TC 08-05-92CABLE TELEVISION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting Aug. 5, 1992 Conference Room A City Hall MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by chairman Mike W'mcn at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Wincn, Jane Chiavacci, Carol Marble, Walter Trefz Absent: Laird Huntsman Staff present: Donna Krey, Laura Domondon Lee Channel 30 staff: Dave Barney, Carol Romo Guests: Len Batchelor, Linda Grodt APPROVAL OF JUNE 3, 1992 MINUTES Chiavacci made a motion to approve minutes from the June meeting; Marble seconded and the motion passed unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: Producer Linda Grodt said she attended an NFLCP convention in St. Paul and offered a catalog of tapes on re-franchising available from the convention. Written: There were none. OLD BUSINESS Status of Re-franchising Effort (Activities, Timelines, Plans, Progress): Wincn reviewed the telephone survey results from Godbe Communications and noted that picture fade concerned about 30 percent of the residents. Barney mentioned education as a priority in the future. Krey pointed out that one third of cable subscribers watch access at least once a week. Overall, the survey indicated residents are pleased with TCI. Krey said residents were polled randomly and results are within a 4 to 6 percent margin of error. She also stated that results are in line with national averages and trends. Wincn added that all Cupertino neighborhoods were represented. Krey then suggested the CTVAC identify and address key issues during the re-franchising process. Committee members talked about the importance of a brainstorming session. Trefz and Chiavacci suggested issues other than survey results be discussed. Trefz asked that items such as the length of a franchise and new technology be included in the session. The subcommittee will summarize survey results and report at the Sept. meeting. A brainstorming session was scheduled for Wed., Aug. 12 at 7 p.m. Audits: Krey ordered financial and technical audits from TCI, which is normal procedure during a re-franchising process. Both were in the process of being done. Consideration of Dates for Public Hearing: Krey said the community will be notified of a public hearing through the Scene and press releases. Residents who completed the brief questionnaire in the June issue of the Scene will be contacted directly. Wincn asked that a fact sheet on technical cable terms be completed as soon as possible. Committee members agreed to schedule a hearing for the regular CTVAC Nov. meeting. Non-Profit Access: Batchelor said he gave Huntsman information about Mt. View's non- profit access. The city of Sunnyvale will consider the following access facilities for joint use: De Anza, Los Altos and Mt. View. One-touch System.' Chiavacci discussed a proposal for an interactive/one-touch system for the re-franchising process. Participants will be asked to respond to questions about cable _improvements and features via keypads at De Anza studios and remote sites. Councilmembers, 'Zupertino Chamber of Commerce members and citizens who complained about cable services will be invited to participate. Barney mentioned that the system was performed successfully at five sites several months ago and suggested that future programs be more "interesting." Chiavacci asked committee members to develop questions for the session. Henderson was concerned about allowing enough time between the public hearing and one-touch session. Members agreed that the one-touch system will ask questions about the future and potential of cable. A tentative date of Oct. 20 was set for a one-touch system event. This date would be firm by next week to give ample time for publicity. Participants may be required to attend a rehearsal the day before the session. Citizens who wish to be polled should call in advance for a slot. NEW BUSINESS Review of Grants Guidelines and Procedures: Winch said during a recent council meeting, councilmembers noted that a majority of grant requests were submitted by De Anza College student producers, not strictly access producers. Because of this concern, the CTVAC was asked to review guidelines for the grants program. Wincn distributed a financial report from a former grant recipient, stating that the report was the first received since new grant forms were developed. Krey mentioned that very few grant requests are received, possibly because of lack of publicity. She also discussed a lack of a formal, effective accounting system for recipients. In place of the existing program, Trefz suggested each year committee members target special interest groups currently not represented on the channel and award grants directly to them. Grodt and Krey said the money set aside for awards could be used toward publicity so all groups can benefit. Chiavacci agreed to summarize the concerns of the program and report at the Sept. meeting. REPORT FROM I-NET/EDUCATIONAL EFFORT Marble met with Dave Keller and school district representatives about I-Net. She discussed a letter from Jerry Pizant about the taping and airing schedule of special events. Marble plans to meet with Karen Brunett, Director of Media Technology, from Fremont Union High School District. Barney stated that the curriculum for an ROP program will be developed in November. Through this program, 30 students will receive college credits for attending classes offered at De Anza. REPORT FROM TCI/UNITED ARTISTS CABLE Henderson reviewed the status report and said TC! is restructuring premium channel pricing. Single premium channels will increase by $1; two channels will be reduced by $2.95. Customer service phone hours and service calls have been extended to 6 p.m. The Olympics Triplecast offer was successful and TCI-Cupertino was awarded one trip to Barcelona by pre-selling the most Olympic Triplecast packages in the Bay Area. Henderson also warned members that due to the construction of Hwy. 85, TCI may move the main cable trunk. He will further advise the committee on this issue. REPORT FROM CITY OF CUPERTINO Krey told the CTVAC that "infomercials" were developed by councilmember Dean to encourage residents to shop in Cupertino. Three prototypes spotlighting businesses and merchants in the city were completed. Krey said a one to two-minute infomercial may cost $500 to produce. The infomercials, filmed by De Anza workers ($150/show) and edited by the City Channel, will not advertise business locations or use superlatives in the spots and be placed in slots around council meeting so PBS rights will not be affected. Committee members decided to discuss general guidelines and time slots for Ch. 30 at the Sept. meeting. REPORT FROM DE ANZA COLLEGE Barney explained that the college wants to purchase a telephone interface module in place of VHS playback equipment from funds provided by the CTVAC. Krey mentioned the city council and committee already approved of certain fixed assets and the telephone module was not listed. Barney said De Anza already purchased the playback equipment and that the interface module would cost the same. Krey said she would check with the city's finance office. Romo suggested that any additional funds be used for training because producer groups are canceling or not showing up for scheduled training sessions and administration should be compensated. Chiavacci said producer groups should submit a check to hold a training slot, as done in the past. If a group does not show, checks can be cashed. Barney reported that Keller will leave his position as interim director at the end of August. He mentioned that he asked Keller to stay through September. The hiring process for Keller's position could take between four and six weeks. Barney explained that an applicant for the director position was rejected because he could work only two nights/week. De Anza requires a commitment of four nights/week. Members asked Barney to look into a more flexible schedule. The CTVAC discussed the importance of filling the position immediately. Chiavacci moved that chairman Wincn write a letter encouraging De Anza to hire expeditiously a replacement for Dave Keller for contractual obligations. Marble seconded and the motion carried unanimously. AD[OURNMENT Marble made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20; Trefz seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned to Aug. 12, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Room A at City Hall. APPROVED:  /,,~/~ ' Mi k~/Wi ~cn;v Chad rman ATTEST: