FAC 05-23-2016CUPERTINO ROLL CALL APPROVED MINUTES FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting, Conf. Rm. C 10300 Torre A venue Cupertino May 23, 2016 Present: Chokshi, Leong, Mahalingam, Matley, Sanchez Absent: -None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Minutes of March 28, 2016 Fine Arts Commission Special Meeting Motions: Commissioner Mahalingam motioned and Commissioner Sanchez seconded the motion to approve minutes from March 28, 2016. Motioned approved 5-0 STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 2. Review of Robert's Rules and Brown Act • Staff member Kidd presented "Brown Act Basics for City Commissioners", and reviewed the Roberts's Rules of Order with the Commissioners 3. Art in unexpected places • A resident suggested an idea so that there would be more art in the City. Motions: Commissioner Matley motioned and Commissioner Sanchez seconded the motion to create an Art Partner Directory on the City's website. Motion approved 5-0. Action Items: ./ Commissioners Mahalingam and Chokshi to prepare a draft Art Partner Directory ./ Update the City's website May 23, 2016 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 2 4. Mayor's meeting report • Chair Matley reported the meeting activity from April -the Young Artists award had been given and showed the news article, a new Sustainability Commission had been formed. • Commissioner Chokshi reported the meeting activity from May -several Commissions shared their project updates. There is great excitement about the new Visual/Performing Arts Center. 5. Individual Commissioner Reports • The Commissioners marketed the Emerging Artist and Distinguished Artist Programs to the following organizations : F ALC, Euphrat Museum, Hongyun teachers, Senior Center, Library, CP AA, YA, Facebook, and the Oaks Shopping Center. • Commissioner Chokshi and Commissioner Mahalingam presented art festival venue ideas. NEW BUSINESS 6. Young Artist Award 2016. Discuss theme ideas; review and agree on key dates and action items. Motions: Commissioner Matley motioned and Commissioner Mahalingam seconded the motion to have all the Commissioners come to the next meeting with theme ideas. Motion approved 5-0. Action Items: ./ Be prepared with theme ideas. 7. City's 1/4% for Art -Review and consider recommendations. Motions: Commissioner Matley motioned and Commissioner Leong seconded the motion to request that Staff bring back past dollar values for past public art installations. Motion approved 5-0. Action Items: ./ Staff to prepare a report on past art installations 8. Theaters/Community Center feedback to Mayor -from May Monthly meeting with the Mayor Motions: May 23, 2016 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page3 Commissioner Chokshi motioned and Commissioner Leong seconded the motion to have Commissioners go online and take the Parks and Community Services survey and to provide a list of suggestions. Motion approved 5-0 . Action Items: ./ Take survey ./ Bring a list of suggestion to the next meeting OLD BUSINESS 9. Emerging and Distinguished Artist Plans Update. Progress report on marketing efforts and review I finalize award presentation plans. Motions: Commissioner Matley motioned and Commissioner Leong seconded the motion to have the presentation of awards on September 10, 2016 as part of the Fall Fest in the Cupertino Room at the Quinlan Center. Motion approved 5-0. Action Items: ./ Commissioners Chokshi and Mahalingam to finalize room logistics PUBLIC HEARINGS -None ADJOURNMENT Chair Matley adjourned the meeting at 9 p.m. to the Regular Meeting on July 25, 2016 at City Hall, Conference Room C. ~~ Staff Liaison: Catarina Kidd, Senior Planner