B-2016-1466 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: PERMIT NO:B-2016-1466 20745 STEVENS CREEK BLVD CUPERTINO,CA 95014(326 32 055) (SUPERIOR ELECTRICAL ADVERTISING INC) LONG BEACH,CA 90813 OWNER'S NAME: PCG CUPERTINO LLC DATE ISSUED:03/03/2016 OWNER'S PHONE:612306073 PHONE NO: LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION BUILDING PERMIT INFO: License CILic. Z.7��J 6 065— Contractor(SUPERIOR ELECTRICAL ADVERTISING INC)Date 3/3/2016 X BLDG —ELECT —PLUMB I hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9(commencing MECH X RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business&Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. JOB DESCRIPTION: INSTALL(N)ILLUMINATED ELECTRIC WALL SIGN"CVS I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: PHARMACY" 1. I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the perfonnance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for ' by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Sq.Ft Floor Area: Valuation:$3000.00 APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct.I agree to comply with all city and county APN Number:, Occupancy Type: ordinances and state laws relating to building construction,and hereby 326 32 055 authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We)agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments,costs,and PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR granting of this permit. Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal 180 DAYS FROM LAS CALLED INSPECTI N. Code,Secti 9.18. Issued by:PAUL O'SULLIVAN Signature Date 3/3/2016 Date:3/3/2016 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION RE-ROOFS: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of the All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed.If a roof is following two reasons: installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove all new materials for 1. I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole inspection. compensation,will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044,Business&Professions Code) Signature of Applicant: 2. I,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed Date:3/3/2016 contractors to construct the project(Sec.7044,Business&Professions Code). I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three declarations: ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS"A"OR BETTER 1. I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the 2. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. I will by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and the this permit is issued. Health&Safety Code,Section 25532(a)should I store or handle hazardous 3. 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I material. Additionally,should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12 and Worker's Compensation laws of California. If,after making this certificate of the Health&Safetyode,Sections 25505,25533,and 25534. exemption,I become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,I must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall Owner or authorized agent: be deemed revoked. Date:3/3/2016 APPLICANT CERTIFICATION CONSTR ION LENDING AGENCY I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is I hereby affirm that there is a 66nstruction lending agency for the performance correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws of work's for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ C.) relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city Lender's Name to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We)agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, Lender's Address judgments,costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally,the applicant ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations per the I understand my plans shall be used as public records. Cupertino Municipal Code,Section 9.18. Licensed SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT• BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE• CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 CUPERTiP#O (408)777-3228 • FAX(408)777--3333 •buildinpOcupertino.ong PROJECT ADDRESS ®� �r �� APN# OS5. OWNER NAMEPC& /'e•�j�,�® (® � -3 — 60?3E� . 0 6,e(? 7 TV6- eT. STREET ADDRESS A S 3 ®e NN N CITY,STATE,ZIP FAX . Dov CONTACT NAv1E�� �f h/O,b� HG0 7T PHONE : ,j E-MAIL � �`f���� ��•C� STREET ADDRESS C=,STA ZIP FAX 6.J ❑ OWNER ❑ OWNER-BUILDER ❑ OWNER AGENT ❑ CONTRACTOR ❑CONTRACTOR AGENT ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ ENGINEER ❑ DEVELOPER ❑ TENANT CONTRACTOR NAME AL4 LICENSE NUMBER�� LIC�ISE�E BUS.LIC# (70 O 00 I COMPANY NAME E-MAIL .eVr� FAX STREET ADDRESS � � CITY,STATE ZIP a ' PHONE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER NAME ®/� LICENSE NUI ffi BUS.LIC# COMPANY NAME F-MAIL FAX STREET ADDRESS CrIY,STATE,ZIP PHONE DESCRIPTION OF WORM USE OF ❑ SFD or Duplex ❑ Multi-Family FLU(�Yll INATED SIGN TYPE NO.OF SIGN AREA VALUATION STRUCTURE: E] Commercial /N) (CODE) SIGNS (SQ.FT.) (S) SIGN TYPE CODES: �/ ( ��� 3. UrQ B - BANNER SIGN M - MONUMENT(GROUND)SIGN BL -- BLADE SIGN P - PROJECTING SIGN D - DEVELOPMENT ID SIGN SP - SPECIAL EVENT BANNER DI - DIRECTIONAL SIGN T -- TEMPORARY E - ELECTRONIC 0)WALL SIGN READERBOARD WI - WINDOW SIGN RECEIVED aY TOTAL VALUATION: By my signature below,I certify to each of the following: I am the property owner or autltrized agent to act on the property owner's behalf. I have read this application and the information I have p ded is correct. I have read the Description of Work and verify it is accurate. I agree to comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relating to b 1- ng construction. I a horize representatives of Cupertino to enter the above-identified property for inspection purposes. Signature of Applicant/Agent: Date: 3'S SUPPLEME IN ATION REQUIRED --Site Plan _ FLtiIVrCHECIKTYPE . h„_ ROUTING LIPTM,x5 „_; , Elevations ❑s>xeREss v�E �l` � Bu>znINs PSA1Y z _Sign Details-including UL listing(s)applicable x STANDARD PLANNING PLA V7FW' Structural Calculations(if applicable) ❑ TARGET f' ❑�oTr1Ex Copy of Planning Approval Letter or Meeting with Planning prior to ❑ NLAJOR z ��i - - submittal of Building Permit application. SignX,pp_2011.doc revised 03/16/11 CITY OF CUPERTINO FEE ESTIMATOR-BUILDING DIVISION ADDRESS: 20745 STEVENS CREEK BLVD DATE: 03/03/2016 REVIEWED BY: PAUL APN: 326 32 055 FBP#: `VALUATION: $3,000 *PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit '*' PRIMARY Sign PENTAMATION 1 CEAP USE: SiPERMIT TYPE: WORK INSTALL N ILLUMINATED ELECTRIC WALL SIGN "CVS PHARMACY" SCOPE SIGN TYPE FEE ID QTY SIGN FEE Wall Sign,Electric 1SIGNWELEC 1 $286 TOTALS: $286.00 Branch Circuits 1 $48.00 `.-ci IESIGN 3. Elec.Permit Fee: 1 EPERMIT Other Elec.Insp. 0.0 $48.00 NOTE: This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments(i.e.Planning,Public Works,Fire,Sanitary Sewer District,School District,etc. . These ees are based on the prelimina information available and are only an estimate. Contact the De t or addit'l info. FEE ITEMS (lee Resolution 11-053 Ej'. 7!1/13 FEE QTY/FEE MISC ITEMS Suppl.PC Fee: Reg. 0 OT 0.0 hrs $0.00 Permit Fee: $286.00 Suppl. Insp.Fee: Reg. Q OT F0.0 hrs $0.00 PME Unit Fee: $48.00 PME Permit Fee: $48.00 Work Without Permit? 0 Yes (F) No $0.00 Sign Master Plan: 0 Yes (@ No $0.00 Travel Documentation Fee: ITRAVDOC $48.00 i Strong Motion Fee: IBSEISMICO $0.84 Select an Administrativ �te Bldg Stds Commission Fee: IBCBSC $1.00 SUBTOTALS: $431.84 $0.00 TQTAL FEE: $431.84 Revised: 0 16 • SIGN LIGHTING CEC-NRCC-LTS-01-E Revised 06114 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION r CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-LTS-01-E Sign Lighting (Page 1 of 5) Project Name: Date Prepared. Project Address: Location of Sign Outdoor Signs ❑Indoor Signs Phase of Sign Construction ®New Signs ❑Sign Alterations Type of Lighting Control New Lighting Controls ❑Replaced Lighting Controls ❑Not Installing Lighting Controls This Certificate of Compliance includes the following components(check all that apply) ❑Mandatory Measures(Lighting Controls) ❑Maximum Allowed Lighting Power V9 Specific Lighting Sources 1.Mandatory Sign Lighting Controls NOTES: 1. The same responsible person may install both the sig t i nhti :con .ppls, tarTd'�fe tresponsible person may install the sign lighting controls than the po on 'gn big AoWer. 2. The Mandatory Measures (sign lighting controls) are uired for compliance with the sign lighting Standards. If the person responsible for installing the sign lighting power is not also responsible for the sign lighting controls, then the owner of the sign, general contractor, or architect shall be responsible to have the sign lighting controls installed. 3. If more than one person has responsibility for compliance, each responsible person shall prepare and sign a Certificate of Compliance and an Installation Certificate applicable to the portion of construction for which they are responsible,alternatively, the person with chief responsibility for construction shall prepare and sign the Certificate of Compliance Declaration Statement for the entire construction. 1a. Statements of Responsibility:Any person signing the Certificate of Compliance Declaration Statement on this NRCC-LTS-01-E -shall complete Part 1a.Check Yes or No for all of the following statements: 1 I have responsibility for installing the sign lighting controls ®Yes,complete parts 1a and 1b of this form ❑ No,complete part 1a of this form 2 There-are-no existing sign lighting controls and I will be installing compliant sign lighting controls ®Yes ❑ No 3 There are no existing sign lighting controls-and someone else will be responsible to install compliant sign lighting controls ❑Yes ®No There are existing sign lighting.controls that do not comply with the applicable provision of§110.9 and§130.3 and I will be 4 installing compliant sign lighting controls ❑Yes ® No There are existing sign lighting controls that do not comply with the applicable provision of§110.9 and§130.3 and someone 5 else will be responsible to install compliant sign lighting controls ❑Yes ! ] No .., 1 E " BY CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2013 Nonresidential Compliance lune 2014 SIGN LIGHTING 11 �t �. CEC-NRCC-LTS-01-E Revised 06/14 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-LTS-01-E Sign Lighting (Page 2 of 5) Project Name: Y Date Prepared: 1b. Mandatory Sign Lighting Controls If the person signing the Certificate of Compliance Declaration Statement on this NRCC-LTS-01-E is responsible for complying with the sign lighting control requirements,that person shall answer all of the following questions: If there are construction documents,indicate where on the building plans the mandatory measures(sign lighting control)note block can be located: 1 §130.3(a)1.All indoor sign lighting is controlled with an automatic time-switch control or astronomical time- Y N NA switch control. ❑ ❑ §130.3(a)2A. All outdoor sign lighting is controlled with a photocontrol in addition to an automatic time- Y N NA 2 switch control,or an astronomical time-switch control. EJ ❑ ❑ EXCEPTION to Section 130.3(a)2A:Outdoor signs in tunnels,and signs in large permanently covered outdoor Y NA areas that are intended to be continuously lit,24 hours per day and 365 days per year. ❑ 09 §130.3(a)2B. All outdoor sign lighting that is ON both day and night is controlled with a dimmer that provides the ability to automatically reduce sign lighting power by a minimum of 65 percent during nighttime hours. Y N NA 3 Signs that are illuminated at night and for more than 1 hour during daylight hours shall be considered ON both ❑ F1 ❑ day and night. EXCEPTION to Section 130.3(a)2B:Outdoor signs in tunnels and large covered areas that are intended to be Y NA illuminated both day and night. ❑ IS §130.3(a)3. Demand Responsive Electronic Message Center Control.An Electronic Message Center(EMC) Y N N/A having a new connected lighting power load greater than 15 kW has a control installed that is capable of ❑ ❑ 4 reducing the lighting power by a minimum of 30 percent when receiving a demand response signal. EXCEPTION to Section 130.3(x)3:Lighting for EMCs that is not permitted by a health or life safety statute, Y NA ordinance,or regulation to be reduced by 30 percent. ❑ 0 Field Inspector Notes: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2013 Nonresidential Compliance June 2014 .......��. ....�.. .......... i DTA 'd SIGN LIGHTING CEC-NRCC-1-TS-01-E Revised 08114 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-LTS-01-E + Sign Lighting (Pa fe 3 of 5) Project Name: Date Prepared: 2.Maximum Allowed Lighting Power Method of Compliance Certificate of Compliance and Field Inspection Energy Checklist Complete this part if there are signs using the maximum allowed lighting power method of compliaJ. e. (Complete part 3 of this Certificate of Compliance if there are signs using the Specific lighting sources method of compliance) A B C D E F G H I J OPTIONAL—Energy / Filed Inspector Symbol Description of the Sign Verified Label(see Allotted Watts Design Watts Complies Check that sign Or Cade instructions below) YIN complies r f N 1 C) �� rL$ Z: QJ = to c m a' x S 4- a` C E 3 ,y Wo _ c a`� °' ° I Q vt w Q —w Q >– 3 E ✓ i` ✓ ❑ ;' ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ f ❑ ❑ %f ❑ f ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ �' ❑ ❑ — ..._ ❑ ❑ l` ❑ A Symbol or code used on the plans(whemblans are required)and other documents. _ B A description of the sign,or location of'sign on the building;and the location of sign on construction documents. OPTIONAL-Check this box only if this sign has a permanent,pre-printed,factory-installed,ENERGY VERIFIED label,confirming that the sign complies with the Section 140.' of the-California 2013 Title 24,Part 6 Standards,using the Maximum Allowed Lighting Power method of compliance. The only/labels that will be recognized for this purpose are ENERGY VERIFIED Certification Marks authorized by C Underwriters Laboratories(UL)'or other Product Certification Body accredited to ISO/IEC Guide 65 by the American National Standards 11 Institute in accordance with-ISO/IEC 17011.Surveillance by the Accredited Certification Body shall be an ongoing annual inspection program carried out by a Type A Inspection body in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020.For signs with such an ENERGY VERIFIED label, columns'D'through'I'are not required to be filled out.Note:Using an ENERGY VERIFIED label is an optional method to validate compliance.An ENERGY VERIFIED label is not needed for compliance. D The sign area in squgre feet. E List"I"if the sign isinternally illuminated. List"E"if the sign is externally illuminated. F Allowed watts peg s uare foot. Enter 12 if the sign is listed as"I"in column E.Enter 2.3 if sign is listed as"E"in column E. G Multiply the sgGare footage in column D times the allowed Lighting Power Density(LPD=watts)in column F. H Show the total installed watts in the sign,as determined according to the applicable provisions of§130(c). Enter Y if tKe number in column H is less than or equal to the number in column G. Otherwise,the sign does not comply. 1 This page'doubles as a field inspection checklist. Field Inspector Notes: J J J J J CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2013 Nonresidential Compliance June 2014 SIGN LIGHTING CEG-NRCC-LTS-01-E Revised 06114 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION �= ' CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-LTS-01-E Sign Lighting (Page 4 of 5) Project Name:V V rhr m�+ Date Prepared: V 3.Specific LishtinR Source Method of Compliance Certificate of Compliance and Field Inspection Energy Checklist Complete this part if there are signs using the Specific lighting source method of compliance. (Complete part 2 of this Certificate of Compliance if there are signs using the maximum allowed lighting power method of compliance) A B C D E OPTIONAL Specific light source used for Symbol ENERGYVERIFIED compliance Field Inspector or Description label Shall include only lighting Check that Sign Code (see instructions technologies listed below Complies below) List all that apply ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ A Symbol or code used on the plans(when plans are required)and other documents. B A narrative description of the sign,or location of sign on the building;and the location of sign on construction documents C OPTIONAL-Check this box only if this sign has a permanent,pre-printed,factory-installed ENERGY VERIFIED label,confirming that this sign complies with the Section 140.8 of the California 2013 Title 24,Part 6 Standards,using the Specific Lighting Source Method of Compliance. The only labels that will be recognized for this purpose are ENERGY VERIFIED Certification Marks authorized by Underwriters Laboratories(UL)or other Product Certification Body accredited to ISO/IEC Guide 65 by the American National Standards Institute in accordance with ISO/IEC 17011.Surveillance by the Accredited Certification Body shall be an ongoing annual inspection program carried out by a Type A Inspection body in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020.For signs with such an ENERGY VERIFIED label,column'D'is not required to be filled out. Note:Using an ENERGY VERIFIED label is an optional method to validate compliance.An ENERGY VERIFIED label is not needed for compliance. Specific Light Source Compliance Method. The sign(s)identified above use only the following lighting technologies: List all applicable numbers(1 through 9)that apply in column D above for each row. 1 High pressure sodium lamps Metal halide lamps that are pulse start or ceramic served by a ballast that has a minimum efficiency of 88 percent or 2 greater. Ballast efficiency is the measured output wattage to the lamp divided by the measured operating input wattage when tested according to ANSI C82.6-2005. Metal halide lamps that are pulse start that are 320 watts or smaller,are not 250 watt or 175 watt lamps,and are served by 3 a ballast that has a minimum efficiency of 80 percent. Ballast efficiency is the measured output wattage to the lamp divided by the measured operating input wattage when tested according to ANSI C82.6-2005. Neon or cold cathode lamps with transformer or power supply efficiency greater than or equal to a minimum efficiency of 75 percent D 4 when the transformer or power supply rated output current is less than 50 mA.The ratio of the output wattage to the input wattage is at 100 percent tubing load. Neon or cold cathode lamps with transformer or power supply efficiency greater than or equal to a minimum efficiency of 68 percent 5 when the transformer or power supply rated output current is 50 mA or greater.The ratio of the output wattage to the input wattage is at 100 percent tubing load. 6 Fluorescent lighting systems meeting one of the following requirements:A.Use only lamps with a minimum color rendering index(CRI)of 80;or B.Use only electronic ballasts with a fundamental output frequency not less than 20 kHz. 7 Light emitting diodes(LEDs)with a power supply having an efficiency of 80 percent or greater; Single voltage external power supplies that are designed to convert 120 volt AC input into lower voltage DC or AC output,and have a 8 nameplate output power less than or equal to 250 watts,shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Appliance Efficiency Regulations(Title 20). 9 1 Compact fluorescent lamps that do not contain a medium screw base sockets(E24/E26). E This page doubles as a field inspection checklist. Field Inspector Notes: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2013 Nonresidential Compliance June 2014 SIMV LIGHTING CEC-NRCC-1-TS-01-E Revised 06/14 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-LTS-01-E Sign Lighting (Page 5 of 5) Project Name: C,U/r Date Prepared: J 19G DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1. 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature: 1�1( co ZDV`' u, Company: � o "tri� 1 A 1V 1 Signature Date: it 1PAI �Xlli 0 L Address: + U j� CEA/HERS Certification Identification(if applicable): 1 u (•� 1 City/State/Zip; Phone: r / ��\ 6 3S) r1 L- ( `� l q 'C RESPONSIBLE PE ON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury,under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Compliance is true and correct. 2. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance(responsible designer). 3. The energy features and performance specifications,materials,components,and manufactured devices for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24,Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 4. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents,worksheets,calculations,plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. S. 1 will ensure that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance shall be made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building,and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections.I understand that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Responsible Designer Name: 1�(� , Responsible Designer Signature: Company: / n ',J ]�C Date Signed: U J l + CV Address: �� •, � r_1 License: City/State/Zip: G pn q0 13 Phone: 6 z\ q r 3 yo CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2013 Nonresidential Compliance June 2014 QU PERTI NO r a, flor uIlding Department advertisingi, Ii ,a % 1700 West Anaheim Street rtti. r a AIR, Long Beach,California 90813-1195 R IE- ED FOR CODE COMPLIANG- Phone'562.495.3808 Facsimile:562.435.1867 TARGET ROLLOUT PROGRAM I CVS SIGN CONVERSION Reviewed By: qowvv� www.superiorsigns.pom Project: OTARGET T ARGET #0323 VCVSpharmacy- CvS #16114 TARGET#0323 20745 STEVENS CREEK BLVD., CUP',ERTINO, CA 95014 Address: CVS#16114 20745 STEVENS CREEK BLVD., CUPERTINO,CA 95014 Account Manager: pan Designer: A XED BY��� ZAVAIZA3.50 PLOT PLAN,5,PHEC; AS NOTED Nort! westYPAUA Scale: i, e—ld M ' Design No.: 16-01-1299-03 COWMIlYDEVELOPIMENTAWT Adoft, uuw.ru"no� DP& -2— 91Ike Date: 01.27.16 EDA XiffR PLANNING DEPT BUILDING DIVISION 'CUPERTINO ........ Reg.No.: A' 'rP 91P`bRk'3Y'%/ED CUPERTINO Revisions: R1 AZ 02.16.16 This sot of plans and spraciflcatl6ns MUST be at th (.50) e Update artwork&package layout jobdto during ronGtruction. RIF,ullla'vvfulto mza',w any R2 AZ 02.23.16(.75) -Add job check or altareatitans or,sune or to c:16vk:,�'fD I Y –' R3 AZ 03.01.16(.25) ther;Dfrol­n,tA!jtfIoUt a;P%proval fr6qj'dip. Builidinj criffikcial. Update sign to self-contained -t-w NA-arina rood Thn S`:,';^ Int Of this plan and 13HALL NOT to r,(:,n-nIt cl�to be an aip"'proval Of V,V�;,` Of c, y provisions of any City 01rdinance or Law. 2-07-45.Stevens BY J_ R9 5[6 B CHECK DATE RiViff INO. Ac VW gr. Trend IrAl- Fa N ` I I ' C 0 PEI 01 b FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE Acct.Mgr. Design 118 1!jS B,�glj F_'�'J,t e Ba-nok of Ameriaa Ponera Bn�ftd Production I n a rtc---ila I Cenae q ORr FOR INSTALL ONLY DATE 111111?16, /Y N uodles Fs, Cn-mK�,Eifi,, RECEIVED Acct.Mgr. r. 7) ic, Page: I Of: 05 (,-�rrsek Blvd This is an original unpublished drawing created S -,:-vPns 0.rxe-el B 1v d by Superior Electrical Advertising,Inc.It is submitted for your approval.It is not to be shown to anyone outside of your organization,nor is it 13Y to be reproduced,copied or exhibited in any fashion.The changing of colors,sizes,materials or illumination method does not alter the design. Ownership of this design is held by Superior Electrical Advertising,Inc.Authorization to use this design in any fashion must be obtained in 1 MAP writing from Superior Electrical Advertising,Inc. ©SEA 2016 S Note:The Colors depicted here are a graphic S CALE: N MT representation.Actual colors may vary. See color specifications. 18'-315/16" T-5 11/16" 5'-4 5/16" 9'-9 7/16" 5" 1'-113/8" ELECTRICAL superior electrical advertisingi • - - ---------------- .... AT BOTTOM 1i harmacy. . . 1700 WestAnahelm Street . Beach,Cal ifornia 90813-1195 :!: A SIGN ELEVATION/INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED FACE LIT CHANNEL LETTERS SQ.FT. = 35.70 SIDE VIEW Facsimile:562.435A867 QUANTITY: ONE (1) SET REQUIRED SCALE: '/2" - 1'-0" SCALE: �/2" - 1'-0" ' SPECIFICATIONS: NOTES: Project: (E)TARGE-ALL SIGN FABRICATION SHALL BE UL APPROVED TARGET fICVS phcy arma arma LETTERS: INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED FACE LIT CHANNEL LETTERS FACE: 3/16"THICK#2793 RED PLEX -ALL SIGNS ARE TITLE 24 COMPLIANT Address: CVS#16114 TRIMCAP: 1"JEWELITE TRUE RED PRE-COAT TRIMCAPS W-10" LONG ELECTRICAL 20745 STEVENS CREEK BLVD., RETURNS: .040 THICK 5" HUNTER RED PRE-COAT RETURNS LEADS REQUIRED CUPERTINO,CA 95014 ILLUMINATION: GE TETRA MAX RED LEDs WITH SELF CONTAINED 120V GE POWER SUPPLIES TWO (2) POWER SUPPLIES TO BE HOUSED IN THE"S"TO POWER ENTIRE SIGN Account Manager: f afro S/eo�ew»c� NOTES: DIMENSIONS PER JOB CHECK C U PC-RZJ 5" j�q ZAXIALZA 3.50 AS NOTED (E)CONCRETE WALL ,t } � ;Q?l {�q t/� esign No.: 16-01-1299-03 0 3 2511b Date: 01.27.16 .040 ALUMINUM RETURNS EV EVVEG FOR CODERGOMPLIANCE CLASS 2 LOW VOLTAGE�9 TRIMCAP WITH#8 X'/2"SCREWS W �(�(6t0'atLf�: '1 W.50) REQUIRED) -Update artwork&package layout LIGHT EMITTING DIODES(LEDs) JUMP TO NEXT LETTER R2 AZ 02.23.16(.75) Add job check LOW VOLTAGE WIRING FROM LED TO LED R3 AZ 03.01.16(.25) Update sign to self-contained ACRYLIC FACE CHANNEL LETTERS .040 ALUMINUM BACKS DRILLED HOLE THRU WALL FOR WIRE CONNECTIONS PRIMARY POWER AND FILLED WITH MASTERSEAL TO PREVENT ' SELF-CONTAINED POWER SUPPLY WATER PENETRATION FOR JOB CHECK DATE 20A 120-277VAC DISCONNECT SWITCH Acct.Mgr. HANDY BOX FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE Acct.Mgr. THREADED NIPPLE AND COUPLING 'a i,,n»unixi 1Ili',mUN i. ai+,m' Design 3/8"o EXPANSION ANCHOR WITH Production 21/2"MINIMUM EMBEDMENT FOR INSTALL ONLY DATE MINIMUM THREE(3)PER LETTER Acct.Mgr. OR AS REQUIRED PER FIELD CONDITIONS 14 Page: 4 Of: 05 ONE(1)'/a"WEEP HOLE This is an original unpublished drawing created Note to All Contractors LOCATED AT ALL AREAS by Superior Electrical Advertising,Inc.It is THAT MAY COLLECT WATER submitted for your approval.It is not to be shown to anyone outside of your organization,nor is it 20 Sign Voltage "THIS SIGN IS SUITABLE FOR WET LOCATIONS" to be reproduced,copied or exhibited in any LABEL SIGN WITH MINIMUM 1/8"COPY fashion.Tionhe method ofcolors,otaltersedesign. or illumination method does not alter the design. o This sign is intended to be installed in accordance with the requirements Ownership f this design is held by Superior Electrical Advertising,Inc.Authorization to use of Article 600 of the National Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes. Electrical this design in any fashion must Authorization be obtained use This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign. �P,�CLECTION DETAIL writing from Superior Electrical Advertising,Inc. I All wall penetrations to be sealed with LIL Listed silicone sealant. ©SEA 2016 SNote:The Colors depicted here are a graphic representation.Actual colors may vary. See color specifications. n I � r�r-� ® • electrical e ttStreet Long California 0 Phone- LETTERS TO BE DAISY CHAINED TOGETHER PRIMARY POWER LETTER JUMPS TO BE MADE Facsimile:562.435.1867 THROUGH ONE HOLE mmmsuporiorsigns.com Project: OTARGET #*Ms pharmacy TARGET#0323 Address: CVS#16114 \L 20745 STEVENS CREEK BLVD., TWO (2) POWER SUPPLIES TO BE HOUSED CUPERTINO,CA 95014 TOP VIEW ELECTRICAL LAYOUT IN THE "S"TO POWER ENTIRE SIGN Account Manager: ,ti 5 � 4""d Designer: sAL ZAVA ZA 3.50 s CU PRTI °, cale: AS NOTED ai;i,. l'ti Design No.: 16-01-1299-03 R Date: 01.27.16 TWO (2) POWER SUPPLIES TO BE HOUSED Reg.No.: TOGGLE DISCONNECT SWITC IN THE "S"TO POWER ENTIRE SIGN REVIEVVE11 FOR CODE COM?vvi6-bPsNCE VENTILATION VENT Reviewed y 'f � *2 23.16(75�ckage layout -�;- ;✓ _ c_ 1- _ --l -Add obcheck j1'9 'r.' j R3 AZ 03.01.16(.25) Update sign to self-contained 1 3/8" _ - 9 � '� .T,y :�` �'. tip✓'- :.,`:_ti 'j�I M �J �l �!f LED &POWER SUPPLY LAYOUT VENTILATION VENT FOR JOB CHECK DATE Acct.Mgr. FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE Acct.Mgr. Design Production FOR INSTALL ONLY DATE Acct.Mgr. Page: 5 Of: 05 This is an original unpublished drawing created by Superior Electrical Advertising,Inc.It is Note to All Contractors submitted for your approval.It is not to be shown to anyone outside of your organization,nor is it to be reproduced,copied or exhibited in any fashion.The changing of colors,sizes,materials 1 L oor illumination method does not alter the design. Sign Voltage Ownership of this design is held by Superior Electrical Advertising,Inc.Authorization to use This sign is intended to be installed in accordance with the requirements this design in any fashion must be obtained in of Article 600 of the National Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes. writing from Superior Electrical Advertising,Inc. This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign. ©SEA 2016 r All wall penetrations to be sealed with UL Listed silicone sealant. Note:The Colors depicted here are a graphic representation.Actual colors may vary. - See color specifications. owl 06 rA i r - A ! ll�r- J1, sTenor 1700 West Anaheim Street -71 45� Long Beach,California 90813-1195 cC� ' Phone: :I: • -- f i Facsimile:562.435.1867 i�' I J!► ,, Project: O TARGET V CVS pharmacy 3 4 • ~ OW TARGET 1 CVS �./ 3 OPERA : • * � � rr �'��, _ `-'��''�►-� A.: UII,d II1g QCparfa745rsTEVENSOREEK BLVD., t CUPERTINO,CA 95014 WT 41% 0 3 2016 7 7A AR FOR CODE dl!���TC ' At1F' 7Jl.VALZA 3.50 �t! � q , — 1 t4 Scale: AS NOTED ! _ o Design No.: 16-01-1299-03 Date .� _ ! - . _ �' :?� ', � Reg.No.: 01 27 16 ....ter � _. �'•. � r' v` - ' '� i � _ w Revisions: }x 1 AZ 02.16.16 .50) WW►, p p _ artwork&package layout $ t,4 e?a � i • R2 AZ 02.23.16(.75) " dd job check R3 AZ 03.01 16(.25) Update sign to self-contained 1!c 1: S z„ CHECK F R JOB _� 7"N ""■ � I ODATE "r'.- " = Acct.%1gr. «. r T I FOR CONSTRUCTION sAcct.Mgr. 4, e0i Ile .. Design • Production FOR INSTALL ONLY DATE , � , �. Acct.Mgr. OR Page: 2 Of: 05 This is an original unpublished drawing created YVW-wF Electrical — - " " by Superior Advertising,Inc.It is Aw J►' µ submitted for your approval.It is not to be shown -" to anyone outside of your organization,nor is n + �� to be reproduced,copied or exhibited in an fashion•The changing of colors,sizes,materials or illumination method does not alter the design. Ownership of this design is held by Superior Electrical Advertising,Inc.Authonzation to use this design in any fashion must be obtained in writing from Superior Electrical Advertising,Inc. 1 PLOT PLAN SEA 2016 Note:The Colors depicted here are a graphic SCALE. N.T.S. representation.Actual colors may vary. See color specifications. 17'-93/4xxEIEC advErtising-. sTenorII West Anaheim Street Long Beach,California 90813-1195 Phone: :1: Facsimile:562.435.1867 k- SQ.FT. = 35.70 Project: O TARGET .;� ' "111111i pharmacy 18'-3 15/16„ TARGET#0323 Address: CVS#16114 20745 STEVENS CREEK BLVD., CUPERTINO,CA 95014 J)—EX ISTING SOUTH ELEVATION (PARTIAL VIEW) SOFT. = 37.85 - - Account Manager: SCALE: N.T.S. Designer: ALFFMO ZAVALZA 3.50 - 1 CUPERTINO Scale: AS NOTED kaE;ij C ilding DepartmentiesignNo.: 16-01-1299-03 • �}T. „•y � Q � �01� Date: 01.27.16 101,A Reg.No.: yREVIEWED FOR CODE COMIR�LV,� .so) ^ Up ate artwork&package layout Reviewed By, Tk�0 U ob2 he16(.75) 1 R3 AZ 03.01.16(.25) Update sign to self-contained r FOR JOB CHECK DATE Acct.Mgr. FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE u ' I Acct.Mgr. Design Production '�" +'-• �, a lea FOR INSTALL ONLY DATE • , ilIr. Acct.Mgr. Page: 3 Of: 05 This is an original unpublished drawing created by Superior Electrical Advertising,Inc.it is submitted for your approval.It is not to be shown to anyone outside of your organization,nor is it to be reproduced,copied or exhibited in any fashion.The changing of calors,sizes,materials or illumination method does not alter the design. Ownership of this design is held by Superior Electrical Advertising,Inc.Authorization to use this design in any fashion must be obtained in writing from Superior Electr cal Advertising,Inc. 2 PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION (PARTIAL VIEW) ©SEA 2o1s Note.The Colors depicted here are a graphic SCALE: N.T.S, representation.Actual colors may vary. See color specifications.