TC 01-08-92CABLE TELEVISION ADVI5ORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting January 8, 1992 conference Room A City Hall MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by chairman Walter Trefz Jr. at 7 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Trefz, Len Batchelor, Mike Winch Absent: Jane Chiavacci Staff present: Donna Krey, Laura Domondon Lee United Artists Cable: Daryl Henderson Channel 30 staff: Dave Barney Guests: Linda Grodt, Jim Black APPROVAL OF DEC. 4, 1991 MINUTES Batchelor asked that "may" replace "will" regarding moving the headend on p. 3. Krey said Orcutt requested that "and remote camera were received" be omitted from the report from De Anza. Wincn made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected; Batchelor seconded and the motion passed unanimously. '- COMMUNICATIONS Oral: Trefz thanked Batchelor for service on the CTVAC. He also said Eunice Cox should be recognized for her efforts. Jim Black expressed displeasure with poor cable reception to his residence. He asked Henderson about United Artists policy of monitoring cable quality and requested a copy of UA's video specs (standards). Henderson will send him a data sheet and a copy of the letter to residents regarding cable interference. Winch asked Henderson give a status report at the next meeting. Written: Lee distributed handouts not included in the agenda packet. Barney discussed Suzanne Orcutt's letter to David Austin written because Austin stated in an interview that he received a grant from the CTVAC. Krey briefly summarized Mr. Schultz' letter which protested OLD BUSINESS '. Re-franchising: Non-Profit Corporation Approach, Major Activities, Timelines, Plans, Progress: Batchelor distributed information on a non-profit,approach oUti~ning common forms of management transcribed from the NFLCP conference he recently attended. He ~,uggeSted that the committee contact Michelle Mann, who helped set up a non-profit agency ~L.~M.t.. View, fOr more information. Krey noted that the ability to hold fund-raisers is an advantageof' a non- profit approach. Wincn said he also is interested in talking with Mann about non-prgfit.,agency's pros, cons and success stories. Batchelor said he will contact Mann and former committee member David Keller about providing insights to this approach. :': ' ·. Barney suggested that Kathleen Schuller be contacted for a copy of an article on no~profit agencies. He said he will ask her to advise the subcommittee of this approach. ' Winch said Chiavacci suggested soliciting public input about United Artists in.the Cupertino Scene. Krey agreed. Wincn said he was concerned with spending for postage for the questionnaire and responses. Krey said postage can be budgeted for next fiscal year and mentioned that the committee consider looking for volunteers to assist with the questionnaire and collect responses. Krey said Senior Center members may be willing to volunteer. Batchelor 'toted that of 1,500 questionnaires sent, 800 responses were received during the Heritage re- franchising process. Winch suggested that residents could be asked why they do not subscribe to cable. Henderson said he could provide a mailing list of subscribers to the CTVAC. NEW BUSINESS Report to councilmember Wally Dean: Trefz said all councilmembers be considered when requests are asked of the committee. Krey said requests from the councilmembers involving additional staff work need to go through the city manager Wincn stated that Dean told him commissioners and committee members need more recognition and that his request for additional reports was not a formal one. Trefz suggested that the committee produce an annual report, which could provide direction for the next year. He distributed a draft of an annual report. Approval of the yearly report will be discussed at the next meeting. REPORT FROM DE ANZA COLLEGE Barney said the high school program is in full swing and workshops are held for the students every Friday. He reported that Orcutt met with attorney Peter Franck about reviewing producer agreements. Wincn asked about the status of the C3 grant. Krey told him that producer Lionel Lewis called her earlier during the day to clarify the procedures of re-obtaining grant funds. Barney discussed a letter from Jim Webb of Sunnyvale. He told the committee that De Anza is not interested in producing Sunnyvale public access programs in the studio, however, the college is interested in playback service of Sunnyvale programs, which could be produced at Foothill. REPORT FROM UNITED ARTISTS CABLE Henderson said December was a flat month with not a lot of new hookups. Disconnects, he thought, were mainly because of people moving and changing spending habits. The recent rate adjustment had not generated a large volume of calls. He admitted a problem with the telephones and said more people would be hired shortly to relieve the situation. He also reported United Artists would be doing business under its current name, with the wording "a TCI company" written under its logo. The cable company is wiring Stevens Creek School and the plant extension to the Seven Springs area is complete, following some problems with a transmitter. The project adds 24 homes to the cable system. REPORT FROM THE CITY OF CUPERTINO Krey informed the committee that the 1992 Commissioners Dinner would be coming up in the next few months and all would be invited. She also said a number of people had applied to fill the two vacancies on the committee and were being interviewed while the meeting was in progress. She will see that they are properly introduced at the February meeting. ADIOURNMENT Winch made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m.; Batchelor seconded and the motion was approved. The next Cable Television Advisory Committee meeting will be Feb. 5 in Conference Room A at City Hall. APPROVED~~%~ ~a: ATT ~~~~ ~. Walter Trefz, ~ irperson City Clerk ~/'