1158 ANDE 2645VtI ^6L 9 < 16�o. LOT NO. NO. STREET APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Date zO , 1"6_1 Z mit N Appl' ation is hereby mad ,fal a permit to �i n /9 11i story, Type at to be occupied only as9-1d'-2&!441-� � t�-crx�rvtc. s in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. Estimated Value of Improvements, Fee $ Building It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be complied with. Owner w` Address By '/ AMAddress Approve '4 BUILDING INSPECTOR RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION DATE INSPECTOR FRAME DATE LATH and PLASTER DATE FINAL BLDG. �J DATE FINAL ELEC. FINAL PLBG. FINAL GAS DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR LOT NO. NO. n NFOR BUILDING PERMIT V Ap TY OF CUPERTINO i AUG 28 1.76 Sanitary No. _ Dat 1963 mit No. �J'� pli0jion is" h e ade for a permit to astory, Type Building to be occupied only a in accordance with Pla , Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. _ Estimated Value of Improvements, $ Oa Fee $� It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other la^ applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cur i%C1riJt'be comulied with. Phone State License -1-f Address Address Approved BUILDING INSPECTOR RECORD OF INSPECTION -APPROVALS FOUNDATION DATE INSPECTOR UNDERFLOOR DATE INSPECTOR FRAME DATE INSPECTOR LATH d PLASTER FINAL BLDG. FINAL ELEC. FINAL PLBG. FINAL GAS , Z�l, _ DATE INSPECTOR NO. STREET LOT NO. D R ELECTRICAL PERMIT AUG .� �963CI � F CUPERTINO Date...1.,.195— Permit No.�� f , Fee S Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Own /2''J " 1� �' ddress CONTRACTOR, AGENT � Approved Phone: / I y ELECTRICAL INSPEC M I NEW RPL TEES Size Service Conduit ----------------------Number of Outlets .................. .-_ - ---_ .---.I..... ...... Size Service Wires.........................Number of Switches------------.--- ----•___-- .......... -.._....--I ...--•4-O Size Service Switch ---------------_--•-__Number of Receptacles_ ......... ///___ ---------- -./.+_Q Size Sub Feed Conduit ------------------Number of Fixtures ------------------ _-60--.- ---------- `� ---- 4... P Size Sub Feed Wires ... _............... Ranges ................ KW ----- ........ .......... .......... .............. Numberof Circuits ................... Oven .............. KW .............. .......... .......... .............. Number of Meters ........................ Signs ---------- Transformers-..----- ---------- ---------- --.--_---..- Motors----------------•--- HP -------------------- Phase .................... Permit Fee $1.00 Motors .................... HP -------------------- Phase ....._.__---------- Motors--•--•-••-•--------- HP --------------- ---- Phase ----••-------_---- H P Charge---------------- TOTAL FEES', ----- C) j R CO OF INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough Wiring -�= «! I Fixtures ---------------------- ------- INSPECTOR DATE /INSPECTOR Finish Wiring ... I Motors '= I - ------------------- DATE INSPECTOR TE SP OTOR Final J`7I ---------•------- DAT' INSPECTOR n z W f ir LL0 3 w LL O z ¢w W x i- 2 O a > N zJ J Z J 0 3Q _Lq wZ w w ir a o2 III LOT NO. NO. TR e D I OR PLUMBING PERMIT a I OF Sanitary NoCUPERTINO = Z t A� UG 3 1963 �� �� 1 o a Date , 196— Permit No 3 LL CITY OF CUPER���'r Fee $ % ° Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing W pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices N and/or fixtures in accordance with the pro ions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other Xv applirabl ._thereto. Use of Premises ►' Owner Address gq Address CONTRACTOR,AGENT j Phon , z State Licens Approv PLUMBING Zl�I UNITS I FEES 11 1UNITS I FEES er Heater size W ter Closets jW p p Materia' Ba Tubs To Curb Showers , 00 To Prop. Line Lavatories To Existing Kitchen Sinks Not Conn. Dish Washers Sewer Boxes Waste Disposals Rough Complete_ -- Wash Trays STORM DRAINAGE Water Softeners Bar Sinks wmD. nnK & 1 rays io l.urD Dental Units Main Drain Fee Drinking Fountains Storm Drain Fee Floor Drains WATER YST Hoppers Size Restaurant Sinks Materia Xa / RECORD OF INSPECTION Urmais Pixture Pee -rf-O CJ Area Drains Main Drain Fee ater Leaders Storm Drain Fee rinkler Vaives Water Sys. FeeIS Permit Fee m TOTAL TOTAL FEE RECORD OF INSPECTION Underground Rough... Partial Rough.. 16 — d Rough Complete_ -- Main Drain Final— 15 `)< W Z f K y O �LL oQ 3U W LL = O LL w o� a z cA <w eu x J LL OO 1 N i-3 o< zJ J Z J O 3Q _N W Z W w a: a <o 0 NO. Q S Lk I AUG .10 1963 LOT NO N FOR GAS PERMIT OF CUPERTINO Date 196_ Permit No. 2 C !OF C TY �1�'E �..,,, Fee- Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all otWrAws apNicable thereto. Use l n j CONTRACTOR, AGENT Phone �CX 1- S SZ_ c1 State License Address Ir Approved , PLUMBING INSPECTOR Type of Appliance Units Fees New Replace Relocate Gas Ranges Heaters Gas Fired Boi Steam Tables Gravity Furnaces .Suspended Unit Floor Furnace 'Miscellaneous NAME TYPE) HOUSE GAS PIPING Number of Outlets §ize c# Main Gas Piping Fees Tested and Approved :. .......... ..........I .............. DAT INSPECTOR (t-! 2 C ,l U'L - (-e Y=-,---- r LOT NO. ._ NO. S'",RBRT APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Date _ 196____ Permit No. a-3 Fee $ Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing rode of the City of Cupertino, and all othqf laws applicable thereto. c Use of PremisesA�4 , 1 -N Own r t,' , (� �'.� r�.. _;� Addresses o 't Address -11—t— CONTRACTOR, AGEN Phone T C�� s Approved Urtu�ca►NG INSPECTOR Type of Appliance I Units Fees Remarks (Check d) I New Replace Relocate Gas Ranges Wall Heaters Gas Plates Circulating Heaters Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers I �� Warming Ovens Percolators Griddles Steam Tables Gravity Furnaces Suspended Unit II _ Floor Furnace 1V1151C11611C0Ub Inspected and Approvedr.�:'.� ...`. DAT INSPECTOR