TC 09-06-89Cable Television Advisory Committee Regular Meeting sept. 6, 1989 Cupertino City Hall MINUTES ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Fletcher at 7:04 p.m. Co~Lmittee members present: Fletcher, Dorothy Schmid, Michelle Mann. Committee members absent: Leonard Batchelor, Jane Chiavacc~~ Staff ~esent: Donna Krey, Kellyn Yamada. Guests"present: Linda Grodt, R. Didriksen, access producers; Scott Southworth, De Anza TV Center, Joe Wilcox, United Cable, David Barney, De Anza College. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR AUG. 2 MEETING Schmid made a motion to approve the minutes, Mann seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Didriksen addressed the committee on two issues: flood lights in Studio A and replacement of a 12-foot track. He said the flood lights were dangerous and cited two examples when the bulbs blew, causing damage. He proposed adding a mesh screen of stainless steel in the front, open part of the fixture and said holes could be drilled on top of the light to allow heat to escape. In the interim, he suggested warning tags be placed on the lights so that peoPle would not adjust them once proper positions were determined. Didriksen also asked that a curtain track which was removed from Studio A be replaced, so that there could be better utilization of the beige background curtain, which would be extended considerably. Barney responded to the requests by saying he would check into the track and also would look into providing screens for the light fixtures, although the manufacturer had recommended against that. It was suggested that the lights be accessible from the floor and Barney said he would look into the cost of that request. He also said warning tags could be used as an interim measure of precaution. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS ~ Committee members acknowledged.r~eipt of a report by Grodt reg~ing the NFLCP conference, a-letter frOm.~B.A. Heger about a~Heritage Cable complaint and a letter from wilc6X regarding a United rate increase~,~ STAFF REPORT Krey reported that the City Council was looking for CTV input on a proposed resolution calling for re-regulation of the cable industry. Mann said she did not completely agree with the wording of the resolution and questioned whether or not the city was being subjected to~rran~ted rate hikes. She said the resolution appeared to be too general and did~not totally pertain to Cupertino. ~ ~ ~ Fletcher remarked that changes in Washington wer%' leading .up ~°' re-regulation and that some of the power the Cable Act took away from~ local jurisdictions should be restored. He said~he reSOlution was~a step ~rey also z-~4~=~ <.~ ..... ittee members about the Civic Service Award REI~DRT FRC~ JOE WILODX Wilcox said subecriber m~s incremsed ~ last month. ~e expla' _n~ an increase i~ cu~ c~la/~ by saying that 16 of the 19 cce~ola/nts Network, which will carry some of the Stanford and Cal football ~ this fall. He said United is working c~ a ~ with the network and is e~ to havre one in place before the end of the Wilcox also re~ that Unit~ will lend its eqUil~0ed van to Chann~.] 53 again this year for the Civic Service Awards broadcast. O~ the rate bikm, Wilcox said the added 50 oents r~ a 3 per~ ir~:=~ese. ~ ~ rate, $16.95 a ~ for basic service, goes into effect Nov. 1 and will e~sure mo increase~ in 1990 and thro~ 1991. He said U~ited's rate is $10 lees a month than Heritage's. ~ received notioms of the ir~,ase in Se~_ _~Ther billirm/s, November, bill stuffers with OcTx~er bills, notice c~ ~ statements and Wilcox said he will alo~ear c~ a O~arm~l 30 Cable Talk Back show to replace Elliot Margolies as a~-~ of Cb2um~el 30. She begins hat job Se~t. 11. Mann ask_,~ if a rec~c~ was planned so that aoDess ~ and c..~.dttee ~ws cotLld ~ her a~d Barney said he ~:uld work c~ a Barney also re~ that De Anza w~uld o~en its facility for access producers (mu Saturdays ~ 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The s~o will cloee W~d_ _nesday ev-~u~. educational charsml, in=luding a s~ri~s aim.d at high school ~-uts on preparing for the SAT .xams. In additi~m, Barney distribut_--~_ a bu~ of c~:~ra~ng ~ for cr~annsl 30, ~%Xch was appr~,~-~y $130,000 ars~--~ly. He su~ the o~,~ittee action. He said De Anza could offer _~.ficit ~-g, wt~ the city would reimburse the college altar ex~m%ses. Krey said the matt_-_,' of acoour~h~lity was i~ ~ with a oo~-ap~xoved k~__ ~et a]~9~_~y in place, it was not the th~ to a~m- a --Jor ~visi~ in the city's budget policy. She said mbs w~/ld, howmver, get reactic~ frc~ the city's finance a~ector ar~ the city m~z~$ger. (N~ttee members ir~cat~ they ~ i~ to Dm A~a was ~hlet at the result of Bandy until his ne~ A~ AND ~ ~ Mar~ deecribed the work so far that she ar~ Chiavacci have do~e, sayir~ ~d ~ ~ ~ ~ 30. ~ ~~, a ~~ ~ s~ff a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ at ~ ~v~.~.,~ 1~ if ~1~ ~ pl~ ~ ~~~ f~ ~~i~. ADY~JR~T Sc/~nid ~ade a ~ to a~o~lz~ t_he ~ at 8:45 p.m.; Mar~ seoo~ded ATTEST Ci-tf' Clerk APPROVED: Chairperson