B0031P0052XCER rh=1CAT& OF OWMEA2 . We hereby certify (hot we are /he owners of or have some right, title or interest in and to the re{o/ property included witf7117 the subdi vi - sion shown upon fhis mop, and fhof we are the only ,nersons whose con- sent is necessary to pa%5 a clear title to said properly, and we consent to the naoeing and recording of said mop and subdivision as shown wilhin the border lines and hemhy dedicate to public use a// the streets shown upon said rnop within said subdivision. We 0150 hereby dedicate for public use eoserVents for public utilities under, on or over those certain strips of land lying between the rear &7&s and/or sio�- /fines d lots and (fie lines each designated as 'iPU. E "or ;oub- /ic utilities easement "os sho wn on said mop within said subdi vision; such strips of land to be leept open and free from buildings and structures of ony ,find. We also hereby dedicate for public use dose certain strips of lond desig - noted as "reserved for future public rood" being one foot ir7 width across the ends of Arboretum Drive and As,oer2 Orive, reserved exclusively for fhe owners oflots in said subdivision until additional strips ot'/ondod.- joining 1fJern for the exlension of staid Drives are occepled by the Board of Supervisors of the County of.Santa Clara. .SZR� ,gA 2P0l2A T/0/V - a Colifornio cor archon.. \ ey . s f /ter side" Secretary- Treasurer Ap ITIE5 COMPANY, a corporation, os TPUSTEE. A /yIEP/CA aU5T COMPAAl Y, a corporation, o s BENEFIC/AR Y. xl�By--t--a---z. Vice W-President Assisfonl Monger AC1Z1V0WL eD6&",EA1 T. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF 5ANTA CLAl2A -ss. On tfiis� day of_�. , I95/, before me, Ks R ,o Notary Public In and for the Cour7fy of Sofa Cora, Sfafe of California, msid - ing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, person/ly oppeared R. V dones, ,(known fo me to be /he .Dre sident, and Carl S. Vella, kno wn to me to be /fie .5ecretory -Treasurer of the 5&rro Coraorntion, the cor- porotion fhof executed //he yvillnn instrument, ©nd known to me fo be the persons who executed the same upon behalfof the corporotion nomed Ifiereirj, and aeknoyv/edged to me fhof such corporation execuled the some. IN WITNE55 WHERE•Of; / have hereunto set my horid and affixed rncJ. officio/sea/ the day and year in this cerlMicde first obove written. r o N E X js r r e 5-- ®r Notary Public In and for the Counly of Santo Clara, State of California. TRACT NO. 8,06 WOODLAND ACRES UNIT NO. 2 BEING A PORTION OF THE SAN ANTONIO RANCHO SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SCALE I"= 100' SEPTEMBER, 1950 ENGINEERING OFFICE OF L. CEDRIC MAGABEE SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA CEi2T/F/CATE OF CLEelZ aF BOA.2D OF 541-PER V15OR5. /t is ordered fhof the map of Tract No. 606 be and the same is hereby ap- proved, fhof a!> streets, /ones, alleys, roads, and olher,00rce/.s of %rod showI7 upon said mop and #herein offered for dedication be ar 1he some ore.,�leL hereby accepted for the purposes far` which the some ore offered fordedi� cotion. The Clerk of /his Board is directed to endorse upon the f ce ofsaio'rnop o copy Of this order authenticated by the sue/ of the /hoard of Supervisors. I hereby certify fhof the foregoing order was adopted by the Boardo' Supervisors of a reefing of said Boord /95/ . ,f T. Mc&EHEE, Counly Clerk s� Ex-Officio Clerk of the ooard of 5upervisors of the Counly of 5TATE OF CAL/f0,2N/A COUNTY OF SANTA C,LAPA --ss. On /his day of F e 6 . , /95/ ,before me,Fv a wc e � d x "� ,a Notary Public in and for /tie County ©J Oanta C/oro, State of Colifornio, residing therein, du! commissioned and sworn, persona//y appeoredL-n ,Da at,5a n , /mown fo rrie to be the Vice -President and l, i. e - Cob —,known to me to be the Assistant 5ecrelory of the Arnericon .5curi - ties Company, the corporation fhof executed /he within instrument os trustee, and mown to me to be /fie persons who executed the some uoon behalf of the corporation riarred therein, ono' acknowledged fo fine fhol such corpora- tion executed the same as Trustee. IN WITNES5 WHE,2EOF / hove hereunto set my hond and affixed my officlol sea/ the day and year in this certificofe first above written. Notary Public in and for the County of,5onla Cloro, Slate of Colifornio. C,ERT/F/CA TE OF E1V611V&&R. /, Edward S. Stafford, hereby certify /fiat / am a peg/stered Civi/ Eryi- neer of` the 5tate OfCo/ifornio, /ho/ /his map consisting of two sheets correctly represents a survey made under my supervision in Sep/ - ember, 19,50; /hat. /fie survey is Prue and comp/efe as shown; that c1l of fhe rnonuirenfs shown thereon consisting of iron pipe actually exist and their positions ore correct/y shown and /fiat sold monuments are suffid- ent to enable the survey to be refmced. Pegislered Civil Engineer -No .6&8 CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR. / hereby certify. fhof / hove exornined Ihe &7a/ mao of Trocl No. 806; fhof the subdivision as shown (hereon is substantially the sarne os if aca- peored on the tenfptive mop (hereofand any opproved o/femfions; that o// the provisions of the Mao Act and ofany local ordinance applicable at f/7 time of the appro va/ of the lentoti ve rrup have been complied with, and that / am sotisfed that said mop is lechnioally correct ,20BEPT B. CHANDLER, Counly Surveyor, .Soto Clam Counly, CclIforn/a. _st_ DOteOr _F�brii�r'y� /95/ . By Deputy 6yCoe /( cw T/F/CA TE OF COUNTY QECOaDEQ . Accepted for record and recorded in ,Boob 31of Maps, Aoge520 s,3 In the office of the Counly Recorder of the County of Sar�fo C/arri fhis 20 oay of f-e 6 1951, at �: 1/ ,9 M. CHAS A. PAYNE, Counly Pecorder of the -� Counly of5onla Claw, Colifornio. .By STATE OF CAL IFOPIVIA Deputy COUNTY OF SANTA CLA QA -ss. On #74. � day of_ .4 "/95/ , tf -,fore me, I.A/ame's ,a Notary Aub/ic in and far the Counly of Sara' Clorza, 5tafe of Ca/ifornid, residing 1hercir7, duly commissioned c�nd sworr�, ,oers©Wally app�red /mown to me to be the Vice -President, and.- 66 , known lb me lobe the Assisfonl Monoger of the American Trust Compony, the corporallbn fhof executed the within instrument as .beneficiary, and known to to be /fie persons who executed the same upon behalf of the corporation mmed therein, and ocknow/edgged to me tfotsuch corporation executed the some as bent ory. IN WITNESS Wl-lfaEOF' / hove hereunto set my horad and affixed y official seal the day and year in fhis certificate first above wri Iten. Notary P& c in and for the Coufity of Santa Caro Stole of Colifornio. SHEET ONE OF TWO SHEETS - S- 4091 ■t 31 52 (31 B/o1' a .e X W N W J N W 0 Cr. 0 W .J IL O N Z J BAS/S OF BEARINGS NO TE. The bearing of Arborelum Drive as shown on mop of Trod Na. 605, re- corded In Mop Book 24, oayes 4 � 5, Sonlo Cloro Counly Rmords, was Token os basis of twrings shown upon /his map. A H &.5lances and dimensions are shown Infect a e decllmI5 (hereof. The .b%ue border inoficoles boundaries of lanol suhdi vided by 1i1s mop. 314 "iron ,oipe sel atoll lot corners and indimled thus: - CURVE DATA CURVE RAMUS A L ST A 40' 35039'33" 24.89' B 40' 51 ° 19' 04:' 35.83' C 40' 63°49'48" 44.56' D 40' 31°2t'07" 21.89' E40' 35p49' 18" 25.01' F y 0* W 51 * 29.G2' 18.28' G 20' 95038*55" 33.39' 22.08' H 20' 74'44' 2G.09' 15.27' J 20' 85`00*30" 29.73' 18.38' 1L 20' 124000*30" 4129' 3T.63' L 20' 550'59' 30" 19.54.' 10.63' M 20' 88055, 31.04' 19.63' N 20' 110°00430" 38.40' 28.57' 4 20' 90006' 31.45' 20.04' P 20' 1 125010' 43.G9' 38.%' Q 20' 54°5O' 19.14' i0.37' P. = 40' 35'05'55 " . 24.50' 6 y 8 8 4 -,-,_s_3 SHEET TWO OF TWO SHEETS, I S-4091