TC 08-02-89Cable~Television Advisory committee Regular Meeting August 2, 1989 Cupertino City Hall MINUTES Th~aeeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Vice Chairperson Leonard Bato~elor. ~ ROLL CALL Committee members present: Len Batchelor, Michelle Mann, Jane Chiavacchi, Dorothy Schmid, William Fletcher (7:17 p.m.). Staff present: Tracy Colgin Guests present: Joe Wilcox, United Cable; Dave Barney, DeAnzg...College.; Ralph Steinke, Linda Grodt. ABPROVAL. OF MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JUNE 28. 1989. ChiavaCChi made a motion to approve the minutes ~i~th the correction of one spelling error. ("diferred" should have been "deferred".) Sdhmid 'seconded' and the motion passed unanimous~y. ORDER OF AGENDA Committee member Mann asked that the equipment maintenance prgP0S~l be discussed first, because she had to leave early. (7:40" P.M.). ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS After a discussion of the C.A.U.C.U.S material in packet, the committee recommended that the material be referred to the appropriate City Council member Co/gin.distributed th.-~staff report for Krey who was 0n.¥~9tion.- It was reported that negotiations with Heritage Cable ar~ ~.r~ng'an end. H~ritage seems anxious to sign and doe~ not foresee ~y 4if'f]cul:~i.~"es~ ~ccording to general manager Steve Reifschne~der, Herita~9'will"b~gin working on getting Channels .30 and ~3 on the s~ste~ a~ soon as ~he contract is signed. " ~EPORT FROM JOE WILCOX .... ~- ' Wilcox reported that United is putting together a ~w~us(~riber Da~k~e, .and they are working to get an electronic p~ogr~6n ~he. air. Wilc~~'~ -reported that there was a.sli~ht suscriber~'~ip ~h ~U~e,.,.and that ~%ey'~are now back up. Pay units have ~ncreased, while the'~r'n rate along slowly. Wilcox has heard about a new Bay Area sports'~'~n~eI;'~but at this'time there are no contracts in the works. ~There was~a~.path fade in June and July, however, United did not receive many cali's. One explanation for this was the summer heat. CHANNEL 30 DIRECTOR'S REPORT Barney felt that the meeting with the producers went very ~ell .and suggested that they meet on a regular basis. Barney reported ~t many experience. Barney will be conducting one more interview, and if it does not work out, they will re-announce the position. Barney reported a new phone system at DeAnza College. The new number for the main television center is (408)864-8300 and the number for access is (408)864-8677. Also, the CG has come in but has not yet been installed in studio A. REPORT(S) FROM NFLCP CONFERENCE Fletcher reported that the conference as a whole was more interesting because of more opportunities for networking with the many participants and that there seemed to be more advisory people present than at previous conferences. He noted some ~ey trends, among them: 1. Several cities have cut budgets to non-profits due to program conflicts. 2. TCI and industry associations are working to promote access. 3. Exclusive local rights to programming create black holes in national carrier networks. 4. A cable access advocacy handbook was shown to be effective in guiding commissions and educating the general public about access. ALTERNATIVES TO PURCHASE OF UNIFIED SET Fletcher reported that there was only one exhibitor at the conference with an alternative to the unified set, and after discussion, the committee decided against it. After Barney reminded the committee of the drawbacks to the unified set, Chiavacchi made a motion to purchase the unified set with a budget approval from Krey. Schmid seconded the motion with approval from finance. After further discussion and a split vote by the committee, chiavacchi withdrew her motion and Schmid withdrew her second. Fletcher feels that the purchase should be postponed go that the new access director and the producers can have input. Barney offered to organize a producers meeting in September sometime. DE ANZA/UNITED CABLE EOUIPMENT MAINTENANCE PROPOSAL Committee members voiced their concerns about an agreement between United and DeAnza regarding equipment maintenance The agreement would require United to provide the college with $40,000 annually for the upkeep and repair of all equipment housed at the college. After a lengthy discussion, Batchelor made a motion to get the City to drawup a preliminary draft of changes for the Tripartite Agreement to include: ownership, replacement schedules, and a proposal for budgets. Mann seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The committee then formed a subcommittee of Len Batchelor and Jane Chiavacchi to work with the City Manager to ensure that the above occurs. POLICY STATEMENT ACCESS/GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Chiavacchi reported that she and Mann have made progress developing a policy statement and grievance procedure however, Chiavacchi asked that this item be deferred until the September meeting when Mann will be present. ADJOURNMENT Schmid made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:38 p.m.. seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Batchelor Cabl% Television Advisory Committee Regular Meeting, August 2, 1989 ATTEST City Cler~ APPROVED: Cha'irperson