FAC 10-27-98 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting October 27, 1998 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:41 p.m. Rita Young called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the pledge of allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Rita Young, Commissioners Stephen Beard, Hema Kundargi, Janet Mohr, Carl Off, Charlene Pai-Brizendine, Mary Sievert. City staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith and Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sievert moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 22, 1998 as amended with a correction to page 2, item E, to read "Young stated that she believes there are a lot of projects the Commission could fund that could bring art to Cupertino." Beard seconded and motion passed unanimously. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Several Commissioners stated that they were pleased with the written response that the City Clerk sent in response to a citizen's inquiry regarding the Distinguished Artist of the Year Award. City Clerk reported that there is a new website for the sculpture center. She also distributed a copy of the current budget report. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Report from grants ad hoc committee (Kundargi, Mohr and Off). The ad hoc committee recommended grant awards to California Youth Symphony in the amount of$I,200; Peninsula Symphony in the amount of$I,250 and Bay Area Showcase in the amount of$975. Beard moved to approve the grant awards; Off seconded. Motion passed unanimously. October 27, 1998 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 7. OLD BUSINESS A. Status report from the Four Seasons Comer ad hoc committee (Sievert, Young and Beard) City Clerk reported that the interviews for landscape architects had taken place and Mr. Paul Lettieri of Guzzardo & Associates was selected. The Parks and Recreation Department is working with the developer to prepare the contract. The Four Seasons ad hoc committee and the landscape architect will be defining the scope of the project during phase one. The Parks and Recreation Commission and the Fine Arts Commission will then meet to prepare a report on the recommended direction for the project and present its recommendation to City Council. The specific design will take place during phase two and construction documents will be developed and planting, etc. will take place during phase three. Discussion developed regarding the Fine Arts Commission's role in the Four Seasons design process. The Commission agreed that the artist should be brought in as a design member with the landscape architect. The artist request for proposal contract will be amended to state that the City will be the owner of the art. The ad hoc committee will be revising the milestone summary, and City Clerk will contact other cities to get their artist distribution lists. B. Status report of special events banner (Orr). Off reported that the stand for the banner is still in progress. c. Status report regarding 1999 Cherry Blossom Festival (Kundargi, Young). Young reported that six schools have confirmed that they will participate this year and she is continuing to encourage additional schools to participate. Kundargi stated that she had purchased the felt material. Materials will be distributed to the schools in mid November. October 28, 1998 Fine Arts Commission Page 3 D. Update on grants suggestions ad hoc committee (Kundargi, Young, Pai- Brizendine). The Commission discussed some of the areas they felt were in need of art. City Clerk will review the grant application and revise the news release language for the Commission's review. 8. COMMISSIONER AND LIAISON REPORTS The committee roster will be updated. Kundargi attended mayor's breakfast in October. Young will attend in November. Pai-Brinzendine announced that there will be an event sponsoring human rights on December 9. Commissioners were invited to attend the event. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:58 p.m.