TC 04-03-91Television Advisory C~mmitt~_ c~p~tino city ~ll April 3, 1991 ROLL CALL The m~cting was called to order by chairman Walter Trefz Jr. at 7 p.m. Cu~-~ittee m~mbers present: Trefz, Jane Chiavacci, Eunice Cox, Mike Wincn. Staff present: ~ Batchelor, Donna Krey, Laura Domondon Channel 30 staff: Dave Barney, Suzar~e O~-o~tt United Artists Cable staff: D~ryl Henderson Channel 30 producers: T.~da Grodt, Don Yeager, Bill M~ Guests: Donna Yeager, Ken Kelly, Viz~inia Miller, Jennifer Wong APPROVAL OF FEB. 6 AND MAR. 6, 1991 MINUTES Chiavacci made a motion to approve the Feb. 6 minutes; Cox second__~ and the motion passed ~ly. For the March 6 minutes, Trefz rec~uest_~_ that "Also discussed was the idea of rotating presentations between the c~m~missions and c~m~,~ttees at each meeting and reporting back to other members" be added as the last line in Staff Report. Winch motioned to app~-ove the Mm~. 6 minutes as corrected; Cox seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ORAL OOP~UNICATIONS Virginia Miller, a resident of Sunnyview Lutheran Retirement Hc~e, said for the past 3 years she and other residents have not ~-~n s~ccessful obtaining cable for the reti~Lent hc~e. She reported that the building next door barn access to cable television. Henderson mentioned that b~ submits construction costs and return projections on properties, but does not now have fur~ to build another large cable drop. Cox expressed b~r concern, saying that cable is necessary for the retirees. Krey said the mayor also is ~ about the issue and asked Henderson to make the project a top priority. Krey ask~_ Henderson to have an update by next ~---cting. Chiavacci mentioned that she is interest~ in similar project dela~ in th~ area. Hemd~ agreed to give information to Krey and s~m~rize his findings at the May ~ing. F£cducer Linda Grodt thank~ United Artists C~ble for inviting her to the teleconference, "Cable in the Classroc~." Ken Kelly suggested that united Artists obtain call waiting on their switchboards. He told c~ttee members that he e~peri~ busy sigr~!s on line 257-5388 for 2 days. Herzlerson said United Artists is trying to reconfigure the trunk lines and is looking into c~taining an 800 number or remote call forwarding system. Her~ermon also mentioned that there were more calls than u~m] in th~ beginning of tb~ week because of billing problems. He told the c~,~ttee that office manager Elaine Tirsell tests p~one handling three times per day to see how long she is put on hold. Kelly reported a distorted__ sigmal on Ch. 20 and said there have been outages. Henderson told Kelly that he will check into interference problems. ORAL 0C~$f0NICATIONS (Cont.J Orcutt said a f2%annel 30 producer would like to do a live satellite uplink fund-raiser for the Catholic Church in Turkey and Syria. She told the c~,~ttee that the producer will contract with college for production and uplink services for the school and will not use public access equipment but wanted the show aired on the channel during his usual show time. wincn expressed his concern about possible liability issues. Orcutt agreed that the fund-raiser will not be shown on Ch. 30 unless the group studies all issues involved. ~iavacci requested that the oa,~,~ttee members ~,~eview these issues. Krey said that the director of the cable station can authorize a televised fund-raiser but a dangerous preoedent may be set if guidelines are not in place and that a programming sub-c~,mHttee could check into liability concerns. Wincn said he will contact acoess stations in southern California and in the area to research information on guidelines. Guidelines for televising fund-raisers will be discussed at the May .-mcc_~_ting. WRITTEN ~CATIONS Henderson referred to letters directed to him f~tml the Cu~ino Roundtree Homeowners Association and reported that UA surveyed and cleaned the area. BALANCING OF M~NITORS Orcutt c~,,,~'~.nted that obtaining new monitors can correct the monitor balancing problem. Barney said United Artists is responsible for the monitors. Orcutt told c~-m~ttee m~mbers that Pat McVeigh said UA will no longer repair equipment. Krey asked Henderson to talk to Pat about making one more trip to De Anza to repair the monitors and inform him that the Tripartite Agreement has not yet ~--~c~n signed. TRIPARTITE ~%~ENT Krey told the c~mm[ttee that the city b~ received a copy of the a~t fret, the De Anza attorney and ba~ made minor changes. Barney mentioned that De Anza is satisfied with the Tripartite Agreement. Henderson said Tc~ Iacey is in the process of making minor ~es. Trefz told Krey he would like to review the agreement before it is signed. Batchelor reported that critical equipment, such as slide projectors, a bulk eraser and a color camera, have not been returned to the college. Trefz said the agreement should indicate when equipment is to be upgraded, repaired or replaced. Krey said she will review the Tripartite Agr-~ment with Trefz and any others interested on Tuesday, Apr. 9. BUDGET FOR 1991-92 Krey di~ the budget and distributed tb~ gove~'~',ent channel's report. She mentioned that the City Channel will use its fur~ for fixed assets, f~iavacci asked Krey if Ch. 53 would sponsor another workshop. She also suggested_ adding more money to the publicity budget. Or~utt said sb~ is interested in t~king a survey with UA regarding the channel's viewership and content. Krey said there may be other project the two acoess channels could work on jointly. REPORt FROM SUZANNE ORO3IT Orcutt said the college's budget for fixed assets was lower than expected. She said the CTVAC and De Anza asked her to purc~e, a more expensive d_~ck than her budget would allow. Krey told Orcutt that for the record, she did not think the c~m~ittee asked her to spend more money than what was in the budget. Krey also stated that perhap~ Orcutt should not replace student help right away and that she should cut back on costs for the next three months to make up for Orcutt's anticipated deficit. Barney mentioned that the college's risk management said the television center cannot have student evening supervision. He told the c~m~ttee that hiring a night time supervisor may increa~e the budget. Orcutt said the NFLCP Naticm~l Ccnf~ will take place in Portland, Oregon at the end of July. TD~ cost will be approximately $250 to register. Krey said any producer delegates would ncc~ to apply for a ~£~nt f;-~a the CIVAC. She also reported that the Imague of California Cities is sponsoring a one-day e~_ble television workshop in Irvine, CA. Chiavacci said she is attending a Big 4 conference. Cox mentioned that she will join her. GRANT APPLICATIONS Trefz said that the deadline for applications is April 15. F~k~er Don Yeager presen*~ "On the Y~ve" and briefly s~marized the history of the progi-am. Chiavacci made a motion to give the production a $1,000 grant; Cox seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Trefz MAYOR'S LUNf~EON Trefz told the group that all c~mLdssions and c~m,~tt~es should be represented at the luncheons. He said the mayor would like to focus on specific subjects during the meetings and each talk will be given on a discussed supporting each other and working on joint projects. Cox said sb~ is interested in starting a program with public schools. She said she and Orcutt thought the progzam's crew would consist of junior high and high school students. COx stated that sb~ would first discuss the project with the school superintendents and principals, then faculty and parents. Krey mentioned that Cox might consider starting a pilot program at first. By consensus t_he CTVAC agreed to have Cox pursue a~ educatioD~l program. EOUIPM~ 10-YEAR AC~.3ISITION The acquisition plan will be discussed at the May meeting. Chiavacci said she is planning to sche~__~le a tour of united_ Artists Cable. She asked c~mdttee me~bers if a tour could be set on a ~nursday morning. A tour date and time will be discussed at the next ~ting. STAFF REPOR~ Krey told the members that the city will hold a full recruitment for the CIVAC vacancy. She said the application deadline is May 10 and interviews will be held on May 15. Krey mentioned that the partial term, which expires in Jan. '92, will be advertised in press relea-~es ar~ the May Scene. REPORt FR~M ~ ~ CABIE Henderson said United Artists bad a good month for p;-~¥,~um subscriptions. He said Tirsell is setting a manual tracking system until an automated system is in place. F~nderso~ told commi~ members t_hat Tirsell will distribute her definition of a cc~plaint at the next ~tirg. Trefz a~ked Henderson if the written definition can include examples. Henderson a~. REPORt FRC~ UNITED ARTIgI~ CABLE ~Cont. ) Hendersc~ reported that the Pay-Per-View program b~-~ been successful with the recent reduction in charges ar~ mentioned that UA is low in Henderson said the teleoonference for the educational channel and the preview of the international channel on 56 were successful. Cox made a motion to adjourn at 9:58 p.m.; Chiavacci seco_nd_ed and the motion passed unanimously. Tb~ next m~c_-_ting will take place on Wed__nesday, Mayl. ATTEST: APPROVED: Chairman Walt~r~r~z, 'Jr.