TC 02-01-89CALL TO ORDER Cable Television Advisory Committee Regular Meeting February 1, 1989 MINUTES The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by chairman Leonard Batchelor. ROLL CALL Committee~members present: Len Batchelor, Bill Fletcher, Jane Chiavacci,! Dorothy Schmid Committeg?.members absent: Michelle Mann Staff pre~ent: Carol Frausto, Elliot Margolies, Channel 30 Guest present: Dave Barney, Dean of Telecommunications, De ;tnza College APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 4. 1989 Fletcher made a motion to approve the minutes as written and Chiavacci seconded. The motion carried unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Commissioners discussed franchise renewal outreach. Fletcher reported positive reaction from clubs and organizations interested in working with Channel 30. Margolies and Batchelor will also help with outreach to Cupertino organizations. WRITTEN ~chelor read~.~"letter to the commissioners from an angry Gillcable c comer. He also followed up by calling the customer to help with the complaint. STAFF REPORT Frausto read a Cupertino Scene "sound off" from a Gillcable subscriber, to which Donna Krey had responded; Batchelor also will reply. She will also keep a file of letters and questionnaires received regarding Gillcable. To keep commissioners informed she will give a monthly total on letters and questionnaSr~ received. ACCESS COORDINATOR'S REPORT TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO FOOTHILL COLLEGE FOR AWARDS NIGHT Fletcher made .a motion tO approve the request for a deposit of $2,000 to the Foothill~Activities account for Cupertino's part of the upcoming Access Showcase. Batchelor seconded and the motion passed unanimously. BACE AWARDS. FUNDING Batchelor made a motion to contribute $250 for the upcoming BACE awards banquet which includes the following: 10 seats at banquet, producers directory, right to play the winning tapes on Channel 30. Chiavacci seconded and the motion passed unanimously. RESIDENT CREW INCENTIVES FUNDING Commissioners discussed a request by Margolies to pay Channel 30 directors $20 rather than $10; the money would pay for a planning meeting with the producer. Chiavacci made a motion to allow the request to pay Channel 30 d~ctors for two sessions at $10 per session, for a total of $20. Schmid ~ ,nded and. the motion passed unanimously. Cable Television Advisory committee February 1, 1989 ~ESS COORDINATOR'S REPORT Continued k_.golies gave an equipment update which included problems with a camcorder zoom lens, turntable needle and studio camera zoom control. He reported that the Access Showcase is being planned with Access Los Altos and will be held February 25 at the Hewlett Packard Oak Room. He gave invitations to Frausto for mailing. He also reported that winter newsletter went out, brochure is almost completed, nine classes were held, two advanced workshops, and the first monthly Channel 30 orientation session. The new Operations Manager is Corrina Bettencourt. She will work 25 hours per week. Margolies submitted an administrative assistance funds report which listed job descriptions and the rate of pay. He added that the rollover of funds to the administrative assistance line item from' last year is about $4,000. Commissioners also discussed the problem with United and equipment maintenance. Dean of Telecommunications Dave Barney suggested making a proposal to present to United Cable for De Anza College to take over the maintenance of Access equipment. Batchelor said he will ~{alk with Joe Wilcox of United Cable regarding this matter. GOAL DISCUSSION Commissioners discussed a summary of goals which they had previously submitted. They talked about selecting i or 2 goals to work on for the rest of the year. Discussion included an equipment replacement timetable, non-profit status, and organizing and writing a Ch. 30 operations manual. Commissioners decided to organize goals into three categories: operational goals, outreach goals and committee goals. Operational goals (1,5,2) are fully functioning access equipment, interns, training classes, and access ~' -ector's manual. Outreach goals (4,3,7) focus on contact with City Council, high schools and junior high schools, local corporations, local organizations, and promoting a People's Video Prize. Committee goals (9,6,8) are to review and recommend~any changes to a section of city ordinance 1090 as it relates to t~e CTVAC, interconnecting Ch. 30 with other cable systems, form local chapter of NFLCP, increase access viewing. Batchelor will resummarize the goals and the Committee will later discuss how to implement. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Batchelor made a motion to nominate Fletcher as Chairman. Schmid seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Schmid made a motion to nominate Batchelor as Vice-chairman. Chiavacci seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Fletcher moved to adjourn the. meeting at 9:45 p.m.; Schmid seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ATTEST: APPROVED: Chairperson