TC 06-03-92CABLE TELEVISION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting June 3, 1992 Conference Room A City Hall MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by chairman Mike W'mcn at 6:50 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Wincn, Carol Marble, Laird Huntsman (entered 6:50 p.m.), Waiter Trefz (entered 6:52 p.m.), Jane Chiavacci (entered 6:56 p.m.). Staff present: Donna Krey, Laura Domondon Lee Channel 30 staff: Dave Barney, David Keller Guests: Len Batchelor, Linda Grodt, Carter Wells, Don Yeager APPROVAL OF MAY 6, 1992 MINUTES Marble made a motion to approve minutes from the May meeting; Huntsman seconded and the motion passed unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: Producer Linda Grodt told the committee that the "Access Schedule", normally printed in the Cupertino Courier, has not appeared in the past few issues. She said the editor -- accepts paid ads only and schedules previously printed will cost $130 an issue. Krey told Grodt that the Courier might print schedules free of charge if they are sent in a press release format. Written: There were none. OLD BUSINESS Status of Re-franchising Effort (Activities, Timelines, Plans, Progress): Winch said the subcommittee reviewed telephone survey proposals from three companies and narrowed its decision between Godbe Communications and Talmey- Drake. He said Godbe appeared to be the best choice because Talmey- Drake had ties with TCI and the committee may not want to give the impression to the public that the survey company was selected by TCI. Krey mentioned that the city was pleased with a previous survey conducted by Godbe. She said Godbe requests $7,850 for a 400 sample, 10-minute cable survey. Krey asked committee members to look over Talmey- Drake's sample survey and submit comments by June 19. Committee members discussed including questions asking citizens about the importance of public access and the government channel. Non-Profit Access: Huntsman said he met with consultant Kathleen Schuller and suggested she present general franchise information to the committee at a regular CTVAC meeting. Krey said she has a variety of general franchise material that she would make available to the committee and commented that asking for Schuller's consultation services now could be premature. Committee members discussed creating an agenda to tailor a presentation to Cupertino's needs. Huntsman made a motion to ask Schuller to attend the August CTVAC meeting and prepare her topic from an agenda provided by the committee. Marble expressed her concern with hiring an outside consultant before information from Krey is reviewed. Chiavacci agreed. Krey asked members to get an estimate of Schuller's presentation costs. Batchelor stated that the CTVAC should decide what its goals are before a consultant is brought in. He also mentioned that a formal presentation may be more beneficial after the city's survey results are known. Huntsman withdrew the motion to ask Schuller to attend the August meeting. Krey again asked committee members to review resource material she has collected and stated she will send information packets the following day. Chiavacci told the committee she would like Huntsman to take her place on the re. franchising subcommittee because she is concentrating on "interactive" networking capabilities. Huntsman agreed to be on the subcommittee. Trefz noted the importance of a brainstorming session on goal setting and prioritizing during the re-franchising process. Th~ subcommittee will develop an outline for a brainstorming session possibly to be led by Schuller. Trefz made a motion to have a special meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 12; Chiavacci secoiaded and the motion carried unanimously. I-Net/Educational Effort: Marble said Jerry Pizant from CUSD would like to meet with her and interim access director, David Keller regarding a school's scheduled time slot for production. NEW BUSINESS Minor Grant Request - Cupertino Senior TV: Carter Wells explained that a $200 grant would be used purchase blank VHS tapes for "The Better Part" to be duplicated and provided to the Cupertino Library and bookmobile. He said tapes would especially be helpful for seniors who do not have cable. Krey mentioned that the government channel provides new. meeting tapes for the library and exchanges them with old tapes. Don Yeager said Able Cable uses grants money to produce tapes for five libraries and recommended that Et-IG tapes be used. Trefz made a motion to recommend a $200 grant; Marble seconded and the motion passed unanimously. REPORT FROM DE ANZA COLLEGE Barney introduced Keller, interim director for De Anza access station and former access director at Mt. View. Keller reported that equipment at the college overall is in good shape, however, cameras need to be replaced. He said he met with Bill Levan (chief engineer) and access producers; and that his primary concern is keeping the access station "operational" during his short term. He told the committee that two groups received BACE awards: "Post? was recognized for best overall technical excellence and "Silicon Kids" took first place in community event. Keller also met with Chiavacd about a "one-touch" system, to be discussed at the August meeting. Keller asked for direction on paid crews and the number of tapes producers should be allowed to use. Chiavacci mentioned in the past crews were paid for one calendar year. Keller discussed the need to expand access facilities. Barney responded by saying more space will be provided once the campus expansion is completed. Keller said the public access channel should make their presence known in the community, particularly at the Chamber of Commerce. Barney told committee members that the television center will be re-roofed from Aug. 9 to 30 and will be shut down. Playbacks will not be shown during that time either. REPORT FROM CITY OF CUPERTINO Krey informed the committee that cable funds will be discussed during a budget hearing scheduled June 4 at 5 p.m. in Conference Rooms C & D. If necessary, hearings will be continued the following Wednesday, June 10. Krey warned the CTVAC that grant funds could be in jeopardy because the council took away the Fine Arts Commission's grants budget. She said the council, requested that the CTVAC review grant guidelines and procedures. This item will be discussed at the August meeting. Krey also mentioned she received seven responses from the survey question printed in the June issue of the Scene. Committee members were concerned with the possibility of grants funds being taken away ' during budget hearings. Don Yeager agreed to tell the council that grant money is essential to .produce his show. Keller said producer groups should focus on community events, if grant funds and requirements are questioned. REPORT FROM TCI/UNITED ARTISTS CABLE Henderson said he is reporting to a new manager, Lori Mueller, based in Fremont. He told the committee that TCI gained 110 subscribers during the last campaign, but is still short one full-time customer service representative who is out on disability. TCI also is monitoring call hold times. Henderson announced that Mastercard and Visa payments are now accepted over the phone and counter and that the state telemarketing center will contact customers with new installations and service calls to ensure satisfaction. He said TCI also is looking into DMX (digital music express) which would provide 30 channels of CD-quality music through stereo systems. ADIOURNMENT Marble motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:22; Trefz seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The next CTVAC meeting will be held on Aug. 5, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Room A at City Hall. ATTEST City Cler~ APPROVED: r~an, Mi~ Wincn