TICC 01-06-2016TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Regular Meeting January 6, 2016, 7:00 p.m. Conference Room A, City Hall MINUTES CALL MEETING TO ORDER Commissioner Livingood called the meeting to order at 7:14 PM ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Rod Livingood, Wallace Iimura, Vaishali Deshpande, Shishir Chavan, Keita Broadwater Commissioners absent: None Staff Present: Guests: Mariyah Serratos Mike Jerbic APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Commissioner Deshpande made a motion to approve the December 2nd minutes. Commissioner Iimura seconded the motion. Vote 5-0 . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 2. This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes a person. In most cases, state law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. Commission Chair Livingood let the other commissioners know that there were two openings on the commission and that they are accepting applications. Commissioner Chavan stated that he intended on reapplying . The dates for the interviews are scheduled for January 25 and January 26. The City Council will make the commission appointments before the TICC has their next meeting. Commission Chair Livingood acknowledged Commissioner Iimuras time with the commission. Commissioner Iimura served for nine years on the commission. He served two full tenns and one partial term . Some of his accomplishments he was known for was his success with the changing of the street lights and sprinkler controls. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 3. U-verse TV Programming Changes 12110/15 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 4 . Regarding the discussion of Dark Fiber, Commissioner Iimura discussed leasing the public right of way conduit or fiber. He presented an article from Community Broadband Bits episode 182 that showed another community setting up and doing this . Further discussion about this would need additional staffing if the city were to enter into this type of business. 5. Regarding the hackathon discussion, Commissioner Broadwater intends to present to the Library Commission. The Library Commission meetings are held at the same time as the TICC meetings. If Commissioner Broadwater intends to attend the meeting, he will not be considered absent from the TICC meeting based on city attendance commission rules . Commissioner Chavan will bring information on an AT&T sponsored Smart City Hackathon. Commissioner Iimura suggested having an SMS communication blast sent. 6. Regarding the SMART Cities discussion, Commissioner Chavan and Commission Chair Livingood gave their SMART Cities presentation. This included the process, which stated what a SMART city, next generation, new century city is. All of these terms are being used to explain the same thing. They also discussed where SMART city initiatives are being done. They provided examples of where they are being done. An example of the process is the areas or categories of what a SMART city should focus on, and what the TICC thinks they should be need to be defined. Another aspect to be considered is funding. The Federal Government has 160 million dollars in grants for technology and SMART City partnerships. The TICC is wondering if there is a way Cupertino can engage in this. Some areas where some of these aspects have been implemented are LED based streetlights that can be programmed and managed remotely, traffic congestion management from a company doing city wide street light management during traffic hours, the company is based in Australia, and Wifi communications rollouts. It was also pointed out that certain cities are being adopted by Telecom providers. SMARTCity consortium is currently at 20 cities. In order to receive the most information as possible, it would be smart to bring in an expert to address both the TICC and the public. From that point a public survey could be developed to find out "What does a Smart city mean to the public". What can also be incorporated are incubator locations in order to foster innovation. OLD BUSINESS: 7. Regarding the Cell Tower Discussion, the TICC would like to determine if OpenSignal can do breadth as well as concurrent depth. Potential still exists for professional city-wide review. Commissioner Broadwater will determine if Open Grid API can be used. NEW BUSINESS: 8. Regarding the Small Cell discussion, small cell includes a 5G standard. Commissioner Iimura believes the backhaul is an issue. IOT (Internet of Things) will require different connection capabilities; Commissioner Livingood will ask Planner, Colin Jung, if Apple Campus has any plans for cellular expansion. REPORTS: 9. A report was provided about the Mayors Meeting with the Commissioners by Commission Chair Livingood. MISCELLANEOUS 10. Reviewed Activities Calendar, and provided the updates on who will be attending Mayor's Meeting each month 11. Reviewed Action Items, added two Action Items. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Chavan moved for adjournment. Commissioner Iimura seconded the motion. Vote 5-0 Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: #'" _____ _ ~r -Red Livingood, Chair ..s t') ,~ ~~ ~ '{ e-a._v a. v._, J' cce cc..a:. V"