TC 05-05-04 Telecommunications Commission Regular Meeting May 5, 2004 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER LT. Guttadauro called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: LT. Guttadauro, David Eggleston, Charlon McIntosh Commissioners absent: Steven Ting, Sal Algeri Staff: Rick Kitson, Linda Lagergren, Terry Greene, Nidhi Mathur Guests: Linda Grodt, Commission took Item #3 and #4 out of order NEW BUSINESS 3. Presentation by Terry Greene (City Architect) on hot zones at City parks - City Architect Terry Greene said the objective of the City was to have wireless access in the Civic Center and the City Center Park. The County's plan for the Library included wireless access. The City is providing the hardware, however, because of County cutbacks the County is not planning at this time to provide wireless access in the Library. It will be designed for the Library, but not implemented. It is the City's intention to provide wireless access in the Plaza at this time. The hardware and installation is inexpensive, it's the service that is the expensive part of the project. 4. Discuss and tour of City website - Nidhi Mathur (City Webmaster) took the Commission through a tour of the City website and reviewed what we have on it currently and where we want to go. APPROVAL OF APRIL 7, 2004 MINUTES I. Eggleston made a motion to approve the minutes the addition of the names of the people who attended the City of Palo. McIntosh seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: None Written: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2. Update on series of Scene articles -- HDTV - The Commission discussed the topics for the articles and reviewed the progress to date. . Article I - What is it? Why is it coming about? (LT. Guttadauro) . Article 2 - Why do we need it / want it? What are differences, advantages and disadvantages over existing technology? (Sa) Algeri) . Article 3 -- When do we get it? Who will provide it? (Charlon Mcintosh) . Article 4 -- How much will it cost? (Steven Ting) . Article 5 - Conclusion (David Eggleston) Eggleston will finish the conclusion article and send it to the Commission for review. Reports from: 5. City of Cupertino - Kitson distributed the results of the community survey. It is in the same format as in previous years. The number one reason that people move to Cupertino is for the education. 87% of the residents are satisfied with the City services. 92% have Internet access and 75% have high speed or broadband. 6. Comcast - Kitson distributed the March letter and monthly report. The Commission would like a Comcast representative to attend a Telecommunication Commission meeting at least once per year to answer some oftheir questions. MISCELLANEOUS 7. Activities Calendar. The date of the CREST awards was corrected to May 19th. Charlon McIntosh reported on the April Mayor's breakfast meeting. 8. Action Item List: No updates. ADJOURNMENT Eggleston made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 p.m.; McIntosh seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. SUBMITTED BY: ~~ ~CQ~ LT. Guttadauro, Chairperson