816CONTINUATION OF 0WNF_R S CERTIFICATION TRus TEE : 7`1?ANSAMC•If14 r/-rLe, !IVJ4WRANC ;OMRA, 3r CA 41 FO If IVI A COflP0/r'A rl 01V. , Corporation la•1sistanf .Secretory• ACKNOWLE0GE.MENT ^„ 5J'a!e of Ca//Tornio SS Cou/l/y of �O/7/d C/drG On this ss� day of before me The urrc%rr/grred Q /f/vfgry Pub/�e /r7 and Far soid Stale persdr/o/Ic a eared �rs�i®r�6%f�rsaa/r//awn to //7e !°o be the / f'P Corpo�'dt%an Secretary aF fhe CorpOra/-Iba thaf eyptuted M,- ,W,/'*i7 Ins'fraMen/ Aad a/.ro trnown to dP the persar/ u/ho erecufed the wllhi// or, heha/foFfhe corporaf/bn therein rlOrrleC/ 4/Td gCiF/7ou//edy2d to me Thaf such oorlao/'t>fion eXeC�fed t e with/nTnsf a7ea/ �/ I►rofary publ/C E/9fEMENrfo>`»ECORO- un/aca�crble f _Qanda1V Elecrrr/i Co Deeds-5309'0.R..°P.176 2 Per/%c T 1phore & Teteproph Ca• - B *70 07 P 15'6 .fv .10-" OFFICIAL SEAT. CATHERINE A. B1:RTOLf �. NOTARy PUBLIC • CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY My Commission Expires Nov. 30, 1980 5CALE-'1"� �00 NoTES, ,7 Water slWl be A'uraifhed d y #,ellr pr/or f0 /ssuonce o�fo fiat%ding P&JIMil. PARCEL MAP Z M/nima/r, rfa/rdords re9airPd 4 laeal frrr qufhori}y re% lih9 Aa wafer .ropy/y far fire puroarPr A/1d aeCN1s D� T roads far fireequiprneaisho//bc me/prior fe ><iimo/ $E ING A PORTiONi OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION /� 6ai%'/:�y gPprvva/ one oecvponcy. 2,g=-�, T S., R. 2 �lll., N1. D. 8. & M., S A N T A C L A Et F► COUNTY* CALIFORNIA. 3 Pr/or fa fha iss uQncc� of a 6uldin9 permi/></it leui/ariil� oi,� s �s°� InsPrcf/on 01vi51617 wi// re9uirr a xoi/J re,0adfs oscd �1�+y`�/ \� on m/nimultr �U6rurface /nvet/i9afior/, CE T 1 FILr r AT 4' I �,•?_?�� .4 Any utilities or fervlce tanned/ons are to tie /ostallre 0 8.b8` �s16' �;l, u/tdergror/nd per Envrrv17me171D1 A?gno9eme/,fllyeocyJ%l�dords�e �ered y cerfify Mal we Are Me OwWers of er /Ave ramp right, Title or /rferast /n vnd to the rea/ 00 ,Ra a 5 Rr encfoochmenfper/�ritfortfie eonriraelion vr'a p shot` we ore The on/ype,rf"j whose property /r/c/ud�vd w/'fhsn the subdivis%4/1 shown a a/i t%ie i/erein /reap, Coonfy stondgrd dr/veWay c017,70Chill to Xe,?lebc/la consenfs Are necessary fa poss o c%ortifle to soid proper y; fhpfWe f>enapy co�.sent to fhe farefaorQfion \1 �r �9c\Q �/ /Food w/%/dc/e9u�red,orior fa /sr//Aace ofa 6uJa'i�9pt�'�irf a.:4' recard,7tian of .said Mary and subdirfls%d/i as shown rr�ih/i� ¢he cii rtinc five bar der /iir P, l>6�• 6 A geo/o9 /'c rcparf perfo/niny fo fh/f property ,� 4 dated Jane 19,19y�and,oreparedby CAI/ied6Pop/iyrs/cs erQb dec/ieofe td p46/ri 4xo arrd offer to dedicdfc /o The Coaaty of Soma C/ara all We hsrtrnancl,oarTior�� on fire wr/h hie cau0/y (cau/vty p./e rt 9 f 78.7} of Mea f 3 free f� l70 f /M-1-e10 AOr[' aXrStilFf and f�e1[ gnG le'l AJO/JfPbEIIO %�OOOrOIJd/%f�00alVr/t�9a? L4lle Qs'shown yPan th/smAp;soid \�o Crafro/permit {fire. lsarce/otvnerr�q'e.Ye/opels d,�diCotions oad OlAers of dedicotion are far arty anc/a/Ipu,6/i uses under, aeon anq/ayprsaidstr�*etsAadportio/rsfh+°rQaf, $ R' �o` shoe/d review fh/s re�orf pr/or l6 rubm%}>`iny p%onJ Q�• far s/ft deve'lopmenf 4/7[i BUi/d%n9 GO!1SJ�ract y�r� h 2re� ciC�dicatP fa rho own�'rs of �orcQ/A fhP/r !/ce/!3�'Ps vi�ifors and teilfa//fs rec/p/aco/ !/9hfs vP il7gress "% lQaAdWayt O�PJ/gA4tr4� 4J /lOf COd/!fy /110/nta/AEY/ rdOdt OJ JhGA�q ///�D/1 y Phis /pop vi//r�o% tie r/iyi6f�fot Coun>`y mQinlrnoa[e an/il hir road- rand eq res-5 u�von an d vveA fhosF terdav� strips of /4nd desigrra}ed -I,' /n9reu and. yrPss-""4Js'rnenl and P,S. E." u/I d hcre y ` !iO are//nprOrrada��ul'oat%d1/1P1'orrgfy}fDPu�//[fJ�ai4fBvoAlPr/f00r 4!Cdl6AS>`DsgrOrOfY!/PrsOf�QtG@IAA"the'Elope:eosQieea>sdptigi�a,os."?�slOpP�semenf`for/hepurpareoftoarlroCfii9P9d/�4rn%a�oio9�wTud�Y/slo�arrrla�n�•4o 1.{ All of The herein descr/beds/reefs aad ease/r/e//trsha// be kPpl frQs nt L�uiJdings, except /4r�fu/untvpporfsd roof ' .rtaado/ds q ravco/6 the B�ardo/lvptrvifars o/rd %h of/ecI of \ t' ` pp y / e3n \ >'� eyo ,furl ti/?le f/TO>` /J1e rOodN'IJ,IIS 4r8 eaaJ/dPrCd fog oYerf/ongs, and abstruc>io/rs r`hof rmpa/rth�ure otor are wcons/ste�f w/�h tl�e ,aarp0se5 v/fhe 51ree or eaJen►an fd. P..f No.l � .` +say .s � �; a� aeeeeptanee /nfc t/,e e0gjlq'r !toed fysttm , .S¢e- P.S.E �!/.terOwer fef/ hond corr/er. �. ry .x.xr \�=r {; �• o T 1� The herE/rr described vfte�rs ofded/cot%on to fhe Cour�Tyof fanfrr C/4r4 ore to tie ccaectedar/� w/ien The Qpard /v 3t°os oaf' 3¢so' 1 9 y p �'i �0t Z D a* c� ti•�• e C o. d. OOC fgperv;., ae-r Or /1'S sUCC aSSar p Pn c Gda is arfd ,r rd5in fhe 4P>rira at f!/P rr'eeordBr CJI lanfa �/orrt CGrar,ty 3. p D „1 p,rerD%uf7lgCC4/f/AfdS//eP1`1 Or POSPr19/rfs. UOIi/ \�� 3Qtd reJo/af/On�S� QI'P reCOrdOQ; 0/IS•frPt� 4/JdPdSCrrftdff 4 0 �+ �,id- re erred warrarrf ►v?4 o8o0di' 64.14= ors \\" \ s si r d� $ ;g ¢,1 0.0i1t7 en Qom assegr ihio tech offPrt of alpd/catiaa sho// 4e �o/i�forr/ed 6y fhP Gleve/op or dur///q any S y c en v \ G`� A n h ,n l; l; �. ��'F'��.\ / !o b o "o, o `4 't, 11 P p y \<; b q der ylc� g Zx3sta erred anq'theregfter b the OWnert of lb, l0ls or or-ce/s rn The suhdiytf�. Tlie Caurrfj of !'onto C/ary sha!/ rl .�7 •'� '•,1'' tit Mt>f4 LINE oat fie respanf/'b/P far r7?aihtPna/jce anC/shalJe/7cur 7o //4fiilify w/fh respacf' to ,such of}ergd .rfi-Prfs and ° ��� �'•: ep9 PrT9e/7 T3 ar a r?�j /rn r0!/elrJe/T/ Thereon. A/l dedieafed i'/ghfs of tva y and earementj r/ot acceptcB fov N9 4400E 9r.63'- �i s �\�X n,�4�. p �kr of ,\��9�3 Y `s '' , „c �y�ooi'+"' ---` rr7urM /`er/q,0C0 hc� !hP L'ounfy O! dfh i'/ p4//yl/! dqP/!Cf/ ,s'%!a// 64 �Ja//7IFAi/!Pd [5CJ fhP O rl 1 4�� Ory �[�,\0 a gyp: 6b 8 8' SR ti' / I� 1 r ?. 5: d4 lOarm 7 Ca H ��.` ro�o� ; b �0 , pputNG /r� ttiP sufdivrs/4ri Olhl {�t E # $ �ary t/rctorfo l34eca9 9 / %'o R� ..s �'' 3. COUNTY SURVEYOR s CERTIFICATE 2j�3 • F ►Q#t9' 0�'� os '�::_Mop t ez and Laeo/ Qrdir/A/Jce. Pursuonf to Cbi,'R /�p.IA�r`"� +, ; 3i 50� y :. t:1`r'f' Th/s M,?p can farms tvilh therrqu/r�zmailts offfJe .rubdiYisinn I� / 5 c1p " . T I %� 6��� - '�,� log kJ �}` r tic i f �o ''�s //B', p _1 the p ovisians of sec Lion C I2 -133 of the County 4rd/i7atire tada, /r is herc6y ordered t/!0t af/ 5e'!5} f`/j ,� �0© b� i}�s`� streefs, portion of sfreefs, and easemel,ts offered for dedrea/ion fo The Coaaly of .Santa C/ora orb c� 'n�S., Y� it f 1 Z� a� Ia 1' heretic 4.of acre tcd ana/ aI/ rledicofia/�s fa Itublrc We are he/ eby oceapteri'in behalf o{/tie pu6/�c for•fhE,�urpofes ret fori?r rn 1, /j Sla? �t1 • tiD lr�/` p�` �f� �c a' �- Fcl Mo/ % /r� /'av n , .� % p h ; i� e © or r the own is erti 'fate, ,$(}/�/ eou/sf 'rartreyor /Agin /'� {i a $ .�: �� ,� T-IF' 131, I o s 74 19 42 11+1 �_� f A�� N P, �- 3r /Y 4-$ 40'00"S S490'- .� I Sn• , a� Q� fit 1 9 1 a a ... • w e !i0 fed L �9 \ ^p# 15 ...•�'""""� } "'Q� / s_ �O - SO Q7'C0`'fY SO.SO ;;.. ...�... j t°:j et. % S / � ` � � "� `-'� O K W fHAt>_s ON 1.€IJ� Sf9f7ed; _ - - `- - - - _ -- - �N 89 ,38 00l!/ 6B 40'� �y C /� I y, r5� ` Q �� r o, 7 y $ Fs3" QG'Op" 1� 2$.9oj� r E. N G I N f E f� S C e R T I F I C AT E Ds�,a�o TiE S� 26 E /�4•Ia A t ,tit or i)1C tN r`rC- , I ;l p v . 1 � ' o � � �y 4� /•97' A.AI ... Ile 1�i- In. t3. 3:53 OIs'• P• 374 A f M`= ', i s JOA R C Ar JL a e(�j 3 ` � ` 9.91's /`1 C/S�Bs GA'ass 'V 6 �,7Z9 At/PrS /v�r 5b�o Fd.-Ta9•L,3.�z.. PARCEL A '�\ ��,7 �4�, � �1 6_076 Act Es G/iass x let 0po °,1 This lnAp l/y lne ar undermY d/r'ea11012 a/rd ss bused upv� A fielC/ or.rYey /n ca/7 form 9/7 Ca W,Yh The-equr`reme/Ifs of Ede _ra/%a//visio!/ oaP Ac l qhd locolordzwwe a>< fheregrrestof$a, t3oceog /ia Un Oc f. Ip, /9 �B. /here y r fq /e /ha l thi3 p arc e /map su bs tan}/41/ y can foims to the;;applovrd a.r'COnc!itionally..apprdved fen14.1/Yerr7ap, i.f.gny ` ,S/fined � , ._.�aG�'1_•% _ �N __ � _ _ �_,..Q..�� Glen Q Hag yr!i',�. E• '�3A3y �Y" F CORIDERS5 CER TIVICATE Fi%p d fhis_dZ _ __ clay Ffv�SLs , /9 79, o //vi'• /n f3aah �L`L$apM4,as , Af /°age�a., o/ The reques/ of ale "? No D. $ y_ _3 G� 4RG A. IJyAN/Y, Cr✓unt j eCGr"O/er file . /1 f"e e �� oc� � J • - - � r � -- — •— . Apra f y ACKNOWLE0 3etAEN'T_ State Of Co//fOrAtq Ss. County of Jahta Clor4 Orr fh/s fda y a F _/./"_.-, /9 7 9, hefare /w e fhe under -signed, a/Yatorc/ Pub/i! !ry and for scriil Gaon/rf and Xt4Ote/ Aerspr/ally Appeared Mary Yiitoria oar/ 00rtiri 42 lra known to Mc to *e fhe per.tarrs whosr names subscribed eo fhe cvifb/n /nsfrumenf,anc! gcknors.- leclyera' io the 1174i They ezeewlea fhe fp/tre My Cort�m/s.t'/onExppries 13A IS OF BEARINGS �A p �' The 6ear/ngS9g°4A`OOW, deiny a mit1h.westerly /aeors, Gl6 titres 0/larrc/ as retarded by a flecor,./ F �`ur✓ry /n worsT 90a.7¢' _� _ �,,_ -� l3auh g7aFMAps at Page /6, lFe•cordl of snla C/ara Cau/rfy ryas C3err117y for fhr.t /nop /ye &Ore6y ele.Vicat's fo Oahll' use ursduffer to dedeeote to the Cocristy 0E-`191714? Clor4 eareme11/ for ony And a//Pd6lie fervicef4clie$ incladii7y ,haf oat` fifn' iced fa poles, Wli-eS and cor/du/fs far e%cfriial, te/ephane, tv/ev/sion 9 as, s1For/r., .ro/,/ tar y and w4ter services, and o// Qpaurl`eironcar thereto ar/r/cr udon, or aver t„ e /and de✓/9,7ofed' Qs "P, ,S', �',,•(Ptl6/�i' .TetYiit P LrpsPh7en��. LEGEND -••--••0 < Ind/Ca/es 1.41 founClorpsnottd ---0— Jndrea/es % "Iron Pipe 1ef ,,,++w�*Now -"- Ind/[a/eS 4/Sfit/Cf/vr C3arder { } z7d/cotes RFCorded pirheotionf 4Ji J/rc1/C010s Moa4M ea/ COX r040 a Hr fuorcAr�.s If�4r�Row7"oa7-N, /Uo fart' f ub'//c "III#tiHPlliiitillilPlPtllki€tltttlitti#PI€Plltl9iiP111ElEI€ElliElii�iiitiis"_= - ANNE C. WORTH _ E 1 = NOTARY PUBLIC • CALIFORNIA � s SANTA CiARA COUNTY fVy &mmi%sion expires Feb. 17, 1980 �t-tftiElEtPiliNitiittit€il€fiHlliPliiiitli€titltilPl€iEH14134PH31i€itlflt111ElUPllii: G L E GiVIL ENG INEE.RING MOUNTAIN VIEW,CALIF ORNIA SCALL t°= 100' fEB: 1979• - Z,V, C. PI le ":- ,5% 5 797 Ca.sJ`ra/`a/ /YG. 95--15-f1 R