School District and Cupertino Union School District to the one-touch session and said Bill Levan agreed to provide technical expertise during the event. Report from TCI: Henderson introduced new office manager Wendy Sefton. He said the entire staff will attend TCI's first customer training, expected to last three months, and reported that a phone sequencer was recently installed. The sequencer will track/s/ total calls, calls directly answered, calls on hold and an average hold time. Henderson also mentioned that requests for Pay-Per-view is down, but an instant install program is running through the end of the week to attract more customers. An emergency trunk re-routing, was performed due to the Hwy. 85 construction. Report from ~he City of Cupertino: Krey said she will ask for the council's direction to replace Walt Trefz' position on the committee. By consensus, members agreed to recommend that Batehelor fill the position until the end of the term. Krey requested a copy of the new cable bill, but due to the overwhelming requests for the document, will obtain the House conference report until the bill can be obtained. She mentioned that a copy of a request for proposal for studio facility usage from the City of Sunnyvale is available for review. The City C, hannel will conduct a half-day staff workshop on Nov. 30. Long-range goals and changes due to budget cuts are topics up for discussion. Report from De Anza: Keller recommended that committee members attend a workshop entitled "Franchise Renewal in the 90's' at the 1992 NFLCP Far West Regional Conference on Oct. 22 at Davis. He mentioned that the Cupertino AAUW group will take a break from producing programs for access. He also said re-roofing was completed and schedules are now back to normal at the station. The access director application process is closed. Fourteen out of 25 applicants will be interviewed. Keller mentioned that ortly three nights of production time are set aside for access groups. The schedule should allow for more production time once the new building is completed. Keller also expressed his concern for paid crews. Krey asked Batchelor for information about paid crews in the past. The pros and cons of paid crew members will be discussed at the December meeting. Committee members thanked Keller for filling the interim access director position. Keller said he would work one night per week if approved by Barney. Krey suggested that a CTVAC member sit on the interviewing panel and will call Dave Barney. Batchelor and Chiavacci volunteered to sit on the panel if necessary. Chiavacci will try to obtain a copy of requirements for the access director position. ~,DIOURNMENT Marble made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 p.m.; Huntsman seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The next CTVAC meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 4 at; p.m. in the coundl chamber at City Hall. Cable Television Advisory Committee - Regular Meeting October 7, 1992 ATTEST: APPROVED: