FAC 09-24-96 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting September 24, 1996 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:44 p.m. Diane Ikeda called the meeting to order in conference room A and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Ikeda; Lerner; Mohr; Sievert. Commissioners absent: Beard; Mohan; Young. Staff members present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith; Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Lerner moved to approve the minutes of July 23, 1996. Sievert seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Beard, Mohan and Young absent. Lerner moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of September 4. Motion failed for lack of a second. Sievert expressed concern over the wording in several parts of the paragraph regarding the work the ad hoc committee had done on the Heart of the City Project. City Clerk will rewrite the paragraph and submit it to the commission for review at the next regular meeting in October. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk reported that a letter from Peninsula Symphony had been received inviting the commissioners to a reception after their concert to meet the pianist and maestro. The reception will be held at the Flint Center on October 19. Commissioners planning to attend should RSVP by October 13. Complimentary tickets to the concert are available by contacting the symphony office at (415) 574-0244. Commissioners accepting tickets will need to report them on their conflict of interest statements and list an approximate value. September 24, 1996 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 6. STAFF REPORTS City Clerk reported that there has been no change in the budget reports at this time because the commission has not spent any money. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Stevens Creek Specific Plan - Presentation by Planning Director Bob Cowan. City Clerk reported that Planning Director Bob Cowan will attend the October 22 meeting so that all commissioners can be present. Bob will be presenting an overview and time line ofthe Stevens Creek Specific Plan as it relates to public art. If any commissioners are concerned about the timeline for the project, they can contact Bob Cowan directly with any questions. B. Selection of Ad Hoc Committee to Review Grant Applications. City Clerk reported that there were three applications received this time. An ad hoc committee of Lerner, Mohr, and Sievert was formed to report to the commission at the October 22 meeting. C. Presentation of Plaque to Distinguished Artist of the Year. City Clerk reported that Brother Joseph Aspell was organizing a reception at the Marianist Center in Cupertino where he will accept the plaque for Distinguished Artist of the Year. The event is scheduled for Sunday, November 10 around 2:00 p.m. Dl. Consider Annual Grants to Euphrat Museum and Shakespeare. City Clerk discussed the special events budget and the grants budget. She reported that there is $13,000 to distribute this year. Lerner moved to give $4,000 to Euphrat at this time with the possibility of donating more at a later date. Sievert seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Beard, Mohan, and Young absent. The commission will review a donation to Shakespeare during the October 22 meeting. September 24, 1996 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 D2. Videotape of Television Program "The Better Part". The commission viewed a video tape of The Better Part which was done for the City Channel. Commissioner Ikeda was interviewed on the program and discussed the role of the Fine Arts Commission and art in the community. E. National Arts and Humanities Month. City Clerk reported that a flyer and packet was received from the National Assembly of Local Art announcing that October is Arts and Humanities month. The packet was distributed amongst the commissioners. City Clerk suggested that the commissioners think about some ways to recognize the celebration in Cupertino next year. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion of City Policies Regarding Art in Public Places. Sievert suggested that the item be moved to the October 22 meeting since it ties in with the presentation the commission will be hearing from Bob Cowan. B. Status Report on "Art of the City" Directory. City Clerk gave an update on the Art of the City directory. She suggested that the item be discussed at the next meeting when commissioner Young could be present. 9. ADJOURNMENT Lerner moved for adjournment at 9:06 p.m.; Mohr seconded and the motion carried unanimously with Beard, Mohan, and Young absent. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on October 22, 1996.