B0106P0049gimd4 9arlrrn 067te, - ,=• 9?.7 `• -90.00_'--' -90.00"--" 90.00—" -"94.40'-- -94.ao"""-- -9aao--- -.4o.ao-- -9Q.Oo---- 9aA `a.83---2T.�1' +" O.00--- - 90.ao-- Lands of CowQn It Ei al CITY ENGIENEERS CbRTiricArE /, Puleld Ahlgrm, hemiycerfifyfhat/hare nammodfhe within fi/a/map of Tracl4lo. 2370, Yaecresl, jkl a. /,' fhallhesuddY%ilmslrownfheraanlssubsfanfiMyfhesameas/f4,owarea'o1?1he a0,01MM`fetlfafiye fhafallprayisioas cfffie California Suba'iy/lion /1'apAcf, as amended, cndafany local ordnance applicable afffie lime ofyprava/afffie fenfaf/vemap have been complIed 1h and/haf/amsafisfiadfhalsaid mapIslechmcd/ cam el OUi-fRD. AI1LGREN, Cify<"r ineer cFRT D a.i 3a7 CITY CLERXS CERThr1V7E /, ✓ohliIM#ope, Cify CYPrkoflhe Ci y ofLosA/fas, hereby certify 1*11he wi617 fiiralmapofTracfNo. 2370, Yuecteff, lJrlif No.1, was approved byfhe c/ y Cauaci/af fhc Cify alZosAlfas, Safe of Callff ia, vfaduly authorixedmectiny heIrian/{he /eiayof 4-,/959, aadsaid caunci/drdofsaid meefiny acc D/, an 6ehalfoffhepub/ic, fhededcafionofa//easements asshoWlt onsaidmap wtfhin said suMyis/on 6liffhededicafian Ofofls/reefsshown otrsaidtnap wifhinsaids11MM9ian was not accapfed. OM . R. HIE, Cify C/irk. clTr, cA119 COUNTY RECORDERS CERTIFCATE -J file No. Z fed Fiyevo/lars, pd,;d Accepted f rrecard aadrecordedin BaeirLO6ofMaps olAyoe� m fhe office offhe Counfyflecorder ofSarrfa C/ora County, California, fhis2l day af'/j?A-,/959, af_S7minules past,, oc%cis �,M. SYL C. TlILLY, Caunfy Recorder. y ASM MYTAfMA.R CIVIL ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE &vlye S. Nal/e, hereby cerf;fylhaf/an a Re yisferea' 0/Y1/.ky1;7ee1- offheSfafe ofCayfrn/a; fhaffh/smap, consisting afoneshee/, correcf/yrepreseafs asurYeymaa'eundermysucerYisiao duringFebruary,1959; fhaffhesurYeyis frueand ample% asshawn; ffiafa//monurnenfsshomnherearr actually existorwi//6e p/acedupon camp/ctiorl a ffhesfreefimproremenf work andares0l1volle wohle fhe surveyhl he retraced. ZOR6ESNOL7E, CiYilEng/neer. rERr.No.7SM 1177.76 fd.t•�.F..� 4an45/9 Of 04XIS B451S OF BEARIMS The heariny, offha/colkin Ri hldWay, temlidedin,Boals 9B0of0IFi'io/ Records, Page 210, vesfednlhe Cafho%Fareiynhfl.Vion Society ofAmemra andshawnanfhaf carfam RecardofSurveyrecordea'ia Bao/rd2ofhlaosarlPa9e 29, SanfaCCara CounfyRecords, Cal12rnia, was fa/jenasfhehas/s ofbearin9s shownarl fhismaa. NOTES & ll'ZM0 The Mile border Ire iadca/ss fhe boundary of/andsu6art�ideq',6yfhis map. Q//aisfances 4nddimerrsions areshowninfeef anddecima/sfhereaf. a Indleafesa/'%hXP#MonuMnfsef. • lndreafes a Monumerr/foutrd. ® /n�cafesalosA/tas CifyMonumen/sef !" Iron p1pe set of All lof• corners 5TATE Of CQLIFORN1A County Of5onfaClaro Dn thrs dvyof ` a J959, before Me oNoforyPufr/rclnondforSa�Sfgfe artdCounty, re5rdn9 theTIn, duly commi5sivnedand5worn, persa�o/!y appeared James.�!Ba& and n!&ber _ _ known tome lobe l Preslikd and Secretary,respective/y, of Barber & ; oLA�1nc. , _ fhecorparo/ierr fhaf execufedfhe Wl1h1n XSIMrnenf and the pe�svns who execafedda?iehalfof ea/d corpordion arld they adnawledyediom thdguch aoroarofion execdedthe some as Owner. INWITNESSIYNEREof/fayehereinlo5efrnyhandar�dafiixedrnyoffc�a/tea/fhedoy arldyear lasfpbove wrifi�n. ,GIy aommusiaaexpires /�// a,_. 9 G o T �� T -- - �itOf.dR puBGIcINAVAOR rl� COUNTY afbANTA CLARA, STATE OFCAWfdKN/q. STATE OFC,4LIFORNM Counfyaf Sar>fa Clara OafhisLQday tl/- ,1959, keforeme�� aNafarypvb/rcinondfrsr� 'Sfafe and County, resialhy therein, du/ycammissianedandsworn, ersoaa//y aopeored �Q�/ F Po�`� ana' C.F.�r� — lsiiawnfo me to,6e fhelrc� presio�f aad.�;s��5acrelary, resoecfive y of :Tf/e /nsarance & 7rrrsf C�aa the coraarafiat� ff�fexecrr>'edfhewiffin insfrumenf ana'fhe per9a m who axeeutedifaa Malfal "said corporation 4vm(1hq vc, m#1e i,4vn fa i /haf och eorporafron exea-ha'fhetame as7"*f ZVTEE. INXMIMSS dYHfRhDFlha�ehereunfasefmyharTdandaffixediryofficia/.s�alffieday a�year/asfadave written. MMy cam)7rissioneXp/res .11 '� HcrA,�rpaactclNAh, e'counry aFSANTA CLARA, STA oFc,4l,/FaRNIA ' OIYNERS CERTIFICATE We hereby cerf/fy haf or om1heowaers aforhayeseme riyhl'f/f/6,or/nlemsf in ana'fo fhe In/ prolxl Inc/vdedWiIhitl 1hesubalksion shaven upon /his map; that m are the on/y,oel oas whose conselrtls necessaryta pass a clearfif/e to saidrealpraperty; /halve hereby cansenlfo fhemdln andrecarding afsaidsubdiyisiorr andmap as shown wIlhirrfheb/ae Av-*ll eq. We herebyafferfonhokatlon 1,opL(h1k use a//sfr lY andparfionsofsfreefsnafherefafare 6Yisfinq asp iksfreefs andwe rrlsahem4 ded/Cafe fa public use eassmellfs for,P41hk LIMI PS aldl rsform sowers anorsolklysewers underonorcrer fhae rmlmnsfrps of /ami/mg between 1herearC411 Vol ors/de /fines of/ofs andfhe dashedlines, each desynafed es PU.E,"iollhk 01�.Casement aad/ar "3:D. E'rSform Drainage Easemenfj rand/r ;SS.E. "(SaaifarySewarFasemenl�, easemedf under on or over/base cerfainsfrips of/ana�deli�ea/edond desgnafed as A�'(Qitcfior,EasemenfJ a>rde4semenls � For wire c%arance�r aces only oar/hosecerfain areas de/ireafed and designated as'lt!C,b; "(ire Clearance b'asemenf,�Pub%Uhi/i/y, SIMMOrainage andSanifary SewerEasemenfs fo dehepfc%ar of builo�nys dndsfrucfures ofany hina'excepf/awfu/fPaces: Ufi/fy Company sfrucfv $S Permiffeiin Pub%Ufi%fry' Easemenfs en/y. WmeC/earancebasemenfsfode/imiled /a Av%lrings, shrucfures andah wr. feMPOS fhemle which have oma lmuln &e hfoMfffeen1$,faAoye 166,rao'eaffi%,gr�ndl�e of ter: Ne a/svfiereb dedreafefo vb/c use, 6utreserre.rclusrve/ fob arrers o>ofs wife%n fhissuYisian ffiose y p y - cerfour sfrips of/arid, f foot in widfh,� dd�i,�rraled ask"/'Res'�t•Ye :'aadradicaled dyadashed%ne,unt/suchimeasese,r�srr`�ffe.ylhe POW YOM1,7inyGady, af�yhrcfihire *rar f�f/f rmino�► ana'6e of Kok' h�rW'Xech TROJAN CONSTRIIMT iAl CO, a harp fr n .._. J I arl ar � a Vic., 01�NERS COS; - 'oe,DES/O,Vr - PIfFS/d�lT ., � ✓.4.NE5., f(. st ER, ... �sS/5j.il1T��`cKEjAR}� �MAVKi8blR, $HCREj.4kr TITLE INSURANCE RUSTCOti1P Xfacorporation, suceg�rbymer�r tOCallfarnlA PacifcTrtle Insurance Company, a co, rat n, as 7R , uI M,Mb AMIMMr cr A Z15r ATSrM79Y : . 57A7E Of CLIfORNI Counlr/alga ntaClara On /hls- dayaf -lip" be oleme.� Na%ryPabliciiiondlirsaid SIO'le and Caunl residin herein du/ commissioned ana/swarn, ersana// a red dsYinC. Johnsen 4adN/YJsfane, ynawnfome fo 8effie presio'enf andAssisfaafSe Diary, respYe.of'T jan Con- sfrucf/on Co,, the corcar'atian Ihafexecufed/he within insfratnenf adthepersons who ex�cuiee d on. he. ha/fof9aid corporation andfhey adIm-11my' edlo me fhafsuch corporation evealedfhPsamerrsOWrrer. IN W171YISS MIREOf/hays hereunfosefmyhandondaffixedmyofficia/sea/fhe day andyeor in Phis cer/ificafe rsf aboYe;rl ffen. L Ji My commission expires. 44f i��— MARY AMIC /HANG 1'a THE Ca!/HTY --- 0F.M47,4 CARA, sTATHOFG46IF0RRA. TRACT NO. 2370 VUECREST UNIT CONSISTING OF NO. 1 ONE SHEET BUNG A PORTION OF 5AN ANTONIO RANCHO LYING WITHIN TWE CITY OF LOS ALTOS, GALIFORNIA. SCqLF.I'•i0o 440.11, 1959 GEORGE S. NO LT E CIVIL ENGINEER •-•• LAND SURVEYOR PALL ALTO•-SANTA CLARA­WALNUT CREEK-,SAN RAMEL 6N•S'9 lob 4q it 9