FAC 04-23-96 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes Apri123,1996 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:35 p.m. Diane Ikeda called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLLCALL Commissioners present: Steve Beard; Diane Ikeda; Robert Lerner; Sheila Mohan; Mary Sievert; Rita Young. Commissioners absent: Andrew Springmeyer. Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith; Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of March 26, 1996. Beard moved to approve the minutes with correction (add Kimberly's last name). Mohan seconded. Motion carried unanimously with Springmeyer absent. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk Smith discussed the flyers regarding the art show at Fremont Union High School. Commissioners Young, Springmeyer along with Mayor Don Burnett will be serving as judges for the event. The reception will be held on May 2. Smith discussed the Free Shakespeare in the Park flyer which will be mailed to all residents and includes a reference to the Fine Arts Commission's support. Smith discussed the Architecture and Sculpture Guide. She stated that this might be a good source of artists that the commission may want to include in the Heart of the City packet. It will be placed in the Fine Arts Commission reference drawer in the Cupertino Library. Apri123,1996 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 Smith shared a letter from California Youth Symphony which expressed their thanks to the commission for the recent grant. Smith mentioned that the commissioners may be hearing from Eleanor Watanabe, Director of the Cupertino Education Endowment Foundation. The foundation is looking to create a potential funding effort for the school district. One of the things the foundation is looking for is a source for how to find artists and instructors. Smith had given the foundation all of the commissioner's names and phone numbers so they could be contacted directly. Ms. Watanabe was invited to attend a commission meeting, but declined at this time. Smith discussed a video tour of the Heart of the City project on Stevens Creek Boulevard which was prepared by the City Channel. The 10 to 15 minute video was designed for people that were going to familiarize themselves with the project. Smith said she had spoken with Donna Krey regarding the booklet on art in public places. It was determined that this booklet was a compilation of all the policies about art in public places that was put together by a sub committee of the Fine Arts Commission in 1992. 6. STAFF REPORTS Smith reported that grant amounts the commission recommended were approved and were awarded on April 1. A balance of $1 ,409.50 remains which can be given to the Euphrat Museum, or Shakespeare, or some other events prior to July 1. She reported that, according to the City Treasurer, left-over amounts in the commission's budget on other line items can be spent on grants. Smith also reported that the City Manager has approved the commission's recommendation for increases in the budget and will recommend that Council approve it. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Art in Public Places. Smith discussed items included in the agenda packet related to art in public places. It was decided that this item would be continued to the next meeting so commissioners could review all the information on the subject. April 23, 1996 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 8. OLD BUSINESS A. B. C. Art of the City. Young reported that a survey has been developed and was distributed to the Chamber of Commerce members and three responses to the survey. The next phase of the plan is to develop a directory of artists. Smith stated that the commission does not want to get in between the artist and the company that exhibits the art because of the insurance, and since members of the commission change there may not always be the time available to be so involved. Sandra Beard, 18630 Starrett Court, Cupertino, had been invited to this meeting by the Commission since she had developed a grant request very similar to the "Art of the City" project. She stated that the problem is that most companies don't know they have space. Lerner will call Phil Johnson at Tandem and inquire why they stopped displaying art and report at next meeting. Ms. Beard was asked if she would be interested in developing the program. She said she would respond by the next meeting. Heart of the City. Sievert reported that she was unable to make contact with Planning Commission Chairman David Doyle to invite him to the meeting. She will continue to try and reach him. Smith will contact the cities of Seattle and San Jose to obtain information on their public art policies and will send the information out with the next agenda. Sievert reported on the progress ofthe San Jose State graduate student project course on the Stevens Creek Plan. The students will be ready to make a presentation on May 15. Sievert will contact the commissioners as soon as more details are available. Sing-Along/Recital. Mohan reported that the project is moving forward. There are five music schools who will be participating in the event to be held at the Cupertino Senior Center. Sievert will contact the San Jose Mercury News to get the event published in their events section. Young will send the flyer out to the school districts and local papers. Mohan and Sievert will prepare the room for the event. April 23, 1996 .Fine Arts Commission Page 4 D. Children's Art Exhibit at the Cherry Blossom Festival. Young reported that this event is worth doing for next year and that the notice needs to go out early. Young will find out if there is any interest in the Cupertino School District. 9. ADJOURNMENT At 9:05 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting will be May 28,1996 at 7:30 p.m.