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ZQb93 1 Cheryl Drive LOT No. 60 NO. STREET W Z APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT �K Y o CI'L ' OF UPERTINO 3��f 3 U� t4 1963 j Sanitary No.�" Dat e 1963 Permit No. �o o Q Applicata is herd fa"mit to erect a In a nnp story, Type f came Building to be occupied only as single family dwe11ing 0 o in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. F 3 Estimated Value of Improvements, $ 17,000.00 Fee $ 54.00 z J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and * Z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of O Cupertino will be complied with. 3 a Owner lnland Empire DevelopersjncAddress960 Camden Ave.Campbell — ?By x Addressae 378-2280 ppLicens 184784 IF A r0 B LDING INSPECTOR RECORD OF INSPECTION APP ALS FOUNDATION 'Z5 - �' DATE FINAL ELEC. - 36 - DATE FINAL PLBG. DATE FINAL GAS - DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR UNDERFLOOR DATE INSPECTOR ? FRAME - DATE INSPECTOR �- LATH and PLASTER DATE INSPECTOR (� - 36 3 FINAL BLDG. �1 i DATE FINAL ELEC. - 36 - DATE FINAL PLBG. DATE FINAL GAS - DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR �D..�LOT NO. NO. . _.. S Q� APPU ATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT ) < �' CITY OF CUPERTINO, WZ Y o MAY 23 196 if Sanitary No. LL 0 U Date `� 196- Permit No LL CITY OF C,_4PEk Fee $ �� L 0Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing L a pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices r and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Q W Cupertino, and all of laws applicable thereto. w x LL Use of Pr ises 00 1 3 0whu Address oa , ZJ J z Address 2.-OC�ZL& J O O CTOR, AGENT / -- — Pone W 0 —36 - /a y 3?�s'" aa tate LicenseApproved - l) CTOR I I UNITS I FEES II IUNITSI FEES Pater Heater later Closets Material ath Tubs To Curb Showers To Prop. Line ✓ '_avatories To Existing Citchen Sinks Not Conn. �ish Washers Sewer Boxes X/aste Disposals(l Vash Trays STORM DRAINAC Vashing Machines Size Nater Softeners Material Sar. Sinks To Main Drain -omb. Sink & Trays To Curb )ental Units ' drinking Founrains Floor Drains I WATER SYSTEM restaurant Jinks Material Gam, ianTraps TOTAL ES Jrinals Fixture Fee re7c, area Drains Main Drain Fee Gt? p X/ater Leaders Storm Drain Fee ipr;nkler Vaives Water Sys. Fee © o Permit Fee , 3 O AL RECORD OF INSPECTION Underground Rough . Partial Rough__ Rough Complete.. e Main Drain _ d Final._.(�— In Z_ W� f ° Y C 3° W I, =C OF o° z t! QU W3 M h Q J U O C > U H ? O ° z J 2 J c 3� ° —u W 2 W U 0: Q t c Ve R.3 C� 1 LOT NO. NO. STREET APPL ATION FOR GAS PERMIT a CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ' ! '! „ 196 Permit No. Fee, $ Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all cr laws applicable thereto. Use of AGENT -4 Address C Address tate�e rILLIAM D. SENEVICH i�`s�cense �`� Approve _ PLUMBING INSPECTOR of Wall Heaters Gas Plates Gas F Warm Gravity Furnaces Suspended Unit Floor Furnace Miscellaneous NAME TYPE) HOUSE GAS PIPI G Number of Outlets. Size of Main Gas Piping Fees , Tested and Approved .......................... DATE INSPECTOR MIL!, L1L�11 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO F-1 Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. cr-10,11mbing Final Plumbing Permit No. Lot No. clee Owner or Tenant -------- At---- --------- ---7 ....... ......... .. . .................................... Tract................ .. ----- -------------------------------------------------------------- DateConnected ------------------------•-----C?----- ---- -------------- -------------------------------------- DateFinal --------------------------------------- v ------- ------------- ------------------- ------------ -------------------------------- PLUMBING INSPECTOR III 7/63-1M CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date .......... 4A ...... _:e ..................... 19.(a:!--- Building Permit No. The Building Located at .. ... ... ..... .......... 5i" * ..... .. ........... Owned by ....... .......... ... ... .................. Has Been ( -0m Use .As: ........... ............................... (Altpe —x ----------- *'*'* ....... .............................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................... ............. ........... . ....................... BUILDING INSPECTOR 102 1/63-500 f OFFICE COPY I 1 To ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO .............. 1962. You are hereby authori d to connect electrical service for Owner or Tenant 'i� G a At. . ...... .. •-•---••-----------------------------------•-------- No. of Wires __ ------------ Size fires -'.*2.---------- Size of Switch ,l6.0 }• MotorLoad .......................... Voltage ................................ Phase .. -- ---------------- ---------- HeatingLoad ........................ K. W. ---------------------------------- Voltage ----------------------------- / Light ............... 110-5:!<New Service..--.-.......... Reconnect.................- No. of Meters .... T"""""".___--- Heat ................ 220._"'x' Three Wire ---------------- Move Service ............ No. of Add. Meters............ Power--------------- ase---------------- Move Meter ............ 104 1/63-500 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR C v V �o6y NO. LOT NO. "64" APPLIANCE PERMIT jOF CUPERTINO I M AY 4 1963 Date — 19� Permit No. CITY OF CUPERT"' Fee $mss Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install slid appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing rode of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of V Ge /-.4/4' A?' Type of Appliance Units Fees Remarks (Check d) New Replace Relocate _Ras Ranges Wall Heaters Gas Plates Circulating Heaters Blower Furnaces Gas Fired Boilers Warming Ovens Percolators Griddles 'Steam Tables Gravity Furnaces I� Unit Floor Furnace NAME TYPE Inspected and Approved'..:....... ' DATE INSPECTOR Aq Not STREET LOT NO. 0' l,P ePLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT CI � CUPERTINO JUL 15 163 Date Permit No. ' CITY t E: �`i Fee $ /� 00 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premise, OwnerAddress By / Address CONTRACTOR, AGENT Appr e Phone: 'RE C—O zz ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR Size Service Conduit__._--..!Y_"_Number of Outlets ------------------ Size Service Wires...... :......... of Swatches ..... -_-_-______ Size Service Switch... /6de42___Number of Receptacles_"_"._...._. Size Sub Feed Conduit ...... .- ------- Number of Fixtures .................. Size Sub Feed Wires_..___ ......... Ranges KW .............. Number of Circuits .......... Oven ./ ........ KW______________ NEW RPL ...... /-] ----------- Number of Meters ----- _................. Signs ---------- Transformers ........ Misc------------------------------•-•--- - Dryers ........ /-_-1 !•- Motors - HP �,7 Phase FEES 75� ------••-• •-----........... .------ -- - ""-" Permit Fee $1.005 Motors.................... HP .................... Phase .................... 7 Motors .................... HP .................... Phase .................... H P Charge --------w- - -- --- ...O I----- -- ------- D- ,.1 TOTAL RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVA Rough Wiring ---------------- ---------------------------- Fixtures --------- ...... DATE INSPECTOR D& - Finish Wiring otors � - ---- DATR INSPECTOR DATE NS►[GTOR Final......•.... ----••••--•-•--.......... DATE INSPECTOR