TC 03-01-89Cable Television Advisory Committee Regular Meeting March 1, 1989 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by Chairman William Fletcher. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Len Batchelor, Bill Fletcher, Michelle Mann Committee members absent: Jane Chiavacci, Dorothy Schmid Staff present: Donna Krey, Carol Frausto, Elliot Margolies, Channel 30 Guest present: Dave Barney, Dean of Telecommunications, De Anza College, Andrew Grilo, Boy Scout, Alex Grilo, Robert Kunzler, Resident, Tina Ebey, Grant applicant APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 1. 1989 Batchelor made a motion to approve the minutes as written and Fletcher seconded. The motion carried unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS The guests present introduced themselves. Krey explained the Gill/Heritage franchise renewal process, and announced a public hearing April 17. Barney brought up a renewal process in Hawaii, which included money for access. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS ~ Fletcher announced a broadcast engineering conference will be held in k~..~as City, and Sony is holding its 5th Annual Home Video Contest. Batchelor passed out a written summary of responses regarding Gillcable; the committee has received 37 responses-either letters or questionnaires regarding Gillcable service and renewal. STAFF REPORT Krey announced the Commissioner's Dinner will be held at Renzo's. The Gillcable Franchise subcommittee met to go over the proposal received from Gill. She passed out the proposal and briefly summarized the Gillcable response. REPORT FROM JOE WILCOX, UNITED CAB?.R Krey handed out a written report by Wilcox, who was not present, because he was meeting with Bill Cullen in Hayward. ACCESS COORDINATOR'S REPORT Margolies reported on the equipment procedure with United, and updated the committee on equipment maintenance problems. Wilcox had mentioned renting equipment for Access when there is a problem. The Access Showcase was a success; he also reported on the budget for the event. He reported that United Cable paid for two access programs to be sent to the ACE Awards, and they contributed $250 to the BACE Awards. An access program schedule was placed in 9,100 bills of United Cable, and can be done in any month when United has no other promotional material. He also reported on Cable Television Advisory Committee March 1, 1989 MINUTES k -ESS COORDINATOR'S REPORT CONTINUED personnel changes at Ch. 30. Margolies described his "wish list" that included an off-air character generator/playback systemS3,000, one tripo~ $600, music librar~ $600, camcorde~ $3,000, CD player, S500, overhead mirror, CG for Edit Suite A $3,000. Mann made a motion to allocate not more than $3,000 for the purchase of an off-air character generator, and replacement costs associated with the Micro Gen be added to the cost by United Cable. Batchelor seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Mann made a motion to allocate $1,100'for the purchase of a CD player and music library of 10 CD's. Batchelor seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Margolies reported that Access has gotten requests for paying crew members to help provide production services. Committee members discussed the possibility, and the item was placed on the April agenda. Portapak funding was placed on the April agenda. GRANT APPLICATIONS The committee reviewed two grant applications received. Mann made a motion to grant $200 to the Artist's Using Science and Technology. The group should work out a schedule with De Anza for a Saturday time slot. Batchelor seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The committee discussed the second grant application regarding the design and building of a access studio set. The committee denied the grant application, but decided to review and gather input regarding a studio set. BUDGET DISCUSSION Krey reported that she received budget worksheets, and will need to m~et with Batchelor and Fletcher to go over the figures and report back to the committee. She asked for any requests or input on committee needs and submit them in writing' to Fletcher. Estimated revenues will be discussed in April/May. Contingency and depreciation will be added to the new budget so that money can be placed in that line item rather than put into fixed assest account. Krey will need a rough draft of budget figures for the April meeting. Fletcher reported that he will get addresses for the Gillcable area to mail out a service/franchise renewal questionnaire. ADJOURNMENT Batchelor made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.; Mann seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Chairperson