TC 11-07-90Cable Television Advisory Committee Regular Meeting cupertino city Hall Nov. 7, 1990 Minutes ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jane Chiavacci at 7 p.m. Committee members present: Chiavacci, Dorothy Schmid, Walter Trefz Jr., Katherine Trujillo (arrived 7:05 p.m.) and David Keller (arrived 7:10 p.m.) Committee members absent: none Staff present: Donna Krey, Susan Robinson and Len Batchelor Channel 30 staff present: Suzanne 0rcutt Guests present: Martha Saldana and Daryl Henderson, United Cable; Dave Barney, De Anza College; Mike Wincn and producers Linda Grodt, Bill Lauer, Don Yeager, Eunice Cox. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MEETING OF OCT. 3, 1990 Orcutt asked that the word "grant" be inserted in the first sentence under Review of Grant Guidelines before the word "guidelines." She also requested that the word "logo" be referred to as "station identification" in the future, though it will remain "logo" in these minutes. Trefz made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected; Schmid seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were none. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A flyer regarding a tape on the history of Access was distributed along with copies of the California Cable Newsletter and Ch. 30's Access Newsletter. Correspondence between Chiavacci and William Cullen of United Cable regarding equipment was noted in the packet. Barney, referring to a recent conversation with Cullen, stated that Cullen has agreed to have answers to questions on equipment resolved by Nov. 15. Krey pointed out another letter in the packet from Ch. 53 to United citing technical problems. She also noted that the Heritage signal appeared to be affected by united's signal quality. Henderson read a follow-up letter from United that will be mailed to Ch. 53. Trujillo distributed various rough-draft proposals on cable TV regulations by senators and will summarize them for the next packet. STAFF REPORT Krey reported on the Oct. League of Cal. Cities Conference, where she attended a session on cable re-regulation. She received information on the bills and will include them in the Dec. packet. She also reported on the Civic Service Awards held Thursday where 19 volunteers were honored. She suggested that the CTVAC come up with ideas for nominees under next year's cultural art's category. Krey also noted that a new mayor will be sworn in Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. and that Measure T passed in Cupertino and will allow for the purchase of open space in the city. REPORT FROM DARYL HENDERSON, UNITED CABLE Henderson distributed his written report to the committee and reviewed subscriber statistics, customer complaints and technical explanations. Under customer complaints, and in response to committee members' questions about logging complaints, he said that the complaints currently listed are only those elevated to upper management attention. He noted that there were no phone stats as a new system is currently being installed. Henderson further reported that United has recently hired a new office manager and that they are issuing credit to customers with cable problems. Trefz questioned Henderson as to what percentage of microwave problems are to be expected due to weather conditions. Henderson said that while weather does play a part, reception should not rely on the weather. Keller agreed to work with Batchelor in drafting a letter questioning the advisability of using microwave system and urging United to study earthquake preparedness issues. Chiavacci suggested that CTVAC go on record stating the continued problems with microwave at United. Barney noted the need for a dependable cable system for De Anza's students, as several telecasted classes have gone off the air. Barney and the city requested notification from United prior to future tests that will interfere with reception. REPORT FROM SUZANNE ORCUTT, ACCESS DIRECTOR Orcutt distributed copies of the 'Tino Showcase program and noted the excellent community involvement she has received in its planning. She discussed the engineering support for the evening with United. Krey suggested clarifying what United Cable will provide in the way of technical assistance in writing. Orcutt also said producers have not taken advantage of Saturday editing times. Producers stated that they were not notified of the editing times and Trefz requested more detailed flyers on future workshops. Under awards, Orcutt noted that in future she would like to focus on BACE and WAVE awards rather than ACE or others that are put together by cable operators. Technical problems at Ch. 30 were discussed in depth. Krey questioned the progress on the Tripartite agreement which would turn maintenance of equipment over to De Anza, avoiding further reliance on United. The need for a log of equipment problems was emphasized. Barney noted that Wilcox initialed the agreement before he left and that the equipment issue should be resolved by Nov. 15. EXPLANATION ON HOW COMPLAINTS ARE LOGGED AND RECORDED Trefz reviewed the background on the concern over this issue. Henderson again explained that the only complaints listed are those that have been elevated to a manager or supervisor. Trefz requested a breakdown of the phone calls and a list of recurring problems. The committee expressed a desire to have a more detailed list of complaints, provided through United's new software package. Suggestions for complaint items that should be tracked included: reception, installation, service, rates and program content. Henderson estimated that he could provide a detailed account of complaints by the end of December. DISCUSSION OF GRANT MONEY FOR PRODUCER CONFERENCES Chiavacci briefly reviewed last month's discussion and noted that the sub-committee was not able to meet this past month, but will meet during the coming month. She requested that this item be on the next agenda. DISCUSSION OF EDITING FACILITIES AT DE ANZA The committee noted that this item was covered during the meeting. Barney questioned Henderson regarding a 5000 hour re-build of Access equipment. Henderson stated that he would call Barney the following day on the status of this issue. Producers related recent equipment problems and Chiavacci requested that a log of equipment problems be presented at the next meeting by Orcutt. Saldana invited the CTVAC to visit the headend and requested a date. Chiavacci agreed to meet with Saldana following the meeting to decide on several dates in December for the committee to choose from. Orcutt proposed that alternatives for edit suite C go to sub-committee for discussion. She said that recommendations will be made at the next meeting and requested that discussion of edit suite C be on the next agenda. Keller suggested renting 3/4" decks for use during the coming month, though the committee expressed concerns over the cost. Keller agreed to be on the sub-committee with Orcutt. Krey suggested using creative solutions to obtain or repair editing equipment such as: borrowing equipment from United during the interim period, or approaching other companies for temporary use of equipment and then discussing long-term solutions at the next meeting. Various alternatives were discussed and by consensus the CTV committee agreed to reimburse up to $1,500 to De Anza College for repairs to Edit Suite C. Yeagar noted frustration that little has been done to improve handicapped access to De Anza's TV center since he wrote a letter on the subject to the college. He will now draft another letter to the De Anza-Foothill's president regarding the problem. He will supply copies to the city and committee. Chiavacci requested that discussion of handicapped access to the TV center be on the next agenda. ADJOURNMENT Keller moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m.; motion passed unanimously. Schmid seconded and the ATTEST: APPROVED: