FAC 05-28-96 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes May 28,1996 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:55 Diane Ikeda called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Diane Ikeda; Robert Lerner; Sheila Mohan; Mary Sievert; Rita Young. Commissioners absent: Steve Beard; Andrew Springmeyer. Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith; Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of April 23, 1996. Mohan moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Young seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Beard and Springmeyer absent. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ikeda stated that she will be video taped by "The Better Part" produced by Cupertino seniors. The subject will be art in the community and what has been done in the past few years. She will let the commission know when it will be aired. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk Smith reported on the letter from NALAA stating that both the NALAA Board and the ACA Board have unanimously voted to form a new entity between them. This new group has not been named yet, but each full NALAA member will be voting on it. Smith also reported on the letter from Creativity Unlimited thanking the commission for the recent grant. There is an artist in residence position available and they wanted to offer the position to a Cupertino resident first. Smith referred Creativity Unlimited to the Chamber of Commerce since neither the commission nor the Cupertino Scene handles job placements. Smith reported that there was some confusion on the mural. Creativity Unlimited was under the impression that the mural would go on tour, but then be displayed permanently at City Hall. Smith explained that there was no permanent location available and the mural did not have to be returned to the City. May 28, 1996 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 7. STAFF REPORTS Smith highlighted on the budget report. She stated that there would be $5,000 available to give to Shakespeare, $6,000 available to give to Euphrat and the rest available to give to Fine Arts grants. She reported that the budget session will be held on May 29 and that commission members are invited to attend, but it is not required. Sievert moved to give $2,000 to the Euphrat Museum of Art and requested a carry-over of$I,OOO for completion of the Art of the City project, which may include hiring a consultant. Mohan seconded. Motion carried with Lerner opposed; Beard and Springmeyer absent. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Future special events. None. B. Consider cancellation of one meeting in the summer. Sievert moved that the commission cancel the August meeting. Young seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Beard and Springmeyer absent. C. Appoint members to ad hoc committee for distinguished artist of the year. Smith reported that it was time to appoint a committee to select the Distinguished Artist of the Year. There are usually two commission members, the mayor and a representative from the Euphrat Museum and last year's winner, who was Fusako Hoyrup. Young and Ikeda agreed to work on an ad hoc committee to review the applications. 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Report on school competition and the awards process. Young reported that there was some misunderstanding regarding the awards. Ikeda stated that there are two awards, one from the commission and one from the mayor. The commission gives a plaque and the mayor gives a certificate. May 28,1996 B. Fine Arts Commission Page 3 Status of "Art of the City project; review of proposal by Sandra Beard. Sandra Beard attended the meeting and made a presentation on her proposal for the Art of the City project. She stated that she'd like to give the project a year and that she could not guarantee how many artists would actually appear in the directory. After one year, she would report back to the commission with a status report. She explained that she would be visiting the sites that could display art and work with them to get all the preparations together. She recommended that a second mailing be done of the survey to display art. She expressed interest in working with the commission on the project. She felt that the project is a good one, but that it may not get the art out where the commission wants it. She also expressed an interest in public education regarding art in public places, such as a lecture series. Ms. Beard left the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Discussion continued regarding her proposal and whether it would be appropriate to hire Ms. Beard as a consultant. Some commissioners felt that the proposal was not focused enough and that a clearer picture was needed in order to make a decision. Sievert agreed to contact Sandra Beard to get more information on what she has in mind. Smith stated that if the commission elects to hire Sandra Beard, there should be a very detailed written contract. D. Status of Stevens Creek "Heart of the City" project. Sievert reported that the presentations by the three student teams were very impressive. They will be combining the three ideas into one package which will include an implementation phase. The presentations were videotaped and Sievert will obtain a copy so the commission can see it. C. Sievert moved to give $500 to San Jose State to help offset their printing and materials costs. Mohan seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Beard and Springmeyer absent. Review General Plan regarding art in public places. Smith reported that information from other cities has been received regarding art in public places. Mr. Jerry Allen from the City of San Jose volunteered to make a presentation to the commission in June. Smith will send the letter confirming his attendance at the June meeting. Fine Arts Commission May 28,1996 10. 11. Page 4 Sievert discussed the City of Seattle and their work on art in public places. She felt that a lot of the information that Seattle has could be very useful for Cupertino and felt that the Planning Department could let the Fine Arts Commission know in advance of sites that might be available for public art. Smith stated that the City's policy is to consider conditioning development approvals with a requirement to install public art if the building is 100,000 square feet or more. If the commission wants to do something like Seattle does, then the City's General Plan must be changed first. Sievert will prepare some proposed text changes for the commission to review at the next meeting. E. Children's art display at the 1997 Cherry Blossom Festival. Young reported that she spoke to the Cupertino School District. and was told that the best time to approach schools for a competition is October. The commission could give information to the school district representatives and they would circulate it throughout the district. Young said she and Springmeyer will continue to work on the ad hoc committee and will report back in July. COMMISSIONER AND LIAISON REPORTS A. Report from Commissioner Mohan regarding the May 4 Sing-Along. Mohan reported that six groups participated and that the quality was very good. She stated that ifthis is going to be an annual event, the commission should advertise earlier. Mohan will provide a timeline for the event so that plans can be made to better prepare for the event. ADJOURNMENT At 10:00 p.m., Lerner moved for adjournment. Sievert seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Beard and Springmeyer absent. ~o~etary