TC 06-07-89 Cable Television Advisory C~t..~.~ttee Ju~e 7, 1989 Cupertino City Hall -- Conference ~ne meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman William Fletcher~ - ROT.L CALL O~=,utttee members present: Batchelor, Fletcher, Cb_~avacci, Schmid, Mann Staff present: Krey, Frausto Guests present: Joe Wilcox, United C~_ble; Dave Barney, De Anza College; Jim Cochrane, Bob Dufur, T,ir,~ Grodt, City Manager Don Brown Batcb~--Ior made a motion to consider Equipment Upgrades frc~ United and De ~' A~za United C~_ble Equipment Maintenance early in the agend___a. Mann seco~e_ed 'and the motion passed unanimously. Ai~ OF'MINUTES OF ~i~SI'ING ~n MAY 3, 1989 Chiavacci made a motion to app¥ove the minutes as written. Batchelor seconded and the motion passed unanimously. EQUIPMENT UPGRADES FROM UNITED Wilcox reported that the equipment bas not been upgraded at De Anza. He ba~ not received AFE's on the character generator, switcher and portapak, He suggested reallocating the already appzoved funds to purchase the character generator and portapak. He brought up the ..d~ion. on.shar/ng the cost of the c:g~ Batchelor said the current year budget did have an allocation for this purcba~. Mann would like to review tb~ type of equipment before it is purcba~ed, to ensure ease of ~'..~%~e. Barney would like to see this happen as soon as possible. Mann and . Sc/maid will review the equipment specifications. Batchelor made a motion .-to app¥ove an ex~ture of up to $4,000 as a contribution to be shared between De Anza College and with united C_~ble for an upg~-aded character ~.. ~generator. for.tb~ access ctlannel. Schmid a~d Mar~, as a sub-committee, · wil!'examine tbm appropriate c.g. and De Anza will pz~vide training on the · ~i' equipment. Chiavacci seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The new 'c.g. 1will be maintained by united Cable. ., ~. 'Barney s~-'m-,-~rized the proposal submitted by De Anza for the ~und ~..~j. of equipment repair and replacement as well as the operational j~.-.e~ associated with Ch. 30. Barney would like to re-evaluate how the access coordinator's salary is paid. Wilcox submitted a counter-proposal · ..that lists ~ three options. 1) United would assume full responsibility of the access ~center, which includes the coordination of all functions, at a site other than De Anza College. 2) united would donate all equipment to which it holds title to De Anza college. The college would assume June 7, 1989 DE ANZA-UNITED CABLE EqJIPMENT MAINTENANCE responsibility for mainte/mance, repair and replacement, for which, united would pay $25,000 per year for the duration of the franchise in Cupertino. 3) United would donate all equipment to which it holds title to De Anza College. The college would assume responsibility for maintenance, repair and replacement, for which, United would pay a one-time lua~p sum of $100,000 for the ¥~¥~inder of the franchise. The access coordinator's position would not be included in the cost. Barney said this is a place fz~.L which to negotiate. Wilcox, Batchelor and BarD~y will meet to continue negotiations on equi~L~nt maintenance, and bring a proposal to the c~m~.~ttee at the next m~cting, if possible. city ManaGer Donald Brown-PEG Funding City Manager DoD~ld B~-own requested funding for (~ar~el 53 this year fz~L~ the CTVAC with discussions on the possibility of long term funding. Because general fund revenues are down, city budgets were not to exceed a 5% increase f¥c~¥~ last year. He made a request to the c~m~.~ttee on behalf of Ch. 53 for one-time fur~ng of $15,000 for equipment this year out of the reserves that are available f-~-~ the franchise fee. He said he would also like to see long term strategic planning for tb~ channels and future funding ideas. Batchelor began discussion by c~aring the equipment now owned by Ch. 30 and Ch. 53, as well as the number of people who use the equipment, and calling this an imbalance. He b¥ought up the idea of cooperation in some way between the two stations, and the idea of letting the access users cc~e to Ch. 53 to use editing equipment, if the cc~m~ittee does agree to the $15,000 for equipment purcba~es. Batcb~lor said he would also like to see a report on the CIVAC budget for reserve, depreciation and contir~ency, which would report excess funds fr~n the franchise fee. Cc~m~ssioners discussed the possibility of one time funding for ~. 53. Kellyn Yamada read a list of n~ed items, and rank~__ the editing equipment as a top priority. The c~m~.~ttee asked the Ch. 53 staff ~_estions regarding the equipment needs, and whether the equipment could be shared by public access users. Yamada and Coglianese said that the equipment now owned by the station, specifically the editing equipment, is being used to its capacity. ~-own said that if there is a way to free up time on the equipment for access users he would be in favor of that. Krey said that Finance Director Snyder would agree to placing t_he reserves on the opposite side of tb~ CTVAC budget, in the report, not as a line item. Mann askS_ for opinions frum Schmid and C~iavaoci. Sc/mnid said she did not think the cu~.~ttcc should fund Ch. 53 unless access ~ use of the equipment, if use is not available, then money should go to De Anza to build up its program. Chiavacci said t_hat based on t/he past performance of Ch. 53 and the need she would agree to fu~d the $15,000. Mann asked if there are other areas that could be shared between Ch. 30 and Ch. 53. C~_ble Television A~visory O~,,~ittee JU~e 7, 1989 Krey said an area that could be used as an exchange is specialized training based on the experience of tb~ Ch. 53 staff. Barney ask_~_ what ~ of support is given to C~. 53 by the city and what kind of support is given to De Anza by the city. Krey said funds go to tb~ CTVAC budget, and the ccmm,~ttee allocate~ ikn~ to public access. Each year Margolies would ~!__hmi. 't a fixed asset wish list and usually all items were app¥oved for purcb~.~e, by the c~m~,~ttcc. Barney said that it ~-~ms that the city is putting money into Ch. 53 and not very roach city money into Ch. 30. Krey said that Ch. 30 ban othmr sources of funding. Brown said that funding and the direction of the stations are issues for ft~Wcher review. Krey said historically the funding ban gone to Ch. 30, but is not limited to public access. Chiavacci made a motion that the CTVAC authorize an advance on the reserve fund of $15,000 for Ch. 53. Batchelor seconded. Batchelor sun3gested that an addition to the motion would be to sit down with the staff of Ch. 53 to figure out what shared resources can be worked__ out for access users. The equi~,ent becc~ the property of city, and the city is responsible for repair and maintenance. The amended motion passed unanimously. OTHER ORAL ~CATIONS Jim Cochrane announced he is stepping down as producer of "The Better Part," and Bob Dufur, who was also present at the meeting, will be the new producer. ~ OC~9~UNICATIONS The c~,...~ttee received a request for a grant from Lina~ Grodt for help in attending the NFLCP conference in Dallas. She is a finalist for the Hcmetcwn U.S.A. Video Festival in the category of progrsnmting for youth, progH:am "Silicon Kids." REPORT FRC~ JOE WILCOX, UNITED CAR~R Wilcox reported that subscriber penetration ba.~ reached 6,000 in Cupertino. He reported on upcoming marketing and p~-umoticns. He said that because of technical problems with Ch. 5 the station is available on both Ch. 5 A and B through the converter. Live feed capability is possible between Foothill College and De Anza. He attended the Bace awards and congratulated the w/nners. De Anza Day was a success, and the united van was used for several events. About 40 staff and s~d__ents participated in the video production. REPORP FRC~ DAVE BARNEY, DE ANZA Dave Barney f;~, De Anza College reported that the position for access coord/nator is being advertised. The c~,~ttee would be interested in getting a job description for the position. Barney said tb~ stum~_r program scb~dule is very strong, it will be running seven days a week with 52 different programs. Cable Television A~visory O~m~,~ttee Jur~ 7, 1989 STAFF REPOR~ Krey har~___~_ out the BVAC su~er video schedule. A meeting was held with Heritage Cable, and negotiations are positive, they have reached a tentative agr~ment. Areas include working with United to place Ch. 53 on the system, as well as, placing Ch. 30 on the system. Wilcox said that United is worried about the quality of the signal based on tb~ inclusion of Heritage feeds on the system. The Heritage attorney and Assistant City Attorney are working out an ag~-eement. The city's attorney will include an assurance that if Heritage cable's service levels drop they will agree to an ir~t audit of their entire system. They have agrcc~-__ to increase the franchise fee ~£cau 3% to 5%, to provide 30 days notice to information to the subscribers, as a way of making up for tb~ discontinuation of their program guide. She also said she will get together with the ~. 53 staff to draw up a proposal on emcee of service for the money just aDpi-oved. She mentioned that Ch. 53 won a BACE award. Sb~ also anr~uD~ that C~,..,~nity Relations Aide, Carol Frausto will be leaving the city for a job in Czechoslovakia. Tb~ c~m,,~ttee discussed the costs for the airfare, registration, $275; and acc~.,~dations for the NFLCP in Dallas. Mann ~ade a motion that the cc~ttee giant an amount not to excccd $500, for the NFLCP, for Ch. 30 producer, T,'~nda Grodt. Chiavacci seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Chiavacci and Fletcher will also attend the conference. This item was moved to the July ager~___a. P(7I'ENI'.LAL I~OR GROWTH/A~S The c~,,.,,~ttee agreed to host a meeting with the Ch. 30 producers to get feedback and information on the future of access; this ~ting would take the place of the producers' meeting u~,a31y held by former Access Coordinator Margolies. The r~_cting will be held at De Anza College Television Center on June 28 at 7:30 p.m. The c~m~,~ttee agr~ to hold a business meeting at 7:00 p.m. before tb~ producers' ~cting. They also agrc~ upon cancelling the meeting scheduled for July 5, 1989. AD3OURNMENT Mann made a motion, at 9:30 p.m., to adjourn the meeting to De Anza College Television Center on June 28 at 7:00 p.m. Batchelor seconded and otion u nim sly. ATTEST Cit~Cler~ APPROVED: Cha±rperson