TC 03-07-90Cable Television Advisory Comm~%%ee Regular Mee%ing March 7, 1990, 7 p.m. cupertino city Hall Minutes ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order by chairperson Jane Chiavacci at 7:00 p.m. Committee members present: Chiavacci, William Fletcher, Walter Trefz, Dorothy Schmid (Michelle Mann entered 7:25 p.m.) Channel 30 Staff Present: Suzanne Orcutt Staff Present: Donna Krey and Susan Robinson Guests Present: Len Batchelor, Joe Wilcox, United Cable, Dave Barney, De Anza College; Producers APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR FEB. 7, 1990 ADJOURNED MEETING Fletcher made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Trefz seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were none. WRITTEN COM~UNICATIONS The commission reviewed letters to various congressmen regarding the CTVAC report to the FCC. Fletcher made note of a letter regarding the use of limited partnerships as a way to raise money for cablesystems, noting that this issue should be looked at for regulation. STAFF REPORT Krey reported that with Batchelor's help they made the March 1 FCC request deadline for input regarding the Cable Act of 1984. She said the city council has ammended the attendance ordinance for committees. Beginning in Jan. any committee member missing three meetings in one calendar year will need to go before the council for a waiver. REPORT FROM JOE WILCOX, UNITED CABLE Wilcox reported that pay units and subscriber numbers were up in February. United began a basic value marketing campaign and expect March to be a good month. He helped judge the preliminary rounds of this year's BACE competition. REPORT FROM SUZANNE ORCUTT, ACCESS DIRECTOR Orcutt reported that she spoke to school district representatives and Garden Gate and Kennedy are now wired with United cable. She will check with the Cupertino School District to arrange a viewing of the system for CTV Committee members. She presented video taped copies of Access Hometown entries to CTV members and presented ideas for a new logo. The budget was discussed. Krey noted that since the Tino Awards were not held this year Access is right on budget with $2,000 remaining. Fixed Acquisition Expenditures were taken out of order. The committee discussed options for purchasing camcorders. Trefz expressed concern over flexibility and quality of editing equipment. Fletcher made a motion to purchase one camcorder under Orcutt's proposal not to exceed $2,000; Schmid seconded and the motion passed with one no vote by Trefz. United Cable offered to purchase the second camcorder. Set designs were also discussed under fixed aquisition expenditures. They will cost just under $100 per panel. Fletcher made a motion to approve the expenditure not to exceed $2,300 for set design materials as outlined in Orcutt's report; Schmid seconded and the motion passed unanimously. OPTIONS FROM DE ANZA TO ALLEVIATE EDITING CONDITIONS Barney reported that due to space constraints, the De Anza instruction department also has an editing bench in the hall and that Access in not being unduly punished. He noted that these conditions will be alleviated when the Advanced Technology Center opens in 1992 and instruction moves to that building. The committee discussed possible options to alleviate editing conditions in the interim period. Suggestions included: using space in the library for editing or finding space in the student center. Producers noted that partitions are helping in Edit Suite C and that a sign for the door when the suite is in use would be helpful. CURRENT STATUS OF TRIPARTITE AGREEMENT Batchelor reported on changes and explained the background of the tripartite agreement. He noted that in exchange for a transfer of equipment bought by United and the city, De Anza will maintain equipment. The committee noted that if De Anza does not abide by the agreement the equipment can revert to United and the city. The committee discussed the need to further define the term "delay". Trefz suggested a maintenance log. Barney noted that De Anza is agreeing to take over the equipment to do a better job and sees no need to get specific. Barney stated that they keep separate account books for Access and that he wants to run Access and instruction separately but needs funding support. Fletcher made a motion that the tripartite agreement be submitted to the attorneys at De Anza, United Cable and the city, with the exception of one item under maintenance. Any change in wording by commission members would be submitted to Batchelor within the next 10 days and the document would then be submitted to the attorneys for polishing; Trefz seconded. Barney clarified that the equipment will still be separated by use, whether you are an Access producer or instructor. De Anza will fund all television staff positions as the money will now be part of the $32,000 given by the city in quarterly payments. Barney would like a courtesy copy of the agreement submitted to De Anza attorneys. Batchelor suggested that any change in wording by committee members be submitted to Batchelor by Friday rather than in 10 days. Fletcher ammended the motion, Chiavacci ammended the second; the motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION OF MAJOR GRANT APPLICATION FOR MUSICAL STORYBOOKS The committee discussed concerns with the application. The proposed airtime of Saturday morning is acceptable, however, salary grants, under labor costs, will need to be replaced with promotional costs, postage or flyers. Krey requested a deadline for grants of Wed., March 28. The committee noted that the grant application needs to be re-written. The grant application will be discussed further in April. A change in meeting location to City Hall will also be on the April agenda. ADJOURNMENT Fletcher moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:05; Schmid seconded and the motion passed unanimously. City ~lerk ~ ~/Chairpe{s6n