FAC 11-26-96 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting November 26,1996 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:39 p.m. Diane Ikeda called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Beard; Ikeda; Lerner; Mohan; Mohr, Sievert (8: 15 p.m.); Young. Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith; Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of November 10 were approved as amended to read "Commissioners present Beard; Ikeda; Mohan; Mohr." Young moved to approve the minutes as amended; Mohan seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Sievert absent. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Ikeda reported that the Fine Arts Commission segment which was taped for The Better Part will air on December 3 at 4:00 and 7:00 p.m. and on December 7 at 6:00 p.m. City Clerk reported that Mohr had attended the City Connect meeting in October and that copies of information from that meeting will be distributed to all commissioners. 7. STAFF REPORTS City Clerk said that the budget reports have been updated to reflect the amounts awarded during the last grant cycle. There is now $5,750 remaining for grants. The has indicated there would be no rollover of unspent money. November 26, 1996 8. Fine Arts Commission Page 2 NEW BUSINESS A. Reschedule or cancel December meeting. Mohan moved to cancel the December meeting; Beard seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Sievert absent. B. Membership in Americans for the Arts. Lerner moved to renew the membershipon this organization, which is a combination ofNALAA and ACA; Beard seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Sievert absent. C. Change in Status Reports for Recipients of Fine Arts Grants. City Clerk reported that this item was placed on the agenda at the request of the ad hoc committee of Lerner, Mohr and Sievert. The grants application was modified to include a request for status reports from grant recipients at the end of six months or when the project was complete, whichever came first. D. Future Special Events: Sing-Along and Cherry Blossom Festival. The Commission discussed their intentions regarding these two events. Young suggested that there be some involvement in the Cherry Blossom Festival, but not to have a competition for the student art exhibit. She expressed interest iI) working on the event. Mohan felt it would be a good idea to plan another sing-along event, but suggested that it be more focused by inviting some local high school bands to perform. A subcommittee of Young, Mohan, and Lerner was formed to discuss special events for 1997. E. Shakespeare Funding. City Clerk distributed copies of a letter from Free Shakespeare in the Park requesting an increase over the $5,000 which was previously donated. Beard moved to grant $5,000 for Free Shakespeare for fiscal year 96-97; Mohr seconded. Motion carried unanimously. November 26,1996 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 F. Stevens Creek Specific Plan. City Clerk asked for input on the uses intended at the four seasons orchard. She stated that the Commission needs to brainstorm ideas to be presented to the artist. A subcommittee of Sievert and Mohr was formed to bring ideas to the Commission. G. Discussion of City Policies for Art in Public Places. City Clerk updated the Commission on previous discussions regarding art in public places. Beard suggested doing something with the library space (fountain). He expressed concern that there needs to be a process established in order to get something together. Ikeda suggested getting public support for art. H. Distinguished Artist Program and Consider Cash Prize. Ikeda reported that the reception for Brother Aspell went very well. She suggested adding a cash prize. City Clerk stated that cash prizes have not been given in the past and perhaps a cash reimbursement to the Marianist Center for the reception costs would be better. Beard expressed concern on how a value could be placed on the category of "distinguished artist" and that the award is intended to be an award of recognition." Mohr stated that if the amount were too small it would minimize the affect of the award. Sievert suggested giving a cash award to an art foundation in the distinguished artist's name. Lerner moved to have the distinguished artist participate in one of the grant cycles after the Commission has chosen the recipients, and to let the artist select a grant to be awarded in his or her name. Beard seconded. Motion carried unanimously. November 26,1996 Fine Arts Commission Page 4 I. Status of Art of the City Directory. City Clerk reviewed the work that had been done on the directory. She asked the Commission if they wished to proceed with the project. Beard stated that an artist is really in the business of selling themselves and that the Commission can provide some resources to get the word out in the usual venues, which has been tried twice already. There may be artists which have work ¡hat is not appropriate for some businesses, and the Commission woutd end up sponsoring something controversial. Lerner suggested that the Commission try to find artists interested in the three responses to the survey sent out through the Chamber of Commerce, which could provide some publicity for the City and the Commission. Lerner stated that if the Commission believes in this project, then a commitment should be made to try and get an artist and a location for the art by a certain date. Beard suggested that staff run an ad in the Courier announcing the availability of exhibit space at these three businesses. The City Clerk will call the three businesses who responded to make sure they are still interested. 9. ADJOURNMENT At 10:00 p.m., Lerner moved to adjourn; Young seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Mohan absent at 9:41 p.m. ~f~cretary