Desk Items `.� `� � PflJBLIC Va/ORKS DEPR+RTMENI' Timm Borden, Director jj� CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE�CUPERTINO,CA 95014-3266 ��������� (408) 777-3354�FAX(408) 777-3333 ��a�in� �����ss�o� ��°esen�a���� l��y 1�, 20�.� ` ����.��� ������e���.� P�����n� � _ ������e� �Y ���.� ������� �� ��11������ City o f Cupertino �Planning Commission-May 10, 2016 � Proposed FY 2017 Capital Improvement Program I � 1 Background • The City of Cupertino Municipal Code Section assigns to the Planning Commission the review of the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for its conformance with the City's General Plan. • The City of Cupertino submits its Proposed CIP, a five-year plan of projects, for FY 2017-2021 for Planning Commission review for its conf ormance with the General Plan: Community Vision 2015-2040. • The City's annual CIP plan layouts out projects over a five year period. o First year of the plan is proposed to be funded as part of the City's annual budget, f or FY 2017, and o FY 2018-2021 are planned but not funded. City o f Cupertino--Planning Commission-May 10, 2016 --Proposed FY 2017 Capital Improvement Program 2 ;� . � • � �t�f� repo�� s�n��ar�zes ���nr t�� p�°�p�se� ��]� p�oye��s a1��� v��t� t]he �e�e�°a� ]L���no _ � �Che �°e�o�°� atta�k�m.��ts ��� ��ovgde� �� ass�st w��h yo�� �ev���v ��� �o�f��man�e �nr�th t�e Gen����l �l�n- �.o ]D�af� �esol-���on 20 l�[��i���a� �ode �ec���n� 203200700� 30 ]�ro��sed �a����Y �mp��ve�ex�-� ��o���� - ��.' 20�7 (�0�6- �0�7) - ���st��C�a� ��°ojects �o l��t��x o� ��� P�°oje��� and �e�e��� �la� ��ns�ste��y N��es �o �x�e�pts �f Gen��a� ]���� �oli��es and �'ex� � 5�a�� �°��o�me�c�s tha� t�e ]L�la��n� �ornm�ss�.on n�ake a �����n� �ha� the ��op�se� �apgta� ����°�ve�e�t P�°o��am for ��C 20��-2021 �s �ons�sten�� �+r��h ��e C��y°s c�enera� ��a�o �ommun��y �Tisio� 2��5-��4�0 City o f Cu�ertino �Pianning Commission-May 10, 20I 6 � Pro�osed FY 2017 Capital Im�rovement Program 3 , P � �eth Ebben ����e Lauren Sapudar ����e Tuesday, May 10, 2016 9:13 AM ��e Beth Ebben ��p�D��ge FW: May 10, 2016 Planning Commission Meeting; Agenda Item#2: Hamptons Project _.... . ._... �......, ..,. �o°�o� Darrel Lum [mai(ta•drlum��acbell,net] S��o�: Monday, May 09, 20�:6 6:57 PM `��. City of Cupertino Planning Dept.;City Clerk ��c City Council;bavid Brandt;Aarti Shrivastava ��u�����e May 10, 2016 Planning Commission Meeting;Agenda Item#2: Hamptons Project Existing 342-unit Hamptons has 34 BMR units,10% of its 342 units. Proposed 942-unit Hamptons has 34 BMR units > 0.036% of its 942 units. V1/e are cognizant of the legal restriction to mandate BIVIR units, but it should be recognized that not all of the employees working at the adjacent office site have$100K+ incomes. � � " �,�� ��, �M: ����������i:��������a������ Y�rur�Partrs�r�n.:�fll�ar�VaF7ey' ��1��y���� 20455 Silverado Avenue Cupertino,CA 95014 Tel(408)252-7054 Fax(408)252-0638 www.cupertino-ch amber.org Anjali Kausar j�laTlTllrig�Omm1SSlOri Chief Executive Officer ao�s eoa�o oF oiRecroRs 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 BOARD OFFICERS Mike Rohde,President �e; Approval for the I�edevelopment of the Hamptons Apartments The Hills at Vallco Keith Warner,President Elect Pacific Workplaces Richard Abdalah,Immediate Past President Abdalah Law O�ces ]�eaT COTT11111SS10110PS: Janice Chua,VP Special Events Bitter+Sweet Sandy James,VP HR&Staffing sana H�u P�ope�tres pn behalf of the Cupertino Chamber'of Commerce, I am writing to ask Kevin McClelland,vP vac that you recommend that the City Council approve the 5 draft resolutions Leeward Financial&Insurance Services ���. for this project. Andrew Walters,VP Finance San Jose Water The project is consistent with the General Plan requirements and allowed zoning use. Additionally, it is a"Priority Housing Element Site"in the `BOARD IVIEMBERS I-�ousing Element. Claudio Bono Cupe�tino Inn The applicant has met the burden of proof to support their application and Catherine Chen sfate Farm i„S„ra„�e we urge you to accept the City Staff s recoinmendation for this project and �,rt cone� ask the City Council to move it forward. BlueLighf Cinemas 5 Bruce Dinger KennseiTrading Jessica Epstein S111C0P0Iy, . SILVAR Scott Jeng HSBC Bank USA,N.A. Anthony Lin _ � PG&E ����� Jason Lundgaard Apple Inc. Elizabeth Nlarchu Technology Credif Union KeVlll MCCIe11a11C�, T�m w�ama� Cupertino Chamber of Commerce Law Office of Timothy D.Wdman John Zirelii CC: City Clerk Recology �� . . �`� _ �`„� _ �nnb�� ��.�9� �la�r J, 2Q'1.6 _ f-0ar�i 5�rsv�sfi�v`a: B�u�ecfior of;PBannin� �nd Ass�s��n� City �fla;nager< 1030D Tor�e�4uet�ue _ �u�e�ftrao,'�A 95014 ���r �s S6�riv�s�ava. On beha►lf a�fhe 9�rine Corr�pariy, I �rrt pleased fo present lrvi�e Corr�par�yFs application for redeuelop�en�of The H�mp��ns; loca$ed at 19500 Pruneridge Avenue; �n the Co�y of ;Cupe�ti�o:`Y'he Ha��tons'progecfi sifie consists�o�F app�oxi�ta�ely 12.44 �cres of I�n� �nd �9�as a tot�l`;of 342 apa�fime:�it ho:t��s exi��ing on;the site �aday; pt is o,ur intenf�o redeveVop;�hus site �y �dding 6:QO.�dditior�al h�using units �s a�'@o.cated ir� �he City"s :Houso¢�g Elemer��. Th�s vuill bri�g fihe to��l'redeveloprpen��� 942 apar�rneu��'ho�es. TB�� �I��pto�s es baund by VVoB�e Ro��, �he 2�0 �'reevu�y, ar�d is adj�cent to Apple; Carrmpus 2, a,n� i� arifecipa�ed to �rovide housen� vvs�hin vv��king dastan�ce for Apple :e��.layees, thereby reduci:ng vehicle firips to �r�d�rorn �heir cat�pus. �"he Harnp�ons on�ill �Iso po��vide �'n at�r�e�ive locafion for other peaple desiring fo resode:in C�pe�fiino, is close to �he �reevu�y so vu�li minimize pe�k hour�ra�ic on othe�'City stree�s:, a�,a o�,�i�a:e� � Tra-nsportation Demand f�ar�:�gemenf (TDNI) Progr�m that prornofies fhe use af alt�.r�ia�ive;fira�spor�atior� ��d r�duced vehicle parki¢�g needs. T'he T'D�/I f�°rogra�n �nnl'I; , include amo�� other iter�:s, Eco P.asses for the residen�s; �idesha�e factlitatian; bicyc.Ie sharing,..�r�d �n;b�r�dled parkin�. - T�e C.upe�ter�o cornmuni�y vv�ll 6�aue access to � ��mber ofi p�sbEic ameni�ues within The C�ampto�s;; .incl�ding �n at-grade public bike hu�, a�'lex�ble ope� space area fh�t could host varic�us events:such �s �f�rmer's.market, or sim�lar social ga�iier�ngs:, and an m,ufidoar cor�rrron-�s�e seafi�ng area, vuhich;could inclu;de a lounge and ju6ce/coffee b��-. -A v�riefiy of ameriifiies. suitable for'a(I ages v�n{1 be available to fih:e res'idents of The H��npto�s sucl� �s a fitness ce'nter, club.ro:orn uvi�h bar, e�fe, g;�u�ne roor�, ar�d s�le o� _ -food; a�ccihol, ar�d sund�y �tems; poals, �ifiness:fi�ails;and oth�r autdoo� common sea�irog areas, The Irvi�e Co�p�ny has spent ov�r � ye�r s�udying the feas�bilw�y of t6�is �edeveiopmer��, �ncl�adtng surveyin�g 2,ODa Cupertono'�nrorkers in �he Silicon Va;91�y to ur�ders��nd th.e type of hausing needed �o ser�ie the Idfes�yles-ofi futu�e r�side�fis V1/e have also=c�refully studied security a�d privacy as o:�r housi�g interFaces �nlith $he s�ea�by Apple carnpus fn addifiion, �e have studied'in gre�� detail publie services; � comrr�unrt� be;�iefits, and the San�a CI�r� Unified School pis�rict v�rhic9� is the: �is�ricfi in which this property resides, and vuilJ provide educat[on �o school.�ge children of ti�is 690 iV. McCarfihy Blvd., �uit�: 100 � �I'ilpifias; CA 95035 ' £.. projec#. As such, we have entered into a School Fees Mitigation Agr,eement with the Santa Clara Uni�ed School District under which we wiN make a voluntary contribution of $2,400,000, in addition to paying statutory school fees. We are seeking the following entitlements for The Hamptons; a Development Permit, Tree Removal Permit, (although we have incorporated preseroation of on-site Redwood Trees), Architectural and Site Plan approval, a Use Permit, and a Development Agreement. We also understand that the project is undergoing environmental analysis and processing under the California Environmental Quality Act. We have also calculated the proposed fees and benefits that this project will bring to Cupertino. We understand there is a need for more community space in the City of Cupertino and based on this need, we would like to make a voluntary contribution of $7 million dollars for#he construction of civic facilities within the City of Cupertino. This voluntary community benefit has been added to provide a direct benefit to residents of Cupertino. The Irvine Company would aiso make a total voluntary contribution of$7 miJiion dollars towards the Wolfe Road Interchange Project, $200,000 of which was already advanced to the City. The project will continue to provide 34 affordable housing units consisten#with our existing affordable housing agreement with the City, and in total will contribute an estimated $64 million dollars in community benefits and fees to Cupertino. We are pleased to have been part of the Cupertino community for many years, and look forward to working with the City Council, staff, and other stakeholders on helping achieve the General Plan and Housing Element goals for this site. 'We have made every effort to take into consideration the fees we have discussed with staff and in addition, have added community benefi# commitments in the interest of the overall community and citizens of Cupertino. Thank you and we look forward to future discussions of our sotid commitment to develap an outstanding redevelopment project at The Harnptons. Sincerely, .��i!,��i�.1�y'.�'��C Carlene Matchniff Vice President, Entitlements & Pub{ic Affairs �eth ����1� � �p��e Liana Crabtree(lianacrabtree@yahoo.com] ����; Tuesday, May 10, 2016 3:26 PM ��, City of Cupertino Planning Dept. ��e City Clerk ��p�y���e Hamptons redevelopment project needs a meaningful number of BMR units to address the housing deficit affecting our most vulnerable residents De�r Planning Connr�nission, Please include �ny �essa,ge today �s pa�f of the public record fior the �ampfions redevelopment project. I see fihe developer for the Hamptons rental housing project has subrnitted a proposal fio a�dd 600 rnarket rate housing units and zero (0) below �narket ra�te (�MR) u¢�ifis to a site �h�t tod�y has 34� for- rent ho�asing units, including 34 BMR units. If�pproved as presented today, the redevelopmenfi project represen�s a significanf gift of unchecked rent�l incorne fror� the Cifiy of Cuper�i�o to the developer and its investo�-s with IittGe i� return for the _ West Valley resi�ents uvho serue o�ar cornnnunity but struggle to ge$ by here. The City ofi:Cupe�fino approves office sp�ce �t an �ccelera�ted r�te but appea�rs u�vvilling to add the housi�g required to serve fihe needs of the essential workers vvho are e�nployed in those ofFices or who provide necess�ry suppo�t seruices i� the cornrr�unity, incl�ading but no� lirnified to: bus drivers, ernergency rnedic�l technicians, our favorite grocery store er�nployees, postal workers, elde� ca��e providers, teaching assistants, recepfiionists, and so m�ny others without �ccess to legacy farnily money or lucra�tive stock options. I urge you to reject the Harnpto�s redevelopment proposal until the developer refiurns with �n earnest, enforcea,ble ofFer of no fe�nrer than 150 additional ��R units for the Harnptons sifie, including �t leas$ 60 units for ve�r low incorne individuals and far�nilies. Thank you for doing your p��t to en�ure that Cupe�ino takes responsibili�y for the housir�g deficit its past �ctions have helped cre�fe. Li�na, Crabtree ' Cupertino reside�t � i ��.�' . �����,�������`�� � L������lP ��.��� � 2001 GatewayPlace,sUrra�o�e �ja 10,2016 Sao Jose,Califomia 95110 y (408)501-7864 svlg.org CARL 6UARDINO President&CEO Chair Alan Takahashi and Planning Commission Board Officers: GREG BECKER,Chair City of Cupertino svBFinancialGraup 1�30�T'OTY'01�Ve. KEN KANNAPPAN,�ce Chair Plantronics �upertino,CA 95014 JOHNADAMS,Secretary/Treasurer Wells Fa�go Bank TOM WERNER,Former Chair s��PoWe� IZE: The Hamptons AART DE GEUS,Foimer Chair Synopsys STEVE BERGLUND,Former Chair TrimbleNavigation DeaT C�la1T Z'aICa111S111 aT1Cl C011lffi1SS10rieTS� Board Members: MARTINANSTICE LamResearch On behalf of the Silicon�Talley Leadership C'rroup, I am writing to endorse the proposed SHELL MetncStream,�nc. apartment development project by the Irvine Company,referred to as The Hamptons, located at ANDY BALL Su/folkConstruction 19500 Pruneridge Ave in Cupertino. This is exactly the type of exciting development that we UniversifyofCalcomia,San a Cruz hope to see more of in Silicon Valley-one that thoughtfully integrates bicycle use and proximity JOHN80 Q�� to job centers to reduce traffic impacts and provide healthy living options for our community. CHRIS BOYD KaiserPermanente BRADLEYJ.BULLINGTON The Silicon Va11ey Leadership Group,founded in 197�by David Packaxd of Hewlett-Packard, Bridgelux HELENBURT represents nearly 400 of Silicon Valley's most respected employers on issues,programs and Pa��fi�oavo cusH campaigns that affect the economic health and quality of life in Silicon Valley, including energy, Virgin America CHRISTOPNER DAWES transportation, education,housing,health care,tax policies, economic vitality and the LucilePackardCh��KENDR�AZAN enVlP011l11011t.Leadership Group members collectively provide nearly one of every three private MICNAELENGH,nS.J. sector jobs in Silicon Valley and have more than$6 trillion in annual revenue. Santa Clara University TOM F,4LLON InfineraCorporafion On an annual basis,the Silicon Valley Leadership Group surveys its member companies at the BRANTFISH Chevron Corporation CEO level to fmd out which issues are most important to a healthy economy in Silicon Valley. HANK FORE Comcast Each year,housing affordability and attainability is selected as the top impediment.The cause of KENGO ya o�N our housing crunch is clear.Demand consistently outpaces supply.For that reason,the RAQUEL GONZALEZ Leadership Group seeks out and supports quality housing proposals that can help alleviate our Bank ofAmerica DOUG GRAHAM persistent housing.crisis by bringing more homes to the market. LockheedMartin Space Systems LAURAGUIO ranaescurieRR z The Irvine Company's Project,The Hamptons,provides a unique way to utilize an existing MARKIiAWKI S property, appropriately renovating to supply additional housing stock to meet our growing JEFFREYM.JOHNSON regional need. We applaud the residential density that will be applied to this site. This is a San Francisco Chronicle ro ect that enriches the surroundin communi}��and creates a new standard for future rowth in . AARIFKNAK00 p .1 g `�" g GARYLAUER the area. Its addition of the proposed bike hub_,and storage, as well as access to nearby job eHea��n centers is particularly attractive to those hoping to reduce their carbon footprint.Additionally, ENRIQUE LORES r�P the plaza that incorporates space for community gatherings at the corner of Wolf Rd.and MA�Brigade Pruneridge Ave. adds character and excitement to the neighborhood and is well thought out. TARKAN MANER Nexenta KENMCNAT&T We look forward to learning about the commission's decision and we thank you for your STEPHENMILUGAN consideration of our input. Wesfem Digital Corporation KEVIN MURAI Synnex JESPEDERSON Sincerely� We6cor KIM POLESE ClearSfreet MO QAYOUMI San Jose StateUniversi(y ,. STEVENROSSI - - BayArea News Group TOMI RYBA ElCaminaHospitaf CaTI�3UaTC11110 ALANSALZMAN president and CEO VantagePoinf Capftal Padners RONsece Silicon Valley Leadership Group Echelon Corporation ROSEMARYTURNER UPS RICKWALLACE KLA-Tencor KENXIE Fortinef JED YORK San Francisco 49ers Esta6lishedin 19786y