TICC 04-06-2016TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Regular Meeting April 6, 2016, 7:00 p.m. Conference Room A, City Hall MINUTES CALL MEETING TO ORDER Commissioner Livingood called the meeting to order at 7: 15 PM ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Commissioners absent: Staff Present: Mitchell Guests: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Yaishali Deshpande , Shishir Chavan , Rod Livingood , Arnold De Leon Keita Broadwater IT Manager Mariyah Serratos, Chief Technology Officer Bill None I. Approved the March 2 11d minutes as amended noting the change of name from Commissioner Livingood to Commissioner Chavan in calling the mee ting to order at 7:00 pm. Commissioner Deshpande made a motion to approve the March 2, 2016 minutes , Commissioner Cha van seconded the motion . The motion was carried 4-0. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 2. This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes a person. In most cases , state law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 3. U-verse TV Programming Changes 03 /10116 a. A question was raised as to why there were no updates from Comcast. Commission Chair Livingood pointed out that Comcast provides their PEG reports quarterly. This includes their franchise fees and programming changes. UNFINISHED BUSINESS : 4. Commission Chair Livingood provided a commission overview for the benefit of new Chief Technology Officer , Bill Mitchell. He provided a brief history of the TICC. Commissioner Cha van provided a history of KMVT and highlighted future possibilities for it. This led to a discussion about cell tower coverage, open data coverage model , and broadband providers. Commissioner Desphande provided an update on her cybersecurity event for seniors and how she intends to continue the series for teens. Commission Chair Livingood provided more information on his interests for the TICC, which include improving cellular coverage and Smart Cities. 5 . The TICC reviewed their Sub Committees for the benefit of Bill Mitchell. 6. The discussion regarding the Hackathon was continued. This included discussing the dates for hosting the hackathon. It was decided that this year was not feasible for the City to host its own Hackathon so the TICC will work in conjunction with the library who is already hosting a hackathon. Commissioner Deshpande met with the library to learn about their past experiences . Some of the takeaways included , having good wifi , making sure there is proper registration , and having disclaimers. The TICC will work with the IT team on topics for the Hackathon. 7. Smart Cities discussion was continued . This included a discussion of the next steps. The TICC discussed what would be potential options for the city to pa1ticipate in. First it would be necessary to work wit h City staff to help o n board the initiative in the form of a strategic plan . Commissioner Chavan met with the Mayor discussing the Sma1t City initiative . The TICC agreed that it would be better to reach out to more than the Mayor , this includes City Council and City Staff. It was also recommended that they reach out to the new Sustainability Commission. Bill Mitchell recommended they start piloting smaller initiatives , and eventually they would turn into larger community projects. Commissioner Chavan wants to take this project to the next leve l in the next presentation to City Council , which will include a business plan and suggested goa ls. They hope that council will give comments to the plan. Commission Chair Livingood listed the necessary parts , which include the buildout of the business plan , plan first , then choose initiatives , find a grant writer , and find monetary resources. OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: 8. Chief Techno logy Officer, Bill Mitchell provided a repo1t for the TICC. This included his 30 day plan and I 00 day plan for both the IT and Communicat ions divisions . He also provided insights to the Smart City discussion . He said that it would be smart to regionally share resources because most people travel between cities. He thought it would be better to look at it from a larger picture instead of focusing specifically on individual cities. REPORTS: 9. Commissioner Desphande provided an update o n the Mayor 's Meeting with the Commissioners. This in cluded updates from a ll the other commissions. MISCELLANEOUS I 0. Reviewed Activities Calendar and asked Colleen Lettire to chan~e the Mayor 's meeting attendance . Commiss ion Chair Livingood will attend the July 6t meeting and Commissioner De Leon will attend the August Yd meeting. 11 . Reviewed Action Items, and provided updates. ADJOURNMENT Commission Vice Chair Chavan moved for adjournment. Commissioner Desphande seconded the motion. Vote 4-0 Meeting adjourned at 8:49 pm. SUBMITTED BY: