FAC 04-27-04 APPROVED MINUTES FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting, Conference Room A 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino April 27, 2004 CUPEIQ1NO CALL TO ORDER At 7:30 p.m., Chairperson Nancy Canter called the meeting to order in Conference Room A of Cupertino City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Nancy Canter, and Commissioners Janet Mohr, Shirley Lin-Kinoshita and Hema Kundargi. Commissioners absent: Carl Orr. Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 23, 2004. Janet Mohr and Hema Kundargi moved and seconded to adopt the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously, with Carl Orr absent PRESENTATIONS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Chairperson Nancy Canter reordered the agenda to discuss item No.6 next. NEW BUSINESS 6. View sample plaques created by Diana Argabrite for Children's Tile Wall. Diana Argabrite showed one of the tiles created by a student for the tile wall, which had been reserved to use as a part ofthe sign to identify the art work. She also showed a sample of the tiles which would have text, and the commission asked for a minor amendment to the wording so that it would say "The artists were over 100 Cupertino school children." The Commissioners thanked Diana for her work in overseeing the children's art display at the Cherry Blossom Festival, and she spoke about the Arts in Schools program which had been expanded to the Quinlan Community Center this year. COMMISSIONER REPORTS 2. Monthly meeting with Mayor James (3'" Tuesday, 7 a.m., Hobee's Restaurant) Shirley Lin-Kinoshita summarized the various commission reports given at the April meeting and handed out a written copy of her report. April 27, 2004 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 2 Hema Kundargi agreed to attend either the Mayor June meeting, and said she would contact commissioner Carl Orr to see if he would like to attend one as well. 3. Arts-related news updates from Commissioners Commissioners and staff discussed upcoming events, including a celebration of Indian Folk Dance in San Jose on May 8, a local dance recital on May 2, and a large art festival at the Triton Museum in Santa Clara on June 5 and 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4. Status report on sculpture commissioned by Dick and Carolyn Randall for Cupertino Library/Civic Center Plaza. 5. The City Clerk distributed a photograph of the sculpture in progress, showing the faces of the children and animals that have been cast in bronze. The artist also sent a document which explained the lost wax method titled "From Clay to Bronze." Status report on "Perspectives" sculpture and the opening of City Center Plaza Park. The City Clerk reported that the park dedication ceremony has been scheduled for June 19, and it was her understanding that the artist and landscape architect will be given an opportunity to speak. She also said that the City Council will be considering a recommendation to rename the park to reflect the area's original ownership by the Cali Brothers. 7. Review of nominations and selection of Distinguished Artist ofthe Year for 2004. The City Clerk apologized for putting this item on the agenda a month early. She said that only one nomination had been received, but the deadline wasn't until May 17. The commission concurred to put this item on its May 25 agenda and to discuss it at a regular meeting rather than forming an ad hoc committee. 8. Consider a Fine Arts Commission booth at the Art and Wine festival. 9. The commissioners concurred that they did not wish to staff a booth at this year's festival, scheduled for Jun 26 and 27, but would consider it again in 2005. Instead, they would focus on the City Center Plaza Park opening on June 19 of this year. Consider a Call for Art andjuried exhibition to celebrate Cupertino's 50th anniversary in October, 2005. The City Clerk reviewed a proposal from Nancy Bennett of the Parks and Recreation staff that the Fine Arts Commission participate in a juried art competition to create a poster for the city's 50th anniversary in October, 2005. The theme would be Cupertino's historical places. The Commissioners concurred that they were very interested in supporting the project, although they did not want to oversee it. They also suggested that there be three categories, so that adults, teens and children would all be able to participate in the competition and exhibition. An ad hoc committee of Shirley Lin-Kinoshita and Hema Kundargi was formed to work with Nancy Bennett, with Shirley as the lead contact. April 27, 2004 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 3 10. Consider creating an internship opportunity for teens to work with the Fine Arts Commission. The Commission concurred that when special projects arise, they would consider creating a temporary position of intern for one or more teens. They also referred to a recent Mayor's breakfast when a Teen Commissioner mentioned their group may approach the Fine Arts Commission for assistance in creating art for the new Teen Center, "Down Under." The commission directed the City Clerk to prepare a letter for the chair's signature to both the Teen Commission and the Library Commission offering their services and inviting either of the groups to submit a proposal or attend one of the Fine Arts Commission meetings. In the meantime, commissioners will continue to visit other libraries and organizations to collect ideas for art for the Cupertino Library, scheduled to open in October 2004. STAFF REPORTS 11. Committee Roster (information item) NEWS ARTICLES 13. Media coverage ADJOURNMENT At 9: 12 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.