B0127P00200WICIE05 CE'f2T/F1Cd TE We 17ereby cerfirry Mal meare Me owners or or heave sor77e rrg/if fife or inferesf 117 and fo fhe red/ piaperfy lacluded 117 fhe subd rision shown Wi/hll7 fhe ,blue Bader as shorn ow Phis 127ap, Thal we ore fhe oa y peiVons Prhose congeals are re, -essay fo,cxrss a clear" fit/e to saidloroperfy crud we herebyy em5ml fo the mabved ,iriod reap ar7d5'ub ,divisiorr. Ole a/so herob dediCafe b blrc Use all ,5'frefs and ,-}ions or sfi°eefs within �iid subdiyis Orr as shown or7 grid mop and l� ded cafe easerr7crrfs �nr any crr7d a// pub/ic uses under, 1),00r7 or aver card .sfi eefs ar7d pwrliorts fhereor Gl/e also hereby dedicate Iv pab/ic use easemer7¢s for• all public servrce iaalilms inc/udl;7y poles, wires, Cor7o'uI15, storm sewers, sar7i7�ai y sewers, gas, wafer curd heal rr 7*5 0,101 all pub/rc ufi/iPies 67ad 67S aMd all fo r`he 471Vve, uno'er~ urn or over (hose certain sfrrps d /a,74Y each cfesiynafed 47.1 " PUb/c Service k705e!77e/71 " or "Ps E ; easemer7fs under ow or orer (hose cen&117 .Trios or land each desgWafed as ; mhor Aaset,;767f " or 'WE "ar7d ecrserrrwls Ar wire c%MlCe ,allppmes only over /hose cer6y1rr amm each ae"51 afea' 'l/re Clearance Easer77er7f "or 'NYC. Z N ,QWle Service £aseme&f5 fo be hV1 clear o7ildings cr7a'sfrac7`rrres o� ar7y ,a7Q' except ufi/if y coma-r17y 51ruc&re6 arrd lawful Fences. Nre Clearar7ce 61475ernenfs fo /X ll;Wifed fn bui/wings, sr`rcrcfvres aad aopuwlmalwes fhereb which have a mezzo 7lUrn heigR of ritfeen beef (/5) of oye g1 cede al fhe giourrd line of poles Ole also hereby dedreafe to r1yjh&- use easernenfs for 11yhf ar7d air OW or Oyer Phase per/arr7 strips of /4 t00' /yir7y belWMW fhe lrr7es d'sfi eefs 0r70' fhe /if7es each desiynaled as "b 5. B. L. " ( alldi7g 57P/ Baer lrrre� as show,,7 on scald r7wp art said saba'ivisiod7, such strips or' land fo be kePl open? aml �"ee 71nm )&ildl,a ardsfesrrt1sucfur�es apT uarnyre`nfainrd?ceesrMfh0e1ref/aa. Wv/ tevices, rrr1grainand g/or/n'i" 5ar7d y VW X hT TITLE COUPW PY OF 5,411TA CL.41?A C01l#rK, a cal-X)�-afarr--Owner W Z Z ZY TITLE• COUIP4,c/Y OF 9,,4P74' o { CLQ2,�1 CO.LINT Y/./,, a carcora/ion- Taslee 5T,4 TE OF C4LIFO/�r(/!.4 CGJ1I7-1 Off' S4ITA CU2Q ss On Phis 3 o'ay ..... ,190, Ablary Pab/ic 1r7 67,17d for said cour71y crr7d.sfafe, fesidrr7y therein da/y sworn ar7d i0r7ed, rveisor7c�i/y appeared _ and �-MW17 7b me fo he /he resoec lively of l/ie 1/alley 7�//e C' anp ?y o>n 50)7fa Clain Canny, fhe 5-4,-P3WI1o17 fhv-f execaled fhe owllhln i;nhr r7erlf crs 0"er ar7d Tiuslee ar7cl k7owr7 A me iLa he Me ,oersdns who euecaled fhe sQrr7e on hehalT d said corro1-0110r7 and They C,11170W1610q'ea' /v rave hhVl .Baia,- col cora4br7 exeCllled the same. /P 9117i IF5S W#fP2:-0r / have hel'=1710 sel my hand a l',:Axed lily DTTrcia/ seal fhe e41 crr>d yer/r rn ff7is ee ricak 701rsf cr/Zave wnh'en. �tlol`ary Pab/ic rn ar7d for fhe Caren y of xrVIC Clare, S/ate off' Co/iTc�rrrrQ TRACT NO* 2793 CONS/STING OF TWO (2) SHEETS BEING A PORT/ON OF OU/TO RANCHO LYING W/TH/N THE C/TY OF SAN JOSE RUTH AND GONG CIVIL ENGINEERS SAN JOSE SCALE: A100' CALIFORNIA JULY,1960 /3,49/S OF i5E4 2l t16 The beariny llez" 9`2/" W, or fhe center/rne of 6011incger toad as shorWn on fhaf eel/9rr7 1,VQ,o "Tract #Q 19ZO" recorded ir7 66r)i 54 crf Pages .-74 5anfc7 Cara Cour7fy 0#/ba/ ,Cecords, xas Palen as The basis of a 1/ bearings shoxr oo /his map. A/OTES 411 disfa MS and drnen5ior7s shown hereon are in reel and deCl/WIS ff7eird The blue border lnollc(7145 Me bundorres oP fhe /arn' Fz1bd1y1ded loy this mao The area within the Noe border is .9 557,4cres EA161 fED?5 CE1?7-1F16',47f- /� E �AcxsoN GD�n,t .JR. herehy cerfiry 117Qf / am a fZeyisfered 6-lvil79iireer or fhe 5rafe a/ Calirorrricr, fhaf ,-his reap consisfir7y or two (2) shPe/s Correcfy reprriei* a survey made Ur7Cie)' !ny supervisior7 in July, /9G0. Mol fhe surveyis free 6717d comp/de as 517ow17; ffiaf all rl7onulVenfs 0? fhe here4717 4cfu4// axis/ or rye// be se� fhaf (heir pasif/oars are corr�el y showa card A61.suc rrronurnerlfs are ,su1 cienl to enable fhe 5uryey fo be reljt2rm ! lZeyrsfPreA' Ci' it Engineer Cer7`i i e ,C/�..fa4D2 CITY E�1,1611V EPl 5 CEIF7-IRCr475 / hereby cerfir� that l have exar77ir7ed Me wllbin hart,-/ Map off' Trucl //9 2799; 117al fhe ,subdWr&7 shown fhereo17 is sUbsfanlia11 fhe same as if cr amd y pry on fhe fenfafire crap fhereo� and nay approved cr/feral`ions,- f17 - provisions of fhe Cant-& pia .5'fale 64-601'Yi51017 1YIcrp 4c-I and ar7y Iota/ ord/nanees apo/ieab/e a/ fhe }erne cO approver/ of fhe fen/alive rnap have been complied Are/h avn/ / am safisr�ed fl r` said ,o is /echrrica//y correct Dole: _ 5�P.l`..:.../5' FIM//,(/El?,v Ci e E7�ineeri City W*& Jose, Ca/i*omen CE PT/F1C4 TE OF PI-4111,111,1C C'O /SSlarcl 74ppoYnY by fhe Plarrnirx� Cornrr7iscion ar fhe C� of n Cu/irarnia, lr7 off' law 717 a Q'u/y dr7fh0rized rr7ee¢ir7g 17eld an fhe ... day af'....!`�s 4s S r ........, /960 3 CITY CZERe5 CE'2TACIC4T£ if is ardPredr1hallk reap or Trac/ kUg 2799, be and fhe ,sarr7e is hereby approved ff7af al/streets and easememS- as .6how7? on Bard reap a17d fhereir7 oT 'erect Tor a'ea'ICC/10n fo IJ46/1c use are hereby dccep/ea' >dr fhe purposes rn/eraa'ecr! / herebby cerfi y than fhe Toreeoing dra'er was adooled by /he Cify COU,7Cil of The City o)' �5arr Jose, Cal r!orr7ia, of a r'ey tar e77ee{gig helm FI?AVC/S /. y Grey COUIIV TY 0FCO2/JE'1z'5 CEPTI FICA Accepted kr retard ar7c1 r-ecoro(ed in 5ook /.2.7 ..oT Maps cut Rages a.... ar7ar ..A1. _..., ri7 The orrice 0)0f17e leecorder no �5�rr71a Clain COr7nfy this .. rh'day d jyQc) eM,de .fr.., 1910, af2;zi�?/1 A,4bL. fe TF1L.H- Coup y 1&-order xinfa Clair Coa,7 r, aNporma Y Ve Sheel 1 W 2 5hee6r Job PQ /1823 127 20