FAC 04-28-98 City of Cupertino FINE ARTS COMMISSION Regular Meeting April 28, 1998 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:39 p.m. Rita Young called the meeting to order in Conference Room A and led the pledge of allegiance. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLLCALL Present: Chairperson Rita Young, Vice Chairperson Janet Mohr, Commissioners Stephen Beard, Carl Off, Charlene Pai-Brizendine (7:47 p.m.), Mary Sievert. Absent: Commissioner Hema Kundargi. Staff present: City Clerk Kimberly Smith and Recording Secretary Dorothy Steenfott. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Sievert moved to approve the minutes ofthe regular meeting of March 24, 1998; Beard seconded and motion carried unanimously with Kundargi absent. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS City Clerk reported on several articles that arrived after the packets were distributed about art in the community. She also reported that a letter was received from the Cupertino Historical Society thanking the Commission for the grant to publish a catalog of their exhibit titled "From the Ground Up". Young reported that she attended one of the Living Artists Theater performances done by Fine Arts grant recipient Ken Young. She stated that the performance was very believable and that the performer dressed up like Matisse and remained in character throughout the performance. The children were encouraged to draw something they knew about, but in a different way than they usually would. The performer plans to come back to the school to present certificates to the students. Beard reported on a news article he received regarding one city's fight against graffiti by covering traffic boxes with art so that taggers do not have a clean slate to work on. April 28, 1998 Fine Arts Commission Page 2 6. STAFF REPORTS City Clerk reviewed the budget status. She stated that the grants account now has $100 remaining and the special events budget has $1,000 remaining. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. View videotape of past Distinguished Artists provided by The Better Part. The Commission moved to Conference Room E to view the videotape. The City Clerk said that a list of all Distinguished Artists had been given to Mr. Bill Mannion who planned to videotape any who had not been interviewed in the past. B. Brainstorming session for new art-related activities for children in public areas. Pai-Brizendine stated that she felt more activities related to art should be established for children. She felt that it does not have to be a large project, but should be on-going and perhaps a small group of children could spend time creating something with their hands once a month at one of the parks. Discussion developed regarding the possibility of bringing in someone who works with children to coordinate the activities. City Clerk stated that when advertising occurs for the grant cycle, we could also state that we're looking for someone who works with children. Young and Pai- Brizendine volunteered to form an ad hoc committee to further develop the idea and said they would report back at the next meeting. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Report on status of Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and definition of "community input" for Four Seasons Comer. Committee is Sievert, Young and Beard. City Clerk reported that the RFQ was distributed to the City Attorney. He did not have any particular comments regarding the RFQ but wanted to review the contract and suggested it be distributed with the RFQ. but that when the artist is determined, he would like to review the contract at that time. City Clerk also reported that she had heard from the Planning Department regarding the other three comers surrounding the Four Seasons Comer. April 28, 1998 D. Fine Arts Commission Page 3 She stated that the Chevron station has been given a sign exception in exchange for a 12' by 12' area for a future art piece and/or landscaping. At this time everything will be phased in. Chevron will get their signs and landscape the 12 x 12 area. The landscape architect RFP for the Four Seasons Comer is being distributed and after a number of applicants have been selected for further review, they will be asked to provide a model. The models will be displayed and the public can vote for their choice, and then the Fine Arts Commission will give their recommendation to City Council, who will have the final vote. The artist will then be brought in to begin work on the Four Seasons Comer and the City can decide later whether to change the landscaping at Chevron to an art piece. B. Follow-up report on 1998 Spring Sing Along/Euphrat Family Day from Pai-Brizendine. Pai-Brizendine reported that the exhibition went very well. She stated that it would be nice to continue, but that planning should begin earlier in the year. C. Follow-up report on student art exhibition at Cherry Blossom Festival (Pai-Brizendine, Young, Mohr) and discussion of any changes for next year. Young reported that there were nine models of the Four Seasons Comer created by seven schools. She stated that planning for the event needs to be done earlier and that the schools need to be notified by August in order for an event like this to be included in the curriculum. Off suggested that a trophy be given to each of the participating schools and agreed to check with First Place. Young stated she would like to distribute letters to each of the schools along with the reimbursement checks. City Clerk stated that if a generic letter is done, she could get the mayor's signature. Young will prepare a letter and forward to City Clerk. Status report from Cultural Arts Event ad hoc committee (Mohr, Sievert & Bob Hopkins from Parks and Recreation Committee) regarding the Family Film event. Sievert reported that there is still a plan to have a film event. It was determined that the cost and logistics were prohibitive for an outdoor event. Planning is now underway to have a winter event involving different community culture for three nights and include food from each culture during the event. April 28, 1998 Fine Arts Commission Page 4 E. Second review of proposed special events banner and selection of final color, size, and mounting hardware. Sievert distributed updated drafts of banner designs. City Clerk will contact the Public Information Officer regarding a scaleable city logo to be provided to the manufacturer. Beard shared a sample of a banner and the vinyl product that is used and said that the company he worked for, Silicon Graphics, would donate the banner. Off agreed to research the cost of portable, lightweight mounting equipment, poles, etc. 9. COMMISSIONER AND LIAISON REPORTS A. Review of Committee Roster. Off reported that the mayor's breakfast was very nice. He stated that nine or ten commissioners were present at the breakfast and that he will attend the May meeting. Young reported that she participated as ajudge at the Euphrat student art competition on behalf of the Commission. The Mayor also selected an entry and all winners would receive a ribbon at the reception. 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m.